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兄弟排行次序最小的:~弟(小弟)。~父(小叔叔)。末了:~世。~春(春季末一月)。明~(明代末年)。~军(体育运动竞赛的第三名)。一年的四分之一:一年分春夏秋冬四~。~度。~风。一段时间:~节。~候。~相(xiàng )(某个地区在某个季节……
汉语拼音:qiū jì
The foremost reason among them was the fact that she had fewer invitations than usual for the autumn.
其中主要的原因是今年秋季她接到的请柬比往年少了。In his autumn statement, he said this would be followed by a 1% cap on their pay rises for the two subsequent years.
在秋季声明中,他表示在随后两年里还将再削减1%的薪水。When he (Magic Johnson) tried to make a comeback in the fall of '92, the fears of some outspoken N. B. A. players forced him to call it off.
1992年秋季魔术师的约翰逊想重返N.B.A.,但由于一些直言不讳的球员(怕被染上艾滋病),使他打消了这个念头。Ducks traveled over the river idyllically. Most trees started to be ready to welcome the coming of fall.
河面上鸭子们悠然闲游在水面上,各种树正迎接着秋季的到来。When credit markets seized up in the fall, the ECB began offering banks unlimited loans at its policy rate for up to six months.
去年秋季信贷市场紧缩时,欧洲央行开始以政策利率向银行提供无限额贷款,贷款期限最长可达6个月。Some of my most pleasant hours are during the long rain storms in the spring or fall , which confine me to the house all day .
我最愉快的一些时光是春季和秋季那些长长的暴雨季节,它们使我不得不整天呆在屋里。In his conversation this week, Mr. Hurd said the last time the two saw each other was in Boise, Idaho, around the fall of 2009.
赫德在本周的谈话中说,上次两人见面大约是在2009年秋季,地点位于爱达荷州的博伊西市(Boise)。The peak of the total amount of bacteria in the air of Huangshi is in the shopping-traffic-mixed quarter in autumn and spring.
黄石市空气微生物菌落数的高峰出现在商业交通混合区的秋季和春季。Parthenon temple friezes wait to be hung in the new Acropolis museum in Athens. The state-of-the-art museum is due to open in the autumn.