







汉语拼音:biān zǔ






  1. 排列组织。

    宋 田况 《儒林公议》卷上:“生平纂集数百卷,其劬劳至矣。然皆声韵偶丽,编组事物,鲜有及理之文。”

  2. 组织成小组。如:编组的时候,必须注意到各组力量的平衡。



  1. That of course turns into a bigger problem when you try to marshal things back out, and the problem propagates quickly.


  2. The object to be marshalled must be an instance of a class that's defined with a global mapping in the binding.


  3. Another scenario where Ajax is particularly useful is in grouping large sets of data into pages, usually referred to as pagination.


  4. Perspectives are groups into folders, and a collection of perspectives is called a content package.


  5. Unless you want to marshal out your classes every time you need to access information, you've got a real problem on your hands.


  6. So in a Java and XML environment, marshalling would involve converting some set of Java objects to an XML document (or documents).


  7. John Ashe, Antigua and Barbuda's UN ambassador, compiled the texts as head of a group looking at future cuts in emissions by rich nations.


  8. Shunting operation is the center of marshalling yard organization, and is the important component of the whole railway transportation.


  9. This encoding process is called marshalling, and it is an important element of the Java RMI Specification.


  1. 车辆编组方式

    Mode of train formation

  2. 工程兵战斗编组

    combat organization of engineer

  3. 全列重车编组

    full loaded car formation

  4. 编组场机械化

    mechanization of classification yard

  5. 空重车混编组

    mixed empty and loaded car formation.

  6. 编组线缓行器

    siding retarder

  7. 编组线停留车表

    table of wagons on sorting tracks

  8. 车辆分去向的编组原则

    Grouping principle of sorting.

  9. 我们明天早上重新编组?

    Should we regroup in the morning?

  10. 固定编组列车的高边敞车

    unitrain gondola

  11. 列车编组计划车流分析系统

    Train Flow Analysis System for Train Formation Plan

  12. 编组场货车通过的辆数

    wagon throughput

  13. 编组编成小组的行为或过程

    The act or process of uniting into groups.

  14. 列车编组计划车流分析系统设计

    The Design of Train Flow Analysis System of Train Formation Plan

  15. 领导零部件接收,编组和制造流程。

    Lead parts receiving, marshalling and build processes.

  16. 列车编组计划模型及其计算策略

    The Model and Relevant Computation Strategies of Train Formation Plan

  17. 集装箱班列编组计划相关因素分析

    Analysis of Factors Relevant to Formation Plan of Container Blocks.

  18. 成都北编组场成都黏土改良试验

    Test of Chengdu Clay Soil Improvement on North Marshalling Yard in Chengdu

  19. 集装箱班列编组计划优化模型研究

    Research on the optimization model of the block container train formation plan.

  20. 北伐战争前国民革命军的编组

    Organization of the Nationalist Army before the Northern Expedition War

  21. 编组颜色砖使用磁铁创造小组同样颜色。

    Group colour bricks using magnet to create groups of same colours.

  22. 她未列入该编组使大家感到惊讶。

    Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.

  23. 作业使用的资源被编组为系统池。

    The resources used by jobs are group into system pools.

  24. 你从编组好的机械的学习过程开始!

    YOU START with a regimented byrote LEARNING process!

  25. 信息编组的典型例子就是分块记忆。

    One example of organization is chunking.

  26. 列车编组方式对运行空气阻力的影响

    Influence of form of train formation on running air resistance

  27. 郑州北站是亚洲最大的列车编组站。

    Zhengzhou Station is Asia's largest train marshalling.

  28. 编组站报点子系统应用中的改进措施

    Improving measures in application of Marshalling Station Time Report Subsystem

  29. 日志浏览器可过滤,编组和用规则查找日志。

    Log Viewer with filter, grouping and advance rule to find logs.

  30. 杭州枢纽编组站两站编组功能合一的思考

    Consideration on combining the classification function of second shunting yard in Hangzhou pivot marshalling yard


  1. 问:编组拼音怎么拼?编组的读音是什么?编组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编组的读音是biānzǔ,编组翻译成英文是 put into groups

  2. 问:编组场拼音怎么拼?编组场的读音是什么?编组场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编组场的读音是biān zǔchǎng,编组场翻译成英文是 Classification Yard

  3. 问:编组站拼音怎么拼?编组站的读音是什么?编组站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编组站的读音是biān zǔ zhàn,编组站翻译成英文是 classification yard

  4. 问:编组作业拼音怎么拼?编组作业的读音是什么?编组作业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编组作业的读音是biān zǔ zuò yè,编组作业翻译成英文是 Team Exercise

  5. 问:编组列车拼音怎么拼?编组列车的读音是什么?编组列车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:编组列车的读音是biān zǔ liè chē,编组列车翻译成英文是 making up of train




拼音:biān zǔ