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唐 韩愈 《送李六协律归荆南》诗:“早日羈游所,春风送客归。”
《二十年目睹之怪现状》第八三回:“偏偏 侯制军 要凑高兴,催着 侯统领 早日完娶。” 巴金 《探索集·赵丹同志》:“我听护士说癌症的诊断给排除了,还暗中盼他早日恢复健康。”
Recognising this and refusing to overreact will significantly help you to bring forward the day when it's all just a part of the past.
认识到这一点,并且拒绝过度反应——这将会在很大程度上帮助你早日解脱,届时,这些麻烦都仅仅是过去的一部分了。The rusting hulk, first purchased privately, was towed to China via Macau, prompting early speculation that it might be used for a casino.
生锈的废船,第一次购买私人,被拖到中国经澳门,促使早日猜测,这可能是一个赌场使用。Shipment is stipulated to be made before. . . but we would appreciate your trying to arrange to ship the goods at an earlier date.
货物按规定应在某月某日前装运,但贵方若能竭力安排早日发货,我们将十分感谢。Ning He and his wife Jane, son Dennis also insisted that the English at home, even if the English do not understand of American society.
他和妻子简宁,儿子丹尼斯在家也坚持说英文,即便一点不懂英文的老父在场也不例外,为的是让下一代顺利进入私立学校,早日成为美国社会的精英。Wheelchair-bound in recent years with heart and spinal problems, Taylor is appealing to her multitude of fans to pray for her wellbeing.
由于心脏和脊椎的疾患,泰勒近年来只能在轮椅上度过。此番她呼吁影迷们祈祷其早日康复。Today, her headaches, she went to see a doctor, the doctor told her to go home bed rest, and we hope her a speedy recovery.
今天她头痛,她去了看医生,医生叫她回家卧床休息,我们希望她早日康复。Say: "If what ye would see hastened were in my power, the matter would be settled at once between you and me. "
你说:“假若我能主持你们要求早日实现的刑罚,那末,我与你们之间的事情,必定被判决了。”The little kid asks me to say hello to you and looks forward to seeing you as early as possible.
小家伙们让我向你问好,并急切的盼望着早日能见到你。The question of the rights of conscience was basic in the early settlement of Maryland, also.