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汉语拼音:zhèn dàn
古代 印度 称 中国 为 震旦 。
《佛说灌顶经》卷六:“ 阎浮 界内有 震旦国 。” 唐 王勃 《益州德阳县善寂寺碑》:“蛟臺蜃阁,俄交 震旦 之墟;月面星毫,坐照 毗邪 之国。” 明 宋濂 《西天僧授善世禅师诰》:“ 大雄氏 之道以慈悲愿力导人为善,所以其教肇兴于西方,东流於 震旦 。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致蒋抑卮》:“近数日间,深入彼学生社会间,略一相度,敢决言其思想行为决不居我 震旦 青年上。”
The lower structure layer consists of the Sinian to the Devonian, in which the A-Man low ridge is observed.
下构造层由震旦系-泥盆系构成,所谓阿-满低梁主要即发育于该构造层。Cute design twin vibrators . It comes with individual controls for both vibrators . Powerful micro motor with variable speed control.
可爱设计双震旦:兔子旦及透明旦。设计为可分离式独立控制配备超静音微型强劲马达之无段变速震动器。Affluent P-ore resources in west Hunan occurred mainly in phosphor block rock deposit of Doushantuo Group Upper Sinian System.
湘西地区磷矿资源较丰富,主要为赋存于震旦系上统陡山沱组中的磷块岩矿床。The paleo-oil reservoirs showing in Sinian System-Lower Paleozoic are very normal and bitumen in the paleo-oil reservoirs is very abundant.
四川盆地震旦系-下古生界(简称下组合)古油藏发育,储层沥青丰富,在不同层系均可见及。Rare-earth elements and depositional environments of the Sinian system in southwestern Hunan are discussed.
湘西南震旦系是在“江口裂谷”作用下形成的一套特殊地层。Despite the first boost in diversity, however, the Ediacaran creatures all but vanished before the Cambrian explosion that followed.
尽管在生物多样性上有了首次推进,然而,震旦纪的所有生物都在随之而来的寒武纪爆炸前全部消失。Sedimentary type deposits usually formed during late Sinian to Cambrian period.
沉积型铅锌矿主要形成于晚震旦世—寒武纪;The clay minerals of phosphate ore deposit are widespread in Sinian and Cambrian strata.
滇东磷矿床中粘土矿物分布比较广泛,在震旦系到寒武系各地层中均有分布。The ore-bearing bed consists of black rocks from Upper Sinian Series to Lower Cambrian Series.