




1. 饮 [yǐn]饮 [yǐn]喝,又特指喝酒:~水思源。~酒。~泣(泪流满面,流到口里,形容悲哀到了极点)。~鸩止渴。指可喝的东西:冷~。~料。~食。中医汤剂的一种类型:香苏~。~子(不规定时间服用的汤剂)。中医学指体内水液传输不利停于……


1. 醍 [tí]2. 醍 [tǐ]醍 [tí]〔~醐〕古代指从牛奶中提炼出来的酥油,佛教喻最高的佛法,如“~~灌顶”(喻把佛法、智慧、悟性灌输给人,使人彻底醒悟,亦借指听了精辟的言论深受启发教育)。醍 [tǐ]较清的浅红色酒:“粢~在堂”……





汉语拼音:rú yǐn tí hú







  • 【解释】:比喻使人思想上一下就通了。


  1. na.
  2. be like drinking elixir

  1. 电源插座不能靠近有水的地方, 如饮水机旁, 洗手池

    Socket should not be putted near the place such as water dispenser and hand sink.

  2. 而水液储留可以由如停滞的水湿痰饮的病理物质引起。

    Whereas, retention of water may form such pathological substances as water, dampness and phlegm retention.

  3. 饮烈性酒之后所饮的饮料,如啤酒或水

    a drink,as of beer or water,taken after hard liquor

  4. 烈酒后饮品饮烈性酒之后所饮的饮料,如啤酒或水

    A drink, as of beer or water, taken after hard liquor.

  5. 如清脾除湿饮、益胃汤加减内服。

    If Qing Dynasty is lienal, Tonga of stomach of dehumidify drink, beneficial decreases to be taken orally.

  6. 一种饮具, 如杯子, 具有高脚和底座。

    A drinking vessel, such as a glass, that has a stem and base.

  7. 饮杯可乐,你能感受如可乐般清新的春潮。

    You will find your youth as refreshing as a can of coke.

  8. 何况一个堕落可憎, 饮恶如水的人!

    How much more is man abominable, and unprofitable, who drinketh iniquity like water

  9. 高脚杯一种饮具,如杯子,具有高脚和底座

    A drinking vessel, such as a glass, that has a stem and base.

  10. 也存在诸多的不同, 如制茶, 饮茶习惯, 风俗等等。

    There are many different, as tea, tea drinking habits, customs and so on.

  11. 至于哪个更合适自己,就如人饮水,冷暖自知了。

    As to which more appropriate oneself, water like the person, changes in temperature from cicada.

  12. 如女孩没有反胃及呕吐的情况出现,可以给予女孩热饮。

    Offer some hot drink to the girl if she has no complaint of nausea or vomiting.

  13. 如过度消费,暴饮暴食,抽烟或者其它任何的坏习惯。

    Such as overspend, overeat, smoke cigarettes, or any other bad habit.

  14. 生命如像一瓢清水, 我宁饮下这盏苦杯。啊!

    If life flows like water, then let me drink this bitter cup.

  15. 而水液储留可以由如停滞得水湿痰饮得病理物质引起。

    Whereas, retention of water may form such pathological substances as water, dampness and phlegm retention.

  16. 如有,你平均一星期有多少日会饮最少一杯的酒精饮品?

    If yes, on how many days per week during the last month, on average, do you drink at least one alcoholic drink?

  17. 不适应者叮减少麟的扭入吸,如适应可适当琳加饮且。

    The accommodator does not bite the reduced large male deer to turn into attracts, suitable should be possible the suitable Lin Canada to drink, and.

  18. 饮来令人精神为之一振,口感愉悦,单宁如丝般柔滑。

    The palate is pleasant a generous and silky tannins.



【词目】 如饮醍醐

【发音】 rú yǐn tí hú

【释义】 比喻使人思想上一下就通了。

【出处】 清·吴敬梓《儒林外史》第34回:“少卿妙论,令我闻之如饮醍醐。”

