




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:piān yào







  1. 偏偏要;却要。表示故意违反客观要求去做某事。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二六:“何不在那边时节请了?偏要留到我家来请!” 清 李渔 《风筝误·冒美》:“不知为甚么那风筝就像有脚的一般,偏要钻在你家来。” 王西彦 《黄昏》:“我们祖宗三代都不是走险路的人。他偏要不相信,偏要去,偏要去走险路。”



  1. But why should you wish to persuade me that I feel more than I acknowledge?


  2. Why concern ourselves so much about our beans for seed, and not be concerned at all about a new generation of men?


  3. 'Well, Father', said Nasreddin, , this time I thought that I would do just what you told me, to show you how stupid your orders always are.


  4. Yet the children of Manasseh could not drive out the inhabitants of those cities; but the Canaanites would dwell in that land.


  5. But our partial to say: 'I always be with you, and we don't even leave for life ". "


  6. It's abominable, to be sure, but St. Clare will have high life belowstairs, and they every one of them live just as they please.


  7. It was not good for him to take any wine, but he drank with his eyes open.


  8. He said to himself, it is not possible that the boy can answer the simplest question -- why did the Judge ask him?


  9. such a scandal? It is blowed out from SZU. It is the phrase " the poor environment usually be with the poor phenomenon" .


  1. 你偏要走歪门邪道。

    You take the other side.

  2. 你偏要这么粗心吗

    Must you be so careless

  3. 你偏要这么粗心吗?

    Must you be so careless?

  4. 不该他去,他偏要去。

    He was not supposed to go but he insisted on going.

  5. 不该她去,她偏要去。

    She was not supposed to go but she insisted on going.

  6. 他为什么偏要那样做?

    Why must he do it that way?

  7. 不,我不允许,不,我们偏要

    No, you won't. Yes, we will.

  8. 为什么你偏要这么固执?

    Why must you be so stubborn ?

  9. 她干吗偏要和我闹别扭?

    Why must she be so nasty to me?

  10. 明知无危险,偏要逞勇敢。

    It is easy to be brave from a safe distance.

  11. 我偏要你继续做购物狂。

    Yet I let you be yourself.

  12. 你为什么偏要挑我的不是?

    Why pick on me?

  13. 虽然我告诉他不要做, 他偏要做。

    He would do it, though I told him not to.

  14. 我们偏要坐在这个椅子上面!

    But we still sit on this bench!

  15. 有的是国家, 为什么偏要去挪威? ?

    Why go to Norway, of all countries ?

  16. 那么多地方,为什么偏要去冰岛

    Why go to Iceland, of all places

  17. 我们不会那么煞风景, 偏要说不信。

    We would not spoil the fun by saying we didn't believe in him.

  18. 为什么你偏要找那姑娘的岔呢?

    Why must you always be finding fault with that girl?

  19. 有得是国家, 为什么偏要去挪威呢?

    Why go to Norway, of all countries?

  20. 这个恳求者偏要耶稣答应他的请求。

    a suppliant for her favors.

  21. 国家多得很,为什么偏要到南非去。

    Why go to South Africa, of all countries?

  22. 为什么我父亲偏要对我隐瞒这事呢?

    Why, then, should my father conceal this from me?

  23. 他明知喝酒对他没有好处,但偏要喝。

    It was not good for him to take any wine, but he drank with his eyes open.

  24. 正在我最忙得时候, 他偏要来打搅。

    Just as I was busiest, he must come bothering me.

  25. 正在我最忙的时候,他偏要来打搅。

    Just as I was busiest, he must come bothering me.

  26. 你们是出于你们的父魔鬼, 你们父的私欲你们偏要行。

    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

  27. 本为什么偏要偷我们家,就因为我们姓西弗?

    Ben Why would someone rob us Were the Seavers.

  28. 有不少青少年不听父母得劝告, 偏要吸毒。

    Many teenagers defied their parents by smoking marijuana

  29. 有不少青少年不听父母的劝告, 偏要吸毒。

    Many teenagers defied their parents by smoking marijuana

  30. 可我不服气, 偏要赢一盘给他们瞧瞧。

    I refused to give up and determined to win a game to prove myself.



【拼音】:piān yào二刻拍案惊奇

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