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My brain had been divided into two hemispheres . I shall think for her .
我的大脑已经被分割成两个半球。我会帮着她思考。The Artorian safe haven was a domed shelter located on the sea floor several kilometers below the surface of the Great Sea of Artorias.
阿托瑞安避风港为一座位于阿托里安大洋海平面以下数公里处海床上的半球型庇护所。We feel that this hemisphere can only be secure and free with democratic governments.
我们认为,本半球只有在民主政府的领导下才能得到安全和自由。EVEN more than tempting liquors like tequila, tobacco is a pleasure that the Old World wishes it had never taken from the New.
烟草,比烈性龙舌兰酒更诱人,但是东半球多么希望它从来没有从美洲引入这一享受。In what have come to be known as Broca's area, Wernicke's area and angular gyrus, all located in the left hemisphere of the brain.
位于被称为布罗卡区、韦尼克区和角形脑回的区域,它们都位于大脑左半球。Let's say that I gave you a sphere of radius a centered at the origin, or maybe just half of that sphere or some portion of it.
已知以原点为心,以a为半径的球面,也可以说是半球面或是球面的一部分。As you know, for different activities we rely more heavily on either our left or right brain hemispheres.
正如你知道的,我们不同的行为活动主要依靠我们的左右脑半球。Bill Donius: How did you discover writing with your non-dominant hand as a way of tapping into a different part of your brain?
比尔·杜纽斯:你是如何发现将用非优势手写作作为挖掘另一脑半球的方式的?Since the earth is shaped like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.