


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:fā yuàn






  1. 佛教语。谓普度众生的广大愿心。后亦泛指许下愿心。

    《法华经·提婆达多品》:“於多劫中常作国王,发愿求於无上菩提,心不退转。” 唐 白居易 《香山寺新修经藏堂记》:“先是, 乐天 发愿修 香山寺 ,既就,迨今七八年。” 元 无名氏 《连环计》第二折:“还待要花言巧语将咱骗,你恰纔个焚香拜告青天,深深顶礼亲发愿。”《西游记》第五八回:“就是发愿斋僧的,也斋不着这等好人!”《花月痕》第八回:“后来 痴珠 解馆, 心印 以心疾,发愿朝山,航 南海 ,涉 峨嵋 。”

  2. 表达愿望。

    明 梁辰鱼 《步步娇·秋日别情》套曲:“重发愿,愿年年相见,胜似今年。” 鲁迅 《坟·我之节烈观》:“我们还要发愿:要人类都受正当的幸福。”

  3. 指表示决心。




  1. Jane shoots down his request for her to marry him to accompany him on missionary work in India.


  2. We must swear to see to it that all mankind know legitimate happiness.


  3. Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom. Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings.


  4. Right after the parinirvana of great enlightened beings, whatever virtuous aspirations and commitments you make will swiftly be fulfilled.


  5. Vow to be a streetlight showing the way. Vow to be a tree offering its branches for shade to passersby .


  6. The Earth Treasury Bodhisattva regarded hell as a cultivation ground, vowing to go to the place of suffering to save lives.


  7. If you want to produce change in your life, take the time to declare it to the universe in whatever way feels right.


  8. Is a past Buddhist relics Fu, various kind man, woman, if the one who have letter should deliver a wish and living that national territory.


  9. They vowed that they would be husband and wife in the lives to come.


  1. 她发愿要当歌星。

    She made up her mind to become a star singer.

  2. 为何发愿生彼国土

    Why one should aspire to be born there

  3. 净土法门之发愿

    Vow in the Pure Land Practice

  4. 发愿必须发利益众生的大愿。

    Make great vows, to benefit all sentient beings.

  5. 她从小就发愿要当个舞蹈家。

    She made up her mind to be a dancer when she was very young.

  6. 他们还一起发愿,生生世世做夫妻。

    They vowed that they would be husband and wife in the lives to come.

  7. 发愿作一支蜡烛, 燃烧自己, 照亮别人。

    Vow to be a candle giving light to others.

  8. 人生的目标,是来受报、还愿、发愿的。

    The purpose of life is to receive karmic results, fulfill old vows, and make new ones.

  9. 发愿作一方大地, 普载众生, 生长万物。

    Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings.

  10. 发愿作一朵鲜花, 吐露芬芳, 给人清香。

    Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance.

  11. 发愿作一本书籍,展现真理,给人智慧。

    Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom.

  12. 发愿作一个冬阳,温暖大地,成熟万物。

    Vow to be the winter sun shedding warmth.

  13. 发愿作一支画笔, 采绘世界, 增添美丽。

    Vow to be an artist's brush adding to the world's beauty.

  14. 有的时候, 我们发愿像他们一样, 不过我们不诚心!

    Sometimes, we make the same vow as they did, but we are not sincere!

  15. 有得时候, 我们发愿像他们一样, 不过我们不诚心!

    Sometimes, we make the same vow as they did, but we are not sincere!

  16. 若有众生,闻是说者,应当发愿,生彼国土。

    If there are beings who hear this teaching, they should aspire to be born in that land.

  17. 像度母一样, 她发愿常转世为女身利益众生。

    Like Tara, she took a vow to always be reborn as a woman.

  18. 发愿必须发利益众生的大愿, 并且随时随地身体力行。

    Make great vows, to benefit all sentient beings, then action at any time, any place.

  19. 诸善男子善女人。若有信者。应当发愿生彼国土。

    Hence, Shariputra, good men and women of faith should aspire to birth there.

  20. 并对每一种发愿对象进行了详尽的分析和比较。

    Each kind of purpose is detailedly analyzed and compared.

  21. 跋甘肃武山拉梢寺北周造大佛像发愿文石刻碑

    A Study of the Stone Inscription of Vows for the Giant Buddha Statue of Northern Zhou in the Lashao Monastery of Wushan, Gansu, Postscript

  22. 只要他肯发愿努力,每个人身内都潜伏有成佛的势能。

    Every man has within himself the potentiality of becoming a Buddha, if he so wills it and endeavours.

  23. 地藏王菩萨视地狱为道场,发愿到苦难的地方救度众生。

    The Earth Treasury Bodhisattva regarded hell as a cultivation ground, vowing to go to the place of suffering to save lives.

  24. 弄清楚自己到底想改变什么是你开始向宇宙发愿的第一步。

    You can begin the process of making your declaration by getting clear within yourself about what exactly you want to change.

  25. 诸佛菩萨曾发愿要让如本文的无私愿力祈请文能圆成。

    The buddhas and bodhisattvas have vowed to work towards the accomplishment of selfless aspiration prayers such as these.


  1. 问:发愿拼音怎么拼?发愿的读音是什么?发愿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发愿的读音是fāyuàn,发愿翻译成英文是 To express one's wish.



佛教语。谓普度众生的广大愿心。后亦泛指许下愿心。 发愿 - 词语释义 发起誓愿之意。又作发大愿、发愿心、发志愿、发无上愿。总指发求佛果菩提之心(菩提心);别指完成净土,以救济众生之心(即誓愿)。盖菩萨所发之愿,有总愿、别愿、净土成佛愿、秽土成佛愿等,种类甚多。于净土宗,誓愿往生净土者发遣自己修善,此发愿往生之心,称为回向发愿心。唐代善导于观经疏玄义分解释六字名号(南无阿弥陀佛),称南无有发愿回向之意。亲鸾谓此乃阿弥陀佛发救度众生之愿,而为众生得救之因;或解作遵行释迦、弥陀二尊之发遣招唤,而欲生于净土之心。 发愿 - 大体分类 又愿心大体可分为二:(一)发求菩提之愿,(二)发度化有情之愿。又四弘誓愿、十大愿皆属于发愿。此外,有关修善作福等皆须先发愿,而记其趣旨之文称为发愿文,又作愿文、誓愿文。如南朝梁代沈约之千僧会愿文、隋代智者大师之发愿文、善导之发愿文等皆是。 一时佛在舍卫国,祗树给孤独园。与大比丘僧,千二百五十人俱,皆是大阿罗汉,众所知识:长老舍利弗、摩诃目犍连、摩诃迦叶、摩诃迦旃延、摩诃俱希罗、离婆多、周利盘陀伽、难陀、阿难陀、罗侯罗、乔梵波提、宾头卢颇罗堕、迦留陀夷、摩诃劫宾那、薄拘罗、阿那楼陀,如是等诸大弟子。