







汉语拼音:hóu yún






  1. 谓色彩惨淡,望之易于引发愁思的烟云。

    汉 班倢伃 《捣素赋》:“伫风轩而结睇,对愁云之浮沉。” 南朝 宋 谢惠连 《雪赋》:“岁将暮,时既昏;寒风积,愁云繁。” 唐 胡曾 《咏史诗·苍梧》:“无计得知陵寝处,愁云长满 九疑山 。” 宋 吴文英 《点绛唇·试灯夜初晴》词:“卷尽愁云, 素娥 临夜新梳洗。”

  2. 比喻忧郁的神色。

    元 张可久 《塞鸿秋·春情》曲:“疎星淡月秋千院,愁云恨雨芙蓉面。” 茅盾 《春蚕》四:“村里的空气一天一天不同了。才得笑了几声的人们现在又都是满脸的愁云。”



  1. "We have really enjoyed seven to eight years of a great environment, " she said, but hospitals are now preparing for a much grimmer future.

  2. The global gloom followed the release of economic data in the United States that showed deep cuts in employment in October.

  3. My son is healthy now and I have a daughter who, growing up, will have the choice to be career-oriented, family-oriented or both.

  4. But Latvia is still in a dreadful mess.

  5. My mother was slowly dying of cancer, and our household had become agrim and demoralized place.

  6. Surveys by the London Chamber of Commerce reveal a bleak mood among businesses.

  7. A look of misery spread over Martha's face.

  8. As a result, the movie industry was in a tailspin and hemorrhaging money.

  9. Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, and death's dark shadows put to flight.


  1. 家长愁云密布的脸

    The parent's careworn face

  2. 他的脸上愁云密布。

    His face was overclouded with sadness.

  3. 他们的脸上愁云密布。

    Their faces were clouded with sadness.

  4. 玛莎的脸上布满了愁云。

    A look of misery spread over martha's face.

  5. 玛莎得脸上布满了愁云。

    A look of misery spread over Martha's face.

  6. 如今,这里的市场也是一片愁云惨雾。

    Nowadays the market here is also gloomy.

  7. 他整日愁云满面的,也不知为了什么。

    I don't know why he always looks sad.

  8. 这消息使全村笼罩著一片愁云惨雾。

    The news a gloom over the village.

  9. 这消息使全村笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。

    The news cast a deep gloom over the village.

  10. 知识消除了围绕在问题周围得愁云惨雾。

    Knowledge wisps away the clouds of fear around a problem.

  11. 知识消除了围绕在问题周围的愁云惨雾。

    Knowledge wisps away the clouds of fear around a problem.

  12. 近日的新闻报道好像被愁云惨雾所笼罩。

    The newspapers are always full of doom and gloom these days.

  13. 但2009年关于民乐界并非一片愁云惨淡。

    But not all the news was bleak in the folk world in 2009.

  14. 那个消息使全家笼罩着一片愁云惨雾。

    The news cast a deep gloom over the whole family.

  15. 他低垂着头, 满面愁云, 向台阶近旁走来。

    gloomily , with downcast head , he drew near the steps

  16. 压抑的气氛似乎将整个宿舍置于愁云惨雾之中。

    The air of the dorm was as cold as frost.

  17. 一听到这消息, 她的脸上顿生愁云。

    On hearing the news, her face clouded over.

  18. 关闭矿山的命令下达的那天, 镇上一片愁云惨雾。

    It was a sorrowful day in that town when the orders came to close down the mine.

  19. 侯爵问,他已经注意到维尔福满脸愁云。

    Asked the marquis, remarking the cloud on villefort's brow.

  20. 春风拂面, 吹走了你惨淡得愁云, 换来你欢快得笑脸。

    Spring stroked my face, blown away by your dismal gloom, in exchange for your cheerful faces.

  21. 春风拂面,吹走了你惨淡的愁云,换来你欢快的笑脸。

    Spring stroked my face, blown away by your dismal gloom, in exchange for your cheerful faces.

  22. 才得笑了几声的人们现在又都是满脸的愁云。

    People who had just begun to laugh were now all frowns.

  23. 才得笑了几声得人们现在又都是满脸得愁云。

    People who had just begun to laugh were now all frowns.

  24. 当时天上全不见星光, 惨淡的愁云, 层层叠叠, 堆在地平线上。

    The stars had disappeared, heavy clouds filled the horizon with their melancholy folds.

  25. 他满脸愁云地从电动车上取下送给我家的牛奶。

    Instead, he was the epitome of gloom as he dropped off his wares from his wire carrier.

  26. 大姐笑着亲吻女儿, 离婚的愁云惨雾刹那间从她脸上消失。

    Wayan laughed and kissed her daughter, all the sadness about the divorce suddenly gone from her face.

  27. 尽管这些烦心之事无可避免,世界顶尖的机场令你愁云尽扫!

    Although these hassles can't be avoided, the world's top airports help you forget about them!


  1. 问:愁云拼音怎么拼?愁云的读音是什么?愁云翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愁云的读音是chóuyún,愁云翻译成英文是 Worry and sorrow.

  2. 问:愁云惨雾拼音怎么拼?愁云惨雾的读音是什么?愁云惨雾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愁云惨雾的读音是chóuyúncǎnwù,愁云惨雾翻译成英文是 Worry and sorrow.




【注音】:chóu yún



作者:愁云 小说《浴火凤凰》:是命运的巧合,还是上天的捉弄?她在一次意外事故中穿越成为遭受困境的公主,被同盟国误做亡国奴