


1. 著 [zhù]2. 著 [zhuó]3. 著 [zhe]著 [zhù]显明,显出:~名。~称。显~。昭~。卓~。写文章,写书:~述。编~。~书立说。写作出来的书或文章:名~。巨~。遗~。译~。~作。古同“贮”,居积。著 [zhuó]附……





汉语拼音:zhù zhě






  1. "The biologic explanation for this clinical observation is, however, far from clear, " the authors add.


  2. In one commentary, the author asked: if Jesus were to go to a pet store, what animal would he bring home? Would it be a cat or a dog?


  3. The charts are meant to help clinicians and patients discuss health risks, note the authors.


  4. Such a book will not add to the author's credit.


  5. The writer points out the habitat of Cibotium Baromets In Taiwan and analyses the causes of wide distribution of this fern.


  6. Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West. By Christopher Caldwell.


  7. The writer's identity, experience and research methods decide the possibility of restoring un-retrieved cultural memory.


  8. This paper presents the results of trachoma epidemiology studied, during the past three years, with slit-lamp biomicroscope.


  9. Chinese General Author Table has strong controllability for standards and convenience.


  1. 著者标目起始线

    outer indention

  2. 校订著者的作品

    to emend on author

  3. 克特著者号码法

    Cutter author marks

  4. 真伪可疑的, 著者不明的图书

    apocryphal book

  5. 著者号码表标准化研究述评

    A Review of Standardization Study of Auther Number Table

  6. 成为出版物或作品的作者或著者

    to be the writer or author of published works or a work

  7. 规定著者款目为必须编制的款目。

    This made author entry compulsory.

  8. 规定著者款目为必须编制得款目。

    This made author entry compulsory.

  9. 合同期满后, 成绩显著者续聘。

    Those who acquit themselves exceptionally well will have their contracts renewed.

  10. 一本充分显示著者学术水平的书

    A book that gives ample evidence of the authors scholarship.

  11. 关于西文会议文献的著者号取号问题

    Give the Number of Author Mark on Foreign Conference Papers

  12. 通用汉语著者号码表自动配号系统

    The Automatic Numbering System of the Common Chinese Author Table

  13. 著者如用笔名,请同时填上真名。

    If a pseudonym is used, please also provide the real name.

  14. 古籍序跋在揭示著者方面的文献价值

    On the Document Value of the Preface and Postscript of Ancient Books Based on Revealing Authors

  15. 合著者之一一位合作或联合的著者

    A collaborating or joint author.

  16. 这样得书不会给著者添增名声得吧。

    Such a book will not add to the author's credit.

  17. 这样的书不会给著者添增名声的吧。

    Such a book will not add to the author's credit.

  18. 鞋子也可透露出许多关于穿著者得事。

    Shoes can also reveal a lot about the wearer.

  19. 通用汉语著者号码表自动配号系统评介

    An Evaluation of an Automatic Numbering System for Chinese General Author Table

  20. 有人借书,有人偷书,还有人跟著者要赠阅本。

    Some men borrow books; some men steal books; and others beg presentation copies from the author.

  21. 如果你只知道作者, 那就查著者目录。

    If you know the author only, just look it up in the author catalogue.

  22. 著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母顺序排列的著录。

    The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author's surnames.

  23. 著者索引中有按著者姓氏字母顺序排列得著录。

    The author index has entries arranged in alphabetical order of author's surnames.

  24. 我国人类基因组专题论文著者分布计量研究

    Author Distribution of Special Papers on Human Genome in Chinese Journals

  25. 而且, 人文社会科学著者自引率比自然科学要低。

    Basides, authors selfcitation rates in disciplines of humanities and social sciences were lower than natural sciences.

  26. 如果你只知道作者的姓名,那就本著者目录。

    If you know the author only, just look it up in the Author Catalogue.

  27. 塞勒斯太象著者自己,对他攻击不能过于猛烈。

    Sellers is too much a projection of the author to engage his wrath.

  28. 我很高兴知道 著者也是在休长假时写的这本书

    And I was pleased to see that he actually wrote the book while he was on sabbatical.

  29. 来自主要著录来源以外的著者叙述,以最具意义的顺序著录。

    If statements of responsibility appear in sources other than the chief source, transcribe them in the order that makes the most sense.

  30. 这一关系,在后汉书的著者范晔那儿也能得到证实。

    The relationship is also put to the proof by Fan Ye, the writer of The History of the Late Han Dynasty.


  1. 问:著者拼音怎么拼?著者的读音是什么?著者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:著者的读音是zhùzhě,著者翻译成英文是 writer; author


