


1. 喝 [hē]2. 喝 [hè]3. 喝 [yè]喝 [hē]把液体饮料或流质食物咽下去:~水。~酒。~茶。~粥。特指喝酒:~醉了。喝 [hè]大声喊叫:~彩。~问。喝 [yè]声音嘶哑、噎塞:“儿生,号啼之声鸿朗高畅者寿,嘶~湿下者夭……





汉语拼音:hè zhù







喝住 [hè zhù]
  1. 大声制止。《三国演义.第二回》:「武士拥陶出,方欲行刑,一大臣喝住曰:『勿得下手,待我谏去。』」



  1. They were quarrelling. Their boss shouted them down.


  2. You howl your little son.


  3. mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can. . .


  4. My time is small, about learned that we can not eat, is what home owner, so He Zhu a sister.


  1. 喝住你的小儿子。

    You howl your little son.

  2. 父母喝住她, 骂她这时候还不睡。

    Her parents hushed her and scolded her for not being in bed yet.

  3. 他们在争吵,他们的老板大声把他们喝住。

    They were quarrelling. Their boss shouted them down.

  4. 孩子们推推揉揉四处乱跑,直到被我喝住。

    The children kept barging about until I told them to stop.

  5. 孩子们四处乱碰乱撞,直到母亲把他们喝住。

    The kids kept barging about until their mother asked them to stop.

  6. 顿时,这些声音和混乱被门口一个低沉的声音喝住。

    Suddenly, all this noise and confusion was silenced by a deep voice at the door.

  7. 幸好杜邦教授即时赶到,喝住阿福,把阿保放回地上。

    Professor came along just in time and, with a shout, stopped Phooey.

  8. 他一声断喝,吓住了歹徒。

    He cried out, which intimidated the gangster.

  9. 仆人和跟从他的人吃了喝了,住了一夜。

    Then he and the men who were with him ate and drank and spent the night there.

  10. 不喝醉怎能停止住思索呢

    And if he didn't get drunk, how could he stop thinking

  11. 住在那边时,我一直在喝

    I've been having it with, uh.

  12. 住在中间房子里的人喝牛奶。

    The man living in the center house drinks milk.

  13. 住在当中的那个房子的人喝牛奶。

    Person, who lives in the middle house, drinks milk.

  14. 喝酒是我克制不住的欲望。

    Drinking is a compulsion with me.

  15. 喝酒是他克制不住的欲望。

    Drinking is a compulsion with him.

  16. 喝酒是她克制不住的欲望。

    Drinking is a compulsion with her.

  17. 他酒喝得太多了,站都站不住了。

    He has drunk so much that he cannot stand.

  18. 住在中间的房子里的那个人喝牛奶。

    The person lives in the middle house drinks milk.

  19. 官费吃喝的风气一定要遏制住。

    The atmosphere allowing the use of public expenses for personal purpose should be stopped.

  20. 官费吃喝的风气一定要遏制住。

    The atmosphere allowing the use of public expenses for personal purpose should be stopped.

  21. 他喝了一杯茶,压制住了自己的渴望。

    He quenched his thirst by drinking a cup of tea.

  22. 楚阳开始不停地喝酒,我拦不住。

    Chu sun began to constantly drink, I no holding.

  23. 人们一阵哄笑。法官把他们喝止住了。

    There was a ripple of mirth, which the court checked.

  24. 我觉得戴维喝多了,他都站不住了。

    I think David's had one too many. He can hardly stand up.

  25. 她想表示反对意见, 但主席喝止住了她。

    She tried to object, but the chairman slapped her down.

  26. 刹住大吃大喝,公款旅游,铺张浪费的奢侈之风

    put a stop to extravagance and waste

  27. 刹住大吃大喝、公费旅游、铺张浪费的奢侈之风

    Put a stop to extravagance and waste.

  28. 在美国,即使你住在亲戚家也不能白吃白喝。

    In America, even if you live with your relatives, you cannot be a freeloader.

  29. 流浪汉拦住农场主, 要他给点吃的和喝的。

    The tramp bailed up the rancher to ask him for some food and drink.

  30. 某些情况下,我们的确是喝狱警一起同吃同住的。

    In some instances, we're in it together with the C. O. s.



释义he zhu 喝住:大声喊叫以制止,用于使令,呼唤,制止等