


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……


1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……





汉语拼音:guò shèn qí cí








  • 【解释】:词:话,言词;甚:超过。指话说得过分,不符合实际情况。
  • 【出自】:茅盾《子夜》九:“赵伯韬藐然摇了一下头,再坐在沙发里架起了腿,只淡淡地说了四个字:‘过甚其词。’”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义,形容话说过了头


  1. will increase if the sentence given to business card printing and membership card-making sector of skilled people are supposed to be.


  1. 衰弱过甚。凋落不堪

    Be far gone in decay

  2. 不要妆扮过甚。

    Don't over dress.

  3. 甚至快乐也不可以过甚。

    Even in enjoyment never go to extremes.

  4. 争吵过甚会使你失去朋友。

    You always lose friends if you argue too much.

  5. 加热过甚的金属可能难浇铸成型。

    Overheated metals may cast badly.

  6. 人们不会相信言词过甚的人。

    People will not believe a man who exaggerates.

  7. 当焦虑过甚, 表现反而会受到负面影响。

    When anxiety gets too high, performance suffers instead.

  8. 老港口被沙阻塞过甚, 大船不能进入。

    The old harbor is now so sanded up that large vessels cannot enter.

  9. 对于杂交可能产生特殊品种一说, 实在夸张过甚。

    The possibility of making distinct races by crossing has been greatly exaggerated.

  10. 超过1000的暴力袭击事件都和每日饮酒过甚的人有关。

    More than 1,000 violent assaults are committed every day by people who have drunk too much.

  11. 超过1000得暴力袭击事件都和每日饮酒过甚得人有关。

    More than 1, 000 violent assaults are committed every day by people who have drunk too much.

  12. 因此,肯定或否定一切绘画都能表现时代精神,都是言之过甚。

    Therefore, it exaggerates to affirm or negate that all paintings can reflect spirit of times.

  13. 我一直努力关注人的故事, 甚过关注头条新闻。

    I have always tried to focus on human stories get behind the headlines.

  14. 让你代我受过, 甚感歉疚。

    You took the blame for me, which troubles my conscience deeply.

  15. 汤姆和露茜两人近来过从甚密。

    Tom and Lucy chased around a lot together recently.

  16. 这名男子在旅游时,秘密地与他的同事过从甚密。

    The man secretly collgued with his coworker on the trip.

  17. 在维尔纳, 她又与一位年轻的外国亲王过从甚密。

    In Vilna she had formed a liaison with a young foreign prince.

  18. 她做了何事,发生过甚么事?回去读约书亚记。

    If you go back and you read the second chapter of Joshua, the account is there.

  19. 你认为马利亚当时的脑海和内心会闪过甚么样的念头?

    What do you think raced through Mary's mind and heart?

  20. 为甚麽客户会透过这种另类方式购买产品?

    What's the explanation for this alternative way to purchase products ?

  21. 见过比此更甚者

    hear the beat

  22. 你心里有甚么念头掠过?

    What thoughts flit across your mind?

  23. 你和你的搭档过从甚密?

    You and your partner were close?

  24. 我还错过了手术,和其他甚多要事

    And I missed my surgery and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

  25. 你看来好像喘不过气来。你没有甚麽事吗?

    You look like you are out of breath. Are you all right?

  26. 意识影响行为,就像风掠过水面,影响甚微。

    So when it comes to our actions, consciousness really just skims the surface.

  27. 因为未带机票而躲过一劫,真是幸甚。

    It is really lucky to have escaped the disaster because of forgetting to bring the plane ticket.

  28. 甚少会有有经验的人尝试过或会去尝试这种实验。

    Few men of experience have tried or will try the experiment.

  29. 甚少会有有经验得人尝试过或会去尝试这种实验。

    Few men of experience have tried or will try the experiment.

  30. 甚少会有有经验的人尝试过或会去尝试这种实验。

    Few men of experience have tried or will try the experiment.


  1. 问:过甚其词拼音怎么拼?过甚其词的读音是什么?过甚其词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:过甚其词的读音是guòshènqící,过甚其词翻译成英文是 used to describe exaggerated speech