




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:quán yào








  1. 犹权贵。

    《后汉书·皇后纪下·安帝阎皇后》:“兄弟权要,威福自由。”《陈书·陆琼传》:“暮年深怀止足,思避权要,恒谢病不视事。” 唐 杜甫 《三韵三篇》诗之三:“名利苟可取,杀身傍权要。” 清 顾炎武 《病起与蓟门当事书》:“目见 凤翔 之民举债於权要,每银一两,偿米四石。”



  1. One investor said: "If there is no pre-emption element, the deal would have to be overwhelmingly convincing for us not to kick up a stink. "

  2. The management structures used for such large scale programs are quite complex, governed in a large extent by national bureaucracies.

  3. to ask the money back if the goods have quality problem.

  4. The buyer agrees if any of the above terms are disregarded, that the breeder may reclaim this kitten without a refund of the purchase price.

  5. In the case of insolvency, claims of debt in general, including bonds, are honored before those of both common stock and preferred stock.

  6. Society has a right to see law- breakers punished.

  7. If it is unreasonable to ask the obligee to adhere to the contract, he can terminate the contract.

  8. Even its most enthusiastic backers realize that the SDR will have to enter the ring slowly, gradually displacing the dollar.

  9. Until then Mao's position had been that Taiwan's liberation must have priority over Korea's unification.


  1. 中文爱要独占, 权要独揽。

    English Love and lordship like no fellowship.

  2. 朱迪有权要来就来。要走就走。

    Judy had a right to come and go as she pleased.

  3. 你完全有权要回你的钱。

    You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back.

  4. 她还认为,他有权要她倾力相助。

    she decided, moreover, that he had a right to her utmost aid.

  5. 我的命令是合理的, 所以我有权要别人服从。

    I have the right to require obedience because my orders are reasonable.

  6. 第一, 我们要权, 无产阶级要权, 不能让权被资产阶级拿到手上

    First of all, we want power, the proletariat power, so we must see to it that it is not seized by the bourgeoisie.

  7. 一旦你收到货物, 你有权提出要更高的价款。

    Once you receive the shipment, you can put in a claim for the overcharge.

  8. 一旦你收到货物,你有权提出要更高的价款。

    Once you receive the shipment, you can put in a claim for the overcharge.

  9. 全部的抚养权,你要这么做吗?

    Full custody? You'd go for that?

  10. 我们执了政, 拿了权, 更要谨慎。

    Now that we are in power, it is even more vital for us to act prudently.

  11. 不过, 在当时, 我要的既不是名, 也不是权。我要的是钱。

    At the time, however, it wasn't prestige or power I wanted. It was money.

  12. 政府要有权,必须显得能控制一切。

    For a government to have power, they must appear to have complete control.

  13. 如果你要有权,你就必须负起责任来。

    If you are going to have responsibility you have to be responsible.

  14. 一个饿得要死的人要选举权还有何用?

    What use is a vote if you are starving ?

  15. 你有权要求见你的律师。

    You have the right to ask to see your attorney.

  16. 社会有权要求人们守法。

    Society has a right to expect people to obey the law.

  17. 社会有权要求人人遵守法律。

    Society has a right to expect obedience of the law.

  18. 有权要求补偿这种情感创伤

    of being denied the opportunity to raise your real daughter.

  19. 第二,我们拿到这个权以后,就要谨慎。

    Second, we should be more prudent now that we are in power.

  20. 侵犯他人的生命权, 上帝是要惩罚你的!

    To infringe upon the right of life, god is to punish you! ! ! ! !

  21. 我坚信女人有权决定她是否要生小孩

    I firmly believe in a woman's right to her own body.

  22. 原告有权要求强制恢复他的会员资格。

    The Plaintiff is entitled to injunctive relief ? that his membership be reinstated.

  23. 侵权对另一方的权利的侵害, 另一方有权要求得到赔偿

    Violation of the rights of another party for which legal redress is available.

  24. 做为一位老顾客,我有权要求得到更好的接待。

    As I am an older customer I have a right to better treatment than this.

  25. 第十五条社会有权要求机关公务人员报告其工作。

    Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration.

  26. 任何工人在被解雇的情况下,都有权要求得到补偿。

    In all cases of dismissal, all workers are entitled to claim the appropriate compensation.

  27. 瑕疵为非实质性的, 买方仅有权要求降低购买价格。

    In the event of an insubstantial defect, the Buyer is only entitled to a reduction in the purchase price.

  28. 这一点可以对未支付偿金不分有权要求利息说明。

    The point can be illustrated by reference to the entitlement to interest on unpaid compensation.

  29. 为什么我们要有三权分立的政府?

    Why do we have three branches of government?

  30. 这是不是意味着要把领导权交给其他国家?

    Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations?


  1. 问:权要拼音怎么拼?权要的读音是什么?权要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:权要的读音是quányào,权要翻译成英文是 A person who holds an important post and has grea...