











汉语拼音:rén wú wán rén






  1. I don't care how much of a genius he is: Nobody is perfect.


  2. I guess Dad was trying to say that nobody is perfect and that, on some level, each of us has a weakness that makes us a bit "nutty" .


  3. no one is perfect in this world, i have low-class thought in your eyes, but some of you could also be very weak with your minds!


  4. Don't expect anyone to be perfect. Never a rose without a prick, you know.


  5. Like I said, it's tough, but I'm far from perfect and even make mistakes every now and then.


  6. Helen: You know, you can't be so particular. Nobody's perfect.


  7. The gold have no foot red, the person has no perfect person. Angry is an ego punishment, agony is can not pass with oneself.


  8. Say that no company is perfect, it had both strengths and weaknesses.


  9. No one is perfect. No one. Even if you think someone is, they aren't. Trust me.


  1. 人无完人。

    A friend without fault will never is find.

  2. 人无完人,金无足赤。

    Every man has his faults.

  3. 金无足赤, 人无完人。

    Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

  4. 金无足赤,人无完人。

    Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

  5. 金无赤足,人无完人。

    The brightest of all things, the sun, has its spots.

  6. 人无完人,别强求我。

    Everybody's not perfect, so give me a break!

  7. 没有人没有缺点,即人无完人。

    There is no man that has not his own faults.

  8. 你知道金无足赤, 人无完人。

    Never a rose without a prick, you know.

  9. 我们都会犯错,人无完人。

    We all make mistakes; none of us is perfect.

  10. 人无完人,包括你自己在内。

    No one is perfect not even you.

  11. 我是说人无完人,对吗?

    I mean nobody's perfect, right?

  12. 人无完人, 不管我们多么努力。

    Nobody's perfect, even though we all try to be.

  13. 最后一个教训是,人无完人。

    The final lesson is that mankind is imperfect.

  14. 人无完人,特别是在压力之下。

    Nobody's perfect, especially under stress.

  15. 虽然人无完人, 但问题力求精益求精。

    Not perfect but well on your way to being a masterpiece.

  16. 人无完人,就算伟人也会犯错误。

    No man is perfect, even if the great people can make mistakes.

  17. 人无完人,每个人都有自己的缺点。

    No one is perfect; everyone has his own shortcomings.

  18. 你们知道我之前说过的,人无完人。

    You can see what I said about it. It's a flawed masterpiece.

  19. 是的,人无完人,我们每个人都是不同的。

    True, we all have limitations, and there are differences among us.

  20. 人无完人,包括门口那个乱扔垃圾的人。

    All human are imperfect, even the man outside my apratment who litters.

  21. 人无完人,包括门外那个乱扔垃圾的人。

    All humans imperfect even the man outside apartment who litters.

  22. 诚然,人无完人,但我们总可以做得更好。

    It's true that no one is perfect, but we can always do better.

  23. 人无完人,只要他们很真诚,就信任他们,对他们友善。

    People are not perfect, so as long as they are genuine and sincere, trust them and be good to them.

  24. 人无完人,即便是那些在门外乱扔垃圾的人。

    All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters.

  25. 金无赤金, 人无完人。世界上不存在没有缺点的人。

    Gold pure and no man is perfect, the world does not exist without the shortcomings of the people.

  26. 海伦你知道的, 你也不可能那么特殊, 人无完人。

    Helen You know, you cant be so particular. Nobodys perfect.

  27. 你知道人无完人,你只能让自己尽量做到更好。

    You know that no one is perfect and you can only give your best.

  28. 人无完人, 即使是在门外乱丢垃圾的人也是一样。

    All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters.

  29. 金无足赤, 人无完人, 只有优秀和缺陷并存, 才是一个完整的人。

    Gold can, t be pure and man can, t be perfect, only the man who have both excellent and defect is a whole man.

  30. 人无缺点世上无。

    Nobody lives without fault.