







汉语拼音:cǐ duàn







  1. 这段时间,近来。

    《宋书·谢庄传》:“此段不堪见宾,已数十日。”《南史·萧子范传》:“帝谓 武林侯 萧諮 曰:‘此段 庄陵 万事零落,唯哀册尚有典刑。’”

  2. 犹这些。

    《南史·齐豫章文献王嶷传》:“此段小寇,出於凶愚,天网宏罩,理不足论。” 宋 陆游 《送芮国器司业》诗之二:“还朝此段宜先及,岂独遗经赖发挥。”



  1. The hadith , as referred to by many scholars, was a descriptive rather than an imperative.


  2. Moreover, a conclusion can be obtained that the embankment needs to be reinforced. Finally, the reinforcement plan has been analyzed.


  3. The sawtooth nature of this section is again because of the interleaving of the GC and application to preserve low pause times.


  4. Performing the data type conversion is a common task, so this piece of code can be reused.


  5. As the speech was being aired, two infantry divisions and supporting loyal armour approached the palace grounds.


  6. Up to now, Simatai Great Wall has been listed by UNESCO into the World Culture Heritages .


  7. The historian said chronicles from the time pointed to a different method of transmission - person to person.


  8. The koala is found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia, from near Adelaide to the southern part of Cape York Peninsula.


  9. Guys, after reading this item, you can't say this column has never done anything for you!


  1. 发评论时删除此段文字。

    Delete these words when you addhere.

  2. 此段河流严禁外人捕鱼。

    The fishing in this stretch of the river is strictly preserved.

  3. 此段应接续前页末行。

    This paragraph should follow the last line of the previous page.

  4. 此段本报告上文已经讨论过。

    This paragraph has been addressed earlier in the report.

  5. 入段者已达到此段水平的运动员

    One who has achieved such a level.

  6. 因为有挑战性我才给你此段。

    I gave you the scene because it's challenging.

  7. 此段经文中神行了那些奇妙的事?

    What wonderful things have God done in these paragraphs?

  8. 首先,请注意此段代码顶部的那个函数。

    First, notice the function at the top of the code listing.

  9. 此段的宽度和长度随不同的充盈情况而变。

    The length and width of this segment are changeable in different phase of filling.

  10. 在继续下面内容之前,确保你能编译此段代码。

    Be sure you can compile this code before continuing.

  11. 要查看此段,请输入管理员的用户名和口令

    To view this segment, type an administrator user name and password

  12. 此段长城被联合国科教文组织列为世界文化遗产之一。

    Up to now, Simatai Great Wall has been listed by UNESCO into the World Culture Heritages.

  13. 此段时间最重要得是你能常抱我, 爱惜我和与我谈话。

    The most important thing you can to be warm, loving and to me.

  14. 此段时间最重要的是你能常抱我,爱惜我和与我谈话。

    The most important thing you can to be warm, loving and to me.

  15. 此段期间,将尽量抽空处理网志之日常运作及更新工作。

    I will try to spare time in checking and updating my Blog during this period.

  16. 此段起括约肌的作用,有防止胃内容物反流的功能。

    This paragraph has the effect of constrictor, have the function that prevents countercurrent of gastric content content.

  17. 我得理解是此段提及得这次会议已推迟到6月或7月份。

    I understand that the meeting, which is referred to in this paragraph, has been postponed to June or July.

  18. 我的理解是此段提及的这次会议已推迟到6月或7月份。

    I understand that the meeting, which is referred to in this paragraph, has been postponed to June or July.

  19. 如申请人是该精神上无行为能力的人的亲属,则将此段删去。

    Delete this paragraph if the applicant is a relative of the mentally incapacitated person.

  20. 镊子所指的是发生肠疝气而使此段肠管和肠系膜血流障碍。

    The forceps extend through an internal hernia in which a loop of bowel and mesentery has been caught.

  21. 检查与此代码段相关的文档。

    Examine the documentation about the snippet.

  22. 例如, 此代码段读起来就很费劲

    For example, this code segment is hard to read

  23. 在此之前一段时间, 人们纷纷到达体育馆。

    Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium.

  24. 元智大学图书馆导览影片, 本片共分两段, 此为第一段。

    Yuan Ze University Library Guide Video in English. This is the second section of two spilts.

  25. 元智大学图书馆导览影片, 本片共分两段, 此为第二段。

    Yuan Ze University Library Guide Video in English. This is the first section of two spilts.

  26. 试写出一小段证实此观点得生理学证据。

    Write a short paragraph that provides physiological evidence for this view.

  27. 试写出一小段证实此观点的生理学证据。

    Write a short paragraph that provides physiological evidence for this view.

  28. 此方案不定义段部分。

    The scheme does not define a fragment part.

  29. 她在此呆过一段时间。

    She stayed here for some time.

  30. 此文本指定代码段的作者。

    This text specifies the author of the code snippet.