







汉语拼音:bái xióng






  1. 毛皮白色的熊。今指北极熊。

    《北史·魏纪一·太宗明元帝》:“遂射白熊於 頽牛山 ,获之。” 前蜀 贯休 《送僧入马头山》诗:“苦竹大於杉,白熊卧如马。”



  1. This tends to make the Great Pyrenees slightly aloof around strangers and out of the ordinary situations.

  2. Glyph of the White Bear - Changes the appearance of your bear and dire bear forms to that of a polar bear.

  3. For those of you who have not been following our Development Diaries, combat width is a measure of how much space a division takes up.

  4. The Great Pyrenees possess a very keen sense of sight and smell and is constantly very aware of its surroundings.

  5. But the king was not as pleasant as his daughter, and he gave orders to throw the shepherd into the white bear's pit.

  6. It was in a grizzly bear preserve , although although no one told me that before we went .

  7. The Pyr has a heavy, primarily white double coat, that consists of a soft undercoat combined with a thicker outer coat.

  8. I once saw an old white bear attacked by a younger black bear. I was about to jump in and pepper spray the black one.

  9. The breed requires a moderate amount of exercise, which can usually be satisfied with a number of hours outside and an enjoyable walk.


  1. 神农架白熊

    Shennongjia white bear.

  2. 哈尔滨白熊木业有限公司

    Harbin White Bear Woods Industry Co.LTD

  3. 北极白熊,北极生活的最大熊类。

    Ursus maritimus, the largest of all living bear species to adapt to the Arctic.

  4. 白熊身体呈流线型, 是一个出色潜水员。

    Its body appears to be streamline which enables it to be a good diver.

  5. 我们的动物园里还有棕熊、黑熊和白熊。

    In our zoo there are also brown bears, black bears and white bears.

  6. 白熊的身体呈流线型,是一个出色的潜水员。

    Its body appears to be streamline which enables it to be a good diver.

  7. 利用白熊效应,我们可以创造一种梦境基础。

    Using the white bear effect, we can create dream inception.

  8. 每天晚上汤姆都到白熊酒馆去讨酒喝。

    Every evening Tom would go to the White Bear to sponge drinks.

  9. 白熊笨拙地走进一片灌木丛不见了踪影。

    The white bear lumbers into a thicket and disappears.

  10. 猎人们尽量将肉割下来, 剩下得留给白熊享用。

    The hunters harvested what they could of the meat. The bears took what remained.

  11. 猎人们尽量将肉割下来, 剩下的留给白熊享用。

    The hunters harvested what they could of the meat. The bears took what remained.

  12. 一个白熊从树林中走出来到溪边岩石上。

    A white bear steps out of the tree cover onto a streamside rock.

  13. 我们可以叫北极熊为白熊, 因为他们得毛是白色得。

    We can call a polar bear a white bear because its fur is white.

  14. 我们可以叫北极熊为白熊,因为他们的毛是白色的。

    We can call a polar bear a white bear because its fur is white.

  15. 最后,我还是搂着我的新娃娃和小白熊睡着了。

    At last I fell asleep with a new doll and a white bear in my arms.

  16. 我曾经看到一只年轻的黑熊袭击一只老白熊。

    I once saw an old white bear attacked by a younger black bear.

  17. 但是,也有可能,至少那团毛发不属于照片中的白熊。

    However, it is also likely to have nothing to do with the white bear in the picture.

  18. 洞门还没来得及关好,白熊就扑向了牧羊人。

    The door of the pit was hardly closed when the bear rushed at the shepherd.

  19. 好一阵子后,我终于怀著一个新娃娃和一只白熊睡著了。

    At last I fell asleep with a new doll and a white bear in my arms.

  20. 我曾经有一次看到一只年轻的黑熊袭击一只老白熊。

    I once saw an old white bear attacked by a younger black bear. I was about to jump in and pepper spray the black one.

  21. 在他们最典型的工作中,他们告诉人们不要想一只白熊。

    In their classic work, they told people to not think about a white bear.

  22. 神农架白熊得分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议。

    The phylogenetic relationship of Shennongjia white bear has been an open question.

  23. 神农架白熊的分类地位从它被发现后就一直存在着争议。

    The phylogenetic relationship of Shennongjia white bear has been an open question.

  24. 从神农架白熊的线粒体部分基因分析其分子系统发生关系

    A Molecular Phylogeny of Shennongjia White Bear Based on Some Mitochondrial Gene Sequences


  1. 问:白熊拼音怎么拼?白熊的读音是什么?白熊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白熊的读音是báixióng,白熊翻译成英文是 white bear; polar bear; snow bear

  2. 问:白熊咖啡厅拼音怎么拼?白熊咖啡厅的读音是什么?白熊咖啡厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白熊咖啡厅的读音是,白熊咖啡厅翻译成英文是 Shirokuma Cafe