




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:fàng jiǎo







  1. 放开脚步行走。

    宋 苏轼 《答言上人书》:“每饮村酒醉后,曳杖放脚,不知远近。”

  2. 指妇女不缠小足。

    赵树理 《孟祥英翻身》五:“妇女要求解放……要提倡放脚,要提倡妇女打柴、担水、上地,和男人吃一样饭干一样活。”



  1. The oak bench was not just a foot rest.


  2. only when that has been completed, does there follow the placing of the foot on the ground.


  3. Biomechanical analysis of the last stride set- foot technique for Chinese elite male high jumpers


  4. Analysis of Spread Footing in Brick Wall Foundation


  1. 要按照法律放手放脚。

    Be sure to act in accordance with the law and with hands and feet unfettered.

  2. 这张橡木长凳并不只是用来放脚。

    The oak bench was not just a foot rest.

  3. 从这里我可以摆动小腿向前然后放脚

    And now from here I gona swing my lower part of my leg forward and plays standing on the leg

  4. 这两间小屋的确像个家, 可是他不知道往哪里放手放脚好。

    The rooms certainly looked like a home, but he didn't know where to place his hands and feet.

  5. 她试图把脚放进马镫里。

    She tried to put her foot into the stirrup.

  6. 将脚放上去, 并将松紧带扣上。

    Put up the feet such as the diagram, and tight the elastic.

  7. 坐在泳池边上, 把脚放入水中。

    Sit on the side of the pool with the legs in the water.

  8. 把口香糖从你的嘴里吐出去然后把脚放回去!

    Take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet in!

  9. 不要在把脚放入足疗矿泉的循环水前修你的脚。

    Don't shave your legs before they're exposed to circulating water in a pedicure spa.

  10. 在一盆热水中加些芥末, 把双脚放进去并且放松。

    Just add some mustard powder to a bowl of hot water, put both feet in and relax.

  11. 丹尼站起来把一只脚先放进了游泳池。

    Danny stands up and puts one toe in the swimming pool.

  12. 她把另一只脚也放进溪水里, 又抽了出未。

    She put the other foot in the stream, then removed it.

  13. 一个失明的男孩坐在一个楼前的台阶上, 脚前放着一顶帽子。

    A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet.

  14. 浅析砖墙基础中的大放脚

    Analysis of Spread Footing in Brick Wall Foundation

  15. 马车等驾驶者放脚的地方

    a vertical board or panel forming the foot of a bedstead

  16. 他仰卧着,双手放两旁,双脚伸直。

    He is lying on his back, both hands puts either side, double foot unbend.

  17. 可以帮我划个放脚空间较大的位子吗?

    Would it be possible to assign me a seat with more legroom?

  18. 在马车上或汽车上用来放脚的一个很窄的平板。

    A narrow platform on which to stand or brace the feet.

  19. 一些航线现在开始对有额外放脚空间的备用座席进行收费。

    Some airlines are now even charging to reserve seats with extra legroom.

  20. 我把脚放在水池中。

    And put my foot in the pool.

  21. 左脚放横小小向前

    Left to Side and Slightly Forward

  22. 别把脚放在椅座上。

    Don't put your feet on the seat of the chair.

  23. 把脚放到鞋里的装置。

    a device used for easing the foot into a shoe.

  24. 把你的脚从垫子上放下来。

    Take your feet off the mat.

  25. 挂一挡, 脚放在油门上。

    Shift into first gear and put your foot on the accelerator.

  26. 把脚放在水里也能抓住

    If you put their foot under water they grab on.

  27. 最终,可以把双脚放在头后!

    Eventually, feet go behind the head!

  28. 把一只脚放在单脚滑行车上。

    Put one foot on the scooter.

  29. 失足把脚放错地方或错误的一步

    A misplaced or awkward step.

  30. 把你的右脚放在玲玲的旁边。谁的脚大?

    Put your right foot beside Lingling's. Whose foot is longer ?


  1. 问:放脚台拼音怎么拼?放脚台的读音是什么?放脚台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放脚台的读音是,放脚台翻译成英文是 footboard