







汉语拼音:jiān yíng






  1. 同时从事本业以外的经营。

    王西彦 《老太婆伯伯》:“那里开着一家兼营杂货的药铺。”《政务院关于划分农村阶级成分的决定》:“地主剥削的方式,主要是以地租方式剥削农民,此外……或兼营工商业。”



  1. in the case of a port tallyman, concurrently engaging in loading, unloading or storing cargoes.


  2. The company undertaking: Acting, maintenance, rental and all these high-priced recycling of construction machinery.


  3. We operate by processing with supplied and imported fabrics and compensation trade, as well as import and export of other commodities.


  4. " Pharmaceutical producing enterprise " means an enterprise exclusively or partly engaged in the production of pharmaceuticals.


  5. I building materials company operating mainly operate chemical raw materials , processing concrete additives .


  6. On Etsy, physical stationery abounds. Seemingly every bookstore now serves double duty as a fancy-notebook store.


  7. It also supplies liquid oxygen , liquid nitrogen, acetylene, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, propane, freon, liquid ammonia, and rare element gas.


  8. "Most people are familiar with Pangaea, " said study co-author Staci Loewy, a geochemist at California State University, Bakersfield.


  9. He works in the hotel bar, but he runs a tour company on the side.


  1. 兼营房地产

    Sideline in real estate.

  2. 兼营买卖汽车的技工

    A mechanic who buys and sells cars on the side

  3. 兼营二手设备的调剂。

    Esecuzione di seconda mano gli impianti di swap.

  4. 兼营运输的卡车批发商

    ruck wholesaler

  5. 也兼营手表零售和批发。

    We also retail and wholesale watches.

  6. 有些出版社目前正兼营软件。

    Some publishers are now diversifying into software.

  7. 以自产自销为主,兼营批发业务

    Mainly engage in production and sale, concurrently running wholesale Business

  8. 兼营与混合销售的税收筹划

    Tax rate plan of simultaneous business and mixed sales companies

  9. 兼营室外生活的储藏物昆虫种类调查

    Survey on stored product insects living outdoors

  10. 同时兼营园艺花卉和健康食品等项目。

    While the corner of horticulture and health food items.

  11. 你兼营的自己的小企业会很有利润。

    Your own small business on the side sounds pretty lucrative.

  12. 本公司兼营自动包装流水线的设计、安装。

    Our company also manages automatic package flow line's design、 installation.

  13. 药品生产企业, 是指生产药品的专营企业或者兼营企业。

    Drug manufacturers refer to enterprises exclusively or partly engaged in drug production.

  14. 药品经营企业, 是指经营药品的专营企业或者兼营企业。

    Drug distributors refer to enterprises exclusively or partly engaged in drug distribution.

  15. 此外,我部门还兼营劳务输出及咨询业务。

    In addition, we also have settled up several labor service business.

  16. 这个蛋糕店还兼营奶茶, 冰淇淋, 生意很好。

    The cake shop has a sideline in selling milk tea and ice cream, which makes a good profit.

  17. 这个蛋糕店还兼营奶茶,冰淇淋,生意很好。

    The cake shop has a sideline in selling milk tea and ice cream, which makes a good profit.

  18. 另外兼营斜纹切布, 生产制帽模具, 和切布机配件。

    Denim Qiebu addition, production Hatting die, and cut Cloth accessories.

  19. 公司以经营品牌电脑为主, 兼营数码相机, 摄像机, 投影仪。

    The company manages the brand computer primarily, the concurrently camp digital camera, the camera, projecting apparatus.

  20. 开始时他做杂货生意,后来扩充经营范围,兼营鞋类。

    Starting as a grocer, he branched out into the sale of footwear.

  21. 兼营其他良种苗木的代繁育,销售,及水培花卉的培育销售!

    Run in lieu of other varieties seedling breeding, sales, and hydroponic cultivation of flowers for sale!

  22. 同一保险人不得同时兼营财产保险业务和人身保险业务。

    An insurer shall not concurrently engage in business of both property insurance and insurance of persons.

  23. 他在饭店的酒吧工作,但他还同时兼营着一家旅游公司。

    He work in the hotel bar, but he run a tour company on the side.

  24. 兼营国际出口以及批发, 有意者请电邮或来电索取报价单。

    We provide worldwide export and wholesale, please call or drop us an email for a quotation.

  25. 删值税加税法则,联营兼营要开账,劣惠政策能享到。

    Increment duty tax cut principle, The joint management concurrently camp must divide up money, the preferential policy can enjoy.


  1. 问:兼营拼音怎么拼?兼营的读音是什么?兼营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼营的读音是jiānyíng,兼营翻译成英文是 An extra-program.

  2. 问:兼营代理拼音怎么拼?兼营代理的读音是什么?兼营代理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼营代理的读音是jiān yíng dài lǐ,兼营代理翻译成英文是 mixed agent

  3. 问:兼营农场主拼音怎么拼?兼营农场主的读音是什么?兼营农场主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兼营农场主的读音是jiānyíngnóngchǎngzhǔ,兼营农场主翻译成英文是 part-time farmer