







汉语拼音:sī wǎng








  1. 丝织的网。亦指棉、纱、麻等制成的网。

    《旧唐书·舆服志》:“金根车,朱质,紫油通幰,油画络带,朱丝网,常行则供之。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露·罘罳》:“罘罳云者,刻鏤物象,著之板上……至其不用合板鏤刻,而结网代之,以蒙冒户牖,使虫雀不得穿入,则别名丝网。”

  2. 指鱼网。

    元 萨都剌 《蒲萄酒美鲥鱼味肥蒲萄歌》:“柳花吹尽春江涨,雪花鰣鱼出丝网。”

  3. 指细密如丝的网状物。

    唐 姚合 《酬任畴协律夏中苦雨见寄》诗:“丝网张空际,珠绳续瓦沟。” 唐 皮日休 《太湖诗·明月湾》:“柳弱下丝网,藤深垂花鬘。”



  1. The United States is among the first to use UV ink screen business card printing and membership card making one of the countries.


  2. With silkscreen printing, a stencil is attached to a fine piece of stretched silk or nylon cloth.


  3. Screen tension and business card printing and membership card making speed is often neglected two variables.


  4. Silk-screen printing: In the old days, silk was the only material suitable for this process and thus named. Now called "screen printing" .


  5. So net mesh size is just a screen the size of the supporting tension or parameters, screen diameter is at the heart of the most interesting.


  6. A cylinder of wire mesh, foam rubber, or other material around which a strand of hair is wound to produce a soft curl or wave.


  7. Equipment used for blocking the anodized mainly by temperature and pressure, anodized screen transfer depends on the role of adhesives.


  8. The purse-web spider spins a silken tube like a crooked finger of a glove sticking out of the ground.


  9. Because the screen mesh size is relatively low, as printed on the pulp for penetration of good, not easy to plug the loopholes in the mesh.


  1. 丝网波纹填料

    corrugated packing.

  2. 丝网回热器

    mesh regenerator.

  3. 暗嵌丝网玻璃

    obscure wire glass.

  4. 丝网印刷用清油

    silk screen lacquer

  5. 丝网的辐射特性

    Radiation Properties of Wire Meshes

  6. 静电丝网印刷机

    Electrostatic screen printing ma chine

  7. 与丝网版画游戏

    Cruising in Creation of Screen Serigraphy

  8. 半自动丝网印刷机

    Semi Automatic Screen Printing Machine

  9. 丝网版画创作随感

    Thoughts and Feelings on Serigraphic Creation

  10. 富安金属丝网厂

    Fu an wire mesh CO., LTD

  11. 丝网印刷技术有限公司。

    BJ Silk Screen Printing Tech Co., Ltd.

  12. 丝网印调合色料

    screening paste

  13. 英迈丝网器材有限公司。

    Yingmai Silk Net Equipment Co., Ltd.

  14. 果园用的丝网围着。

    The orchard is fenced with barbed wire.

  15. 丝网版画艺术语言浅说

    On the Construction of Language of Screen Process Engraving

  16. 为偏见的丝网所缠绕

    ensnarl in the web of prejudice

  17. 我是做金属丝网,金属丝的。

    We do wire and mesh right!

  18. 丝网印与热转印器材。

    Screen Printing and Heat Transfer Equipment.

  19. 丝网漏印用光刻胶

    screenable resist

  20. 丝网版画的描稿技法

    The Drawing Skill of Artwork for Screen Painting

  21. 菱形金属丝网的制作,销售

    Manufacturing and sales of rhombic metallic mesh

  22. 不锈钢丝网的特性及其应用

    The Properties and Application of Stainless Steel

  23. 不锈钢丝网不锈钢丝网简称不锈钢网。

    Stainless steel wire mesh stainless steel wire mesh abbreviation stainless steel nets.

  24. 丝网印刷,刺绣选择基金饲养员。

    Screen printing and embroidery options, fund raisers.

  25. 硅太阳能电池的丝网印刷技术

    Silk Screen Printing Technology of Silicon Solar Cell

  26. 丝网印刷在胶靴商标中的应用

    The Application of Screen Printing on the Brand of Rubber Boots

  27. 仁和精诚丝网材料销售有限公司。

    Renhe Good Faith Silk Screen Material Sales Co., Ltd.

  28. 丝网塔填料, 各种丝网及板网过滤器。

    Screen tower packing, various screen and filter network board.

  29. 不锈钢板,丝网印刷,油彩,银色签字笔。

    Stainless steel, screen print, oil and silver pen.

  30. 丝网印版覆盖在印刷承载体上。

    The screen plate is covered on the printed supporting body.


  1. 问:丝网的拼音怎么拼?丝网的的读音是什么?丝网的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丝网的的读音是,丝网的翻译成英文是 webby

  2. 问:丝网漏印拼音怎么拼?丝网漏印的读音是什么?丝网漏印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丝网漏印的读音是sī wǎng lòu yìn,丝网漏印翻译成英文是 silk screen process

  3. 问:丝网印制法拼音怎么拼?丝网印制法的读音是什么?丝网印制法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丝网印制法的读音是sī wǎng yìn zhì fǎ,丝网印制法翻译成英文是 silk screening

  4. 问:丝网印刷法拼音怎么拼?丝网印刷法的读音是什么?丝网印刷法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丝网印刷法的读音是sī wǎng yìn shuā fǎ,丝网印刷法翻译成英文是 silk-screening

  5. 问:丝网漏印机拼音怎么拼?丝网漏印机的读音是什么?丝网漏印机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丝网漏印机的读音是sī wǎng lòu yìn jī,丝网漏印机翻译成英文是 screen printer

  6. 问:丝网印刷墙面板拼音怎么拼?丝网印刷墙面板的读音是什么?丝网印刷墙面板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丝网印刷墙面板的读音是sī wǎng yìn shuā qiáng miàn bǎn,丝网印刷墙面板翻译成英文是 silk-screened wall panel