


1. 思 [sī]2. 思 [sāi]思 [sī]想,考虑,动脑筋:~想(a.客观存在反映在人的意识中经过思维活动而产生的结果;b.想法,念头;c.思量)。~忖。~索。~维。沉~。寻~。见异~迁。想念,挂念:~念。~恋。相~。想法:~绪。~……


1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……



汉语拼音:sī zhèng






  1. 谓思行善政。

    汉 王充 《论衡·感类》:“ 太戊 思政,桑穀消亡。”《隋书·循吏传·柳俭》:“时 高祖 初有天下,励精思政,妙简良能,出为宰牧。”



  1. This paper probes into a re - construction teaching mode of ideological and political lessons in higher vocational colleges.


  2. The key of this kind of textbook compiling is the innovation of teaching material system.


  3. In ideological education of art major students of vocational colleges, the disobey mentality is a common phenomenon.


  4. Ideological and political work of teaching staff is the important coment of higher vocational college ideological and political work.


  5. Chapter one: reveal the basic concept in ideological and political slogans.


  6. The Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System is the important content of political theory courses teaching.


  7. In the society with influx of multi-culture, ideological sod political education is especially important in college.


  8. On the Building of a Network Platform for the Party Building and Ideological Work


  9. Under new ages, ideological education of higher schools should strengthen humanity guidance, which can be realized from three aspects;


  1. 高校思政课

    The course Thoughts and Politic

  2. 坚持教育创新开拓思政教育新局面

    To Uphold Education Innovation and Open New Prospect of Political and Ideological Education

  3. 高校思政工作要注重完整人教育

    Ideological Work at College paying Attention to Comprehensive Person Education

  4. 论教育工会与青年教师思政工作

    On the Educational Labor Union and the Political and Ideological Work of Young Teachers

  5. 发挥思政教育与心理教育的协同优势

    Developing cooperating advantages between political thought education and psychological health education

  6. 论教师人格魅力与思政课吸引力

    On Relations between the Teachers'Personality Magic Power and the Political Theories in Ideology and Political Lesson Attraction

  7. 论高校思政隐性教育资源的效能扩展

    Expanding Efficiency of Recessive Resources of Ideological and Political Education in Universities

  8. 高校思政课的变革轨迹及所面临的问题

    On Track Changes and Problems of College Political Course

  9. 音乐在互动式思政理论课教学中的应用

    Music'Application in Interactive Ideology and Politics Teaching

  10. 加强研究生学术活动优化思政教育软环境

    Promoting postgraduate academic activities, optimizing the soft environment of the ideological political education

  11. 农业高校中专科生思政教育工作方法探索

    An Exploration of the Ways of Ideological and Political Education of Junior College Students in Agricultural Universities

  12. 论高校思政理论课教学创新体系的构建

    On Construction of Innovative Teaching System for Ideological and Political Curriculum For Higher Education

  13. 用三个代表统领思政理论课教学得若干思考

    Reflections on Commanding the teaching of Two Ideology Courses with Three Reqresentatives

  14. 用三个代表统领思政理论课教学的若干思考

    Reflections on Commanding the teaching of Two Ideology Courses with Three Reqresentatives

  15. 思政工作的亲和力、渗透力关系思政工作的活力和成败。

    The affinity and seepage force of ideological and political work will affect its vitality and success.

  16. 古田会议精神对大学生思政教育的指导作用

    Instruction of Spirit from Gutian Meeting to Ideological Education for College Students

  17. 促进师生互制耦合,构建高职思政课和谐课堂

    Promoting Teacher and Student's Mutual Coupling to Construct Harmonious Higher Vocational Classroom.

  18. 古田会议精神与大学生思政教育方式、方法创新

    Spirit of Gutian Meeting and Ways and Innovation of Ideological Education for College Students

  19. 找准思政工作着力点丰富以人为本科学内涵

    Seek focus point of thoughts work, enrich scientific connotation of basis on person

  20. 网络环境下中师思政课研究性教学模式探究

    On Research Learning Mode in Political Course at Normal School in the Network Environment

  21. 高校思政课教学对学生爱与责任观念得培养

    Cultivation of Students'Love and Responsibility in Teaching Ideological and Political Theory Courses

  22. 高校思政课教学对学生爱与责任观念的培养

    Cultivation of Students'Love and Responsibility in Teaching Ideological and Political Theory Courses

  23. 增强时代感,切实做好新形势下高校思政工作

    Strengthen the Sense of Responsibility for the Times and Govern the Work of Idea and Politics Well in Higher Institution under the New Situations

  24. 新课标背景下的高师思政教育教学改革探析

    On the Thought and politics Educational Reform in Advanced Normal universities in the Background of the New Course Standard

  25. 论大众文化与高校思政工作的矛盾冲突与整合对策

    On The Contradiction between Popular Culture and Ideological Work in University and Conformity Measures

  26. 教职工思想政治工作是高职院校思政工作的重要内容。

    Ideological and political work of teaching staff is the important coment of higher vocational college ideological and political work.

  27. 纺织类高分子专业学生思政工作和专业教学的实践与探索

    Practice and Discussion on Political and Ideological Work and Major Teaching for Macromolecular Material Speciality with Textile Leaning

  28. 本文对重构高职院校思政课教学模式也做了些探索。

    This paper probes into a re construction teaching mode of ideological and political lessons in higher vocational colleges.