




1. 刺 [cì]2. 刺 [cī]刺 [cì]用有尖的东西插入:~绣。~伤。~杀。暗杀:~客。被~。行~。侦探,打听:~探。用尖锐的话指出别人的坏处:讽~。讥~。尖锐像针的东西:芒~。鱼~。~丛。刺 [cī]象声词:~地滑了一跤。……









  1. The X Club gathered around it as if it were a treasure indescribable . Three weeks later, the patient's recovery was complete.


  2. An elderly Forida man is in critical condition after a stingray jumped onto his boat and stung him in the chest.


  3. The separator's main structural parameter was confirmed through orthogonal experiment, trial test of its performance was also done.


  4. To spit mouth hard core, fishbone, etc. , do not spit in the hand directly, but rather use the fork on the plate connected to the edge.


  5. Fish can be broken up in vinegar.


  6. Fourteen great medical men stared hopefully at the pinched and unconscious face of a boy who had swallowed a fish bone.


  7. Do not add meat, fish bones or fatty food wastes to the compost mixture.


  8. I cannot remove the fishbone stuck in the throat .


  9. 'A lot of people wanted to throw it out, ' Mr. Galvan says. 'They couldn't get past the bones. '


  1. 这种鱼刺多。

    This fish is very bony.

  2. 鱼刺分支水平井

    herringbone multilateral well

  3. 金线鱼刺网

    Nemipterus virgatus gillnet

  4. 鱼刺卡在喉咙里

    choke on a fish bone

  5. 把鱼刺咯出来

    cough up a fishbone

  6. 鱼刺卡在他嗓子里。

    A fish bone sticks in his throat.

  7. 这种鱼的鱼刺很多。

    This fish has a lot of bones in it.

  8. 鱼刺把她卡住而窒息。

    She choked on a fish bone.

  9. 鱼刺卡在他的嗓子里。

    A fish bone sticks in his throat.

  10. 鱼刺卡在他得嗓子里。

    A fish bone sticks in his throat .

  11. 吃鱼前请把鱼刺剔除。

    Please fillet the fishbone before you eat.

  12. 把鱼刺放在盘子边上。

    Put the fish bones on the side of the plate.

  13. 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来。

    She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone.

  14. 鱼刺可以在醋中被分解。

    Fish can be broken up in vinegar.

  15. 鱼刺还是卡在他喉咙里。

    The fishbone is still sticking in his throat.

  16. 一根鱼刺卡在我喉咙里。

    A stuck in my throat.

  17. 吃鱼的时候,当心鱼刺。

    When you're eating fish, look out for the bones.

  18. 卡在他咽部的鱼刺。

    a fish bone stuck in his gorge

  19. 鱼刺分离机的机械设计分析

    Mechanical design of segregator for removing fish bone

  20. 鱼刺把她卡住而窒息死亡。

    She choked to death a fish bone.

  21. 把骨头或者鱼刺放在盆子里。

    Put the bones on your plate.

  22. 他被一块鱼刺卡着了。

    He gagged on a fish bone.

  23. 一根鱼刺卡在他的喉咙里。

    A fishbone lodged in his throat.

  24. 一根鱼刺卡在我嗓子里了。

    A fish bone has stuck in my throat.

  25. 一根鱼刺卡住了我的噪子。

    A fish bone stuck in my throat.

  26. 我不喜欢鱼是因为我讨厌鱼刺。

    I don't like fish because I hate the bones.

  27. 我们捕来的鱼刺太多,不能吃。

    The fish we caught were too bony to eat.

  28. 我不能去掉鲠在喉咙的鱼刺。

    I cannot remove the fishbone stuck in the throat.

  29. 我喉咙里有像鱼刺样的异物。

    I've got a foreign body like a fishbone in my throat.

  30. 宝宝吃鱼, 喉咙被鱼刺卡住怎么办?

    Darling has a fish, how is throat gotten stuck to do by fish bone ?


  1. 问:鱼刺拼音怎么拼?鱼刺的读音是什么?鱼刺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼刺的读音是yúcì,鱼刺翻译成英文是 fishbone

  2. 问:鱼刺毒拼音怎么拼?鱼刺毒的读音是什么?鱼刺毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼刺毒的读音是yú cì dú,鱼刺毒翻译成英文是 ichthyoacanthotoxin

  3. 问:鱼刺中毒拼音怎么拼?鱼刺中毒的读音是什么?鱼刺中毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼刺中毒的读音是yú cì zhòng dú,鱼刺中毒翻译成英文是 ichthyoacanthotoxism

  4. 问:鱼刺毒素拼音怎么拼?鱼刺毒素的读音是什么?鱼刺毒素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼刺毒素的读音是yú cì dú sù,鱼刺毒素翻译成英文是 ichthyoacanthotoxin