







汉语拼音:dǎo suì







捣碎 [dǎo suì]
  1. 把物品捣击破碎。


捣碎 [dǎo suì]
  1. 敲击使之破碎。




  1. Tablets may be chewed, or placed on the child's tongue and allowed to dissolve, or mashed in water in a teaspoon.

  2. When the liquid nitrogen is gone, grind everything up to a fine powder.

  3. Brutality becomes my appetite Violence is now a way of life The sledge my tool to torture As it pounds down on your forehead!

  4. Lihn began to break it up with a spoon, and I realized that the pill looked like an onion with countless layers.

  5. And although her children were put to work pounding yams, fetching water and shelling beans, she wouldn't allow me to help.

  6. A helicopter hovers over the field, ready to load personnel and equipment during Operation Masher in the Vietnam War, May 7, 1966.

  7. With a precooled device, grind the embryos to a fine powder.

  8. Add the coconut milk to the prawns and mix well then and the mashed manioc, a little at a time, stirring vigorously until well incorporated.

  9. If you suffer from a sore throat, take two or more cloves, crushed or whole, at the first sign of pain.


  1. 捣碎试样分析

    battery assay.

  2. 重力捣碎机组

    gravity stamp battery

  3. 捣碎用乳体

    contusion mortar.

  4. 她把配料捣碎。

    She pounded up the ingredients.

  5. 在臼里捣碎米

    to bray rice in a mortar

  6. 把土豆捣碎成泥

    mash potatoes.

  7. 先煮熟再捣碎它们。

    Boil them and mash them!

  8. 加入两瓣捣碎的蒜。

    Add two cloves of crushed garlic.

  9. 调味汁和捣碎的凤尾鱼。

    Vinaigrette and mashed anchovies.

  10. 用捣碎的大蒜调味的黄油。

    Butter seasoned with mashed garlic.

  11. 掺有捣碎的甘椒的黄油。

    Butter blended with mashed pimento.

  12. 用叉把马铃薯捣碎成泥。

    Mash the potatoes with a fork.

  13. 那些土块被捣碎成粉末。

    The clods were reduced to powder.

  14. 加入一点柠檬汁在碗里捣碎。

    Mash them in a bowl with a little lemon juice.

  15. 上面铺一层捣碎的马铃薯的肉饼

    cottage pie

  16. 用汲取取样器或捣碎取样器取样

    Sampling with a Dipper or Pound Sampler

  17. 米糠捣碎了,还是捣不出白米来。

    You cannot get rice by pounding bran.

  18. 是要捣碎煮, 炸的 还是用烤的?

    Mashed fried, or baked ?

  19. 加入捣碎的大蒜和剩余的蔬菜丁。

    Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.

  20. 捣碎,碾碎,舂烂打碎成粉末或浆

    To pound, grind, or mash with or as if with a pestle.

  21. 由捣碎的粮食发酵以后制成的酒。

    Made from fermented mash of grain.

  22. 我试着在杯子里捣碎一盐片。

    I tried to crush up a salt tablet in a cup.

  23. 我试着在杯子里捣碎一盐片。

    I tried to crush up a salt tablet in a cup.

  24. 由白沙司和捣碎的凤尾鱼做成。

    made of white sauce and mashed anchovies.

  25. 捣,研碎用杵或类似杵的东西磨碎,研磨或捣碎

    To pound, grind, or mash with or as if with a pestle.

  26. 过的是苹果果汁和捣碎的桔子的混合物。

    Helen Mash is a verb it means to make something into a paste.

  27. 捣碎器用以捣碎苹果, 蔬菜等的厨房器具。

    A kitchen utensil for mashing vegetables or fruit.

  28. 用预冷得杵磨将胚胎捣碎成粉末。

    With a precooled device, grind the embryos to a fine powder.

  29. 用预冷的杵磨将胚胎捣碎成粉末。

    With a precooled device, grind the embryos to a fine powder.

  30. 请把杏仁捣碎与面包屑混在一起。

    Please pound the almonds and mix with bread crumbs.


  1. 问:捣碎拼音怎么拼?捣碎的读音是什么?捣碎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捣碎的读音是,捣碎翻译成英文是 pestling

  2. 问:捣碎器拼音怎么拼?捣碎器的读音是什么?捣碎器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捣碎器的读音是dǎo suì qì,捣碎器翻译成英文是 blendor; blender

  3. 问:捣碎机拼音怎么拼?捣碎机的读音是什么?捣碎机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捣碎机的读音是dǎo suì jī,捣碎机翻译成英文是 stamp

  4. 问:捣碎棒拼音怎么拼?捣碎棒的读音是什么?捣碎棒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捣碎棒的读音是dǎo suì bàng,捣碎棒翻译成英文是 dolly

  5. 问:捣碎实验拼音怎么拼?捣碎实验的读音是什么?捣碎实验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:捣碎实验的读音是dǎo suì shí yàn,捣碎实验翻译成英文是 blender experiment



捣碎 dǎosuì [contuse]∶连续打击或捣烂在一起 [malleate;pound to pieces]∶舂烂