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金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……
汉语拼音:cái fá
叶圣陶 《倪焕之》四:“实际上全是些野心的政治家,贪狠的财阀在背后牵线。”亦泛指财主。 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部四:“他是抱元宝跳井,舍命不舍财的老财阀。”
On the contrary, tensions continued to rise, partly as the large conglomerates, or zaibatsu, were the biggest winners from stimulus.
相反,紧张气氛持续升级,部分原因在于大型企业集团(即财阀(zaibatsu))是刺激方案的最大赢家。By and large, their local suppliers are the only medium-sized South Korean companies to have thrived in recent years.
总体来说,这些财阀的本地供应商都是近年来兴盛起来的中型韩国企业。President Lee Myung-bak still seems to be promoting the chaebol.
韩国总统李明博似乎仍然支持推动财阀的发展。The result is a new gilded age, in which plutocrats capture the surplus generated by an exploited class of workers.
结果是一个新的镀金时代,财阀们攫取受剥削的工人阶级创造的剩余价值。This year, his government is pushing to relax holding-company laws that would make it easier for the chaebol to own financial firms.
今年,他的政府还将推动放宽控股公司的法律,这会更容易让财阀拥有金融公司。Since the pay of these plutocrats is highly variable, a bad year for them means a bad year for the taxman.
由于财阀的纳税额极其易变,他们赚不到钱即意味着收税人的坏年成。But many chaebol overburdened themselves with debt as they tried to move up the technological ladder in the 1980s .
但是也有很多财阀在80年代希望在技术上爬上更高的台阶而使自己的债务负担过重。Furthermore, the cross-shareholding limit will be relaxed to allow companies to hold up to 40 per cent in affiliates.
此外,交叉持股限制也会放宽,允许财阀附属公司最多持有关联公司40%的股份。Moreover, no South Korean government appears able to resist the temptation to use the chaebol for policy ends.