







汉语拼音:jiǎo xiá








  1. 诡诈。

    《三国志·蜀志·张嶷传》:“ 健 弟狡黠,又 夷 狄 不能同功,将有乖离。”《法苑珠林》卷四一引《生经》:“其贼狡黠,更当设谋。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·政事上》:“杖煞一番老而狡黠者,其后补署,悉用年少,惜身保家,不敢为恶矣。” 曹禺 《日出》第二幕:“他原来是大丰银行一个小职员,凭着狡黠和逢迎的本领现在升为 潘月亭 的秘书。”

  2. 犹机灵。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳续录二》:“ 蔡季实 殿撰有一僕,京师长随也,狡黠善应对, 季实 颇喜之。”



  1. who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit like Dick Cheney, wants to be very clear.


  2. Her open collar band, a crooked smile on his face, as if she don't care about anything, unrestrained.


  3. Charlie looked at her shrewdly, and appeared to be calculating.


  4. Oddly, though, each time she asked I thought I detected a faint, sly grin, followed by a quick sideways glance with her twinkling blue eyes.


  5. His blue eyes were twinkling as he nudged me with his elbow.


  6. He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat .


  7. By contrast, the Rat, whose year is now ending, is said to be charming and clever but cunning and selfish.


  8. As he archly puts it: "This was the vision when I drafted the plan at another school. "


  9. The round-table deal was a canny fix, in which weak-willed opposition figures allowed the cronies of the old regime to maintain their power.


  1. 小偷非常狡黠。

    The thief was very crafty.

  2. 莫迪小姐狡黠地笑了笑。

    Miss Maudie grinned wickedly.

  3. 他狡黠的双眼闪闪发亮。

    His eyes gleamed almost wickedly.

  4. 佛道对儒家策略的狡黠

    On the Strategic Cunnings of Confucianism to Buddhism and Daoism

  5. 法官眼中闪过一丝狡黠

    A wild gleam came into the judges eye.

  6. 他的脸上露出狡黠的笑容。

    His face crease in a knowing smile.

  7. 我们认为狮子勇敢而狐狸却狡黠。

    We attribute courage to the lion and cunning to the fox.

  8. 我口袋里没东西。伦尼狡黠地说。

    Aint a thing in my pocket, Lennie said cleverly.

  9. 那位狡黠得君主结过三次婚。

    That crafty prince was espoused three times.

  10. 那位狡黠的君主结过三次婚。

    That crafty prince was espoused three times.

  11. 她狡黠地望着他, 他只能摇摇头。

    She looked at him shrewdly and he could only shake his head.

  12. 他眼中流露出威胁和狡黠的眼神。

    a menacing and furtive look to his eye

  13. 他是个杰出的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。

    He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat.

  14. 我不知道。因为你的笑狡黠而又模糊。

    I'm not sure.'Cos your smile is cunning and obscure.

  15. 他是个有造诣的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。

    He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat.

  16. 爸爸狡黠的微笑又回到了他的眼睛里。

    Dad's sly grin reflected the devilment that had returned to his eyes.

  17. 她狡黠地从眼角瞥了布拉姆韦尔一眼。

    She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell.

  18. 他对着库尔特狡黠地一笑爬进船。

    He gave Kurt a crooked smile and climbed aboard.

  19. 子爵想开始讲故事, 脸上流露出狡黠的微笑。

    The vicomte was about to begin his narrative, and he smiled subtly.

  20. 他狡黠地闪烁眼睛,用胳臂肘碰了碰休的肋。

    His eyes sparkled wickedly and he dug his elbow into hugh's ribs.

  21. 那狡黠的律师受利害的影响更甚于受正义之心的影响。

    The crafty lawyer was influenced more by expediency than by the love of justice.

  22. 那狡黠得律师受利害得影响更甚于受正义之心得影响。

    The crafty lawyer was influenced more by expediency than by the love of justice.

  23. 烛光勾勒出十二君的嘴角,咬出一份狡黠笑意。

    The candlelight out lined the Don Twelfth's mouth, it bited a sly smile.

  24. 我感觉到女儿狡黠的笑容里有一些富有意义的东西。

    I felt there was something meaningful in her sly grin.

  25. 但狡黠如他,阿萨德自不会犯借此松懈的错。

    But wily as he is, Mr Assad would be wrong to relax.

  26. 性情温良,重友谊,性格塌实稳重,但有时也比较狡黠。

    The temperament is gentle, heavy comity, the personality falls actually steady heavy, but sometimes also more crafty.

  27. 他冲我狡黠地笑着,我不由得停住了呼吸,心跳也停了。

    He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart.

  28. 跟那位先生一样吧, 园丁带着狡黠的微笑对我说。

    like the other chap, 'the gardener said with a knowing grin.

  29. 好,我每小时给你1美元。富爸爸带着狡黠的笑容说。

    OK, Ill pay you a dollar an hour, rich dad said, with a sly grin.

  30. 查理狡黠地望着她,作出一副煞费思量得神气。

    Charlie looked at her shrewdly, and apppeared to be calculating.


  1. 问:狡黠拼音怎么拼?狡黠的读音是什么?狡黠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狡黠的读音是jiǎoxiá,狡黠翻译成英文是 crafty; astute

  2. 问:狡黠的拼音怎么拼?狡黠的的读音是什么?狡黠的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狡黠的的读音是,狡黠的翻译成英文是 guileful


