







汉语拼音:gǎn chāo







赶超 [gǎn chāo]
  1. 赶上并超过。



  1. Catching up with men, particularly at the top, seems to be taking much longer than expected.

  2. But neither product is expected to go on sale until November, giving Microsoft's Xbox 360 a year's lead that could prove unassailable.

  3. "Europe risks being left behind, " she said at a lecture in London organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development.

  4. In retrospect, though, it may have been inevitable given that Japan had, technologically, almost caught up to America.

  5. It was "inevitable" that China would take over on account of its size, he said.

  6. Inter are the favourites. But Milan and Juventus are there, ready to step in if Inter make a false move.

  7. These tactics have made it possible for the company to overtake other better-known telecommunications component manufacturers.

  8. The survey did not specify in its questions which nation people believe will match or overtake the United States.

  9. There is no doubt that China and India are catching up with the United States when it comes to hardware -- the raw materials for innovation.


  1. 赶超世界水平

    catch up with and surpass the world levels.

  2. 他被赶超了。

    He was knocked into a cocked hat.

  3. 他被赶超了。

    He was knocked into a cocked hat.

  4. 他努力赶超哥哥。

    He worked hard in emulation of his brother.

  5. 她努力赶超姐姐。

    She worked hard in emulation of her elder sister.

  6. 他们确实赶超了上来

    They really caught up.

  7. 世界已经赶超我了。

    The world has caught up and surpassed me.

  8. 比较优势与赶超战略

    Comparative Advantage and Economical Overtaking Strategy

  9. 二战后,英国被美国赶超。

    And after Second World War, United States is richer than U. K.

  10. 这个年轻人没有机会赶超了。

    Not a chance this stripling bears up.

  11. 我们必须赶超世界先进水平。

    We must catch up with and surpass advanced world levels.

  12. 学习先进, 才有可能赶超先进。

    One must learn from those who are more advanced before he can catch up with and surpass them.

  13. 我国汽车产业赶超战略研究

    Overtake strategy study of china's automotive industry

  14. 试论比较优势战略和赶超战略

    About the Strategy of Comparative Advantage and That of Catching up with And Surpassing Others

  15. 我们正努力赶超世界先进水平。

    We are striving to catch up with and surpass advanced world levels.

  16. 进修进步前辈,才有可能赶超进步前辈。

    Learn from the advanced, then we may have been able to outrank them.

  17. 技术变迁中的赶超机制研究综述

    Summary of the Research on Overtaking Mechanism in Technological Change

  18. 但是依然没有赶超上我那些同学。

    But there is still no catch up with my classmates.

  19. 为什么有抱负的民主份子却被赶超?

    And why are democracy aspirants falling behind.

  20. 多亏了华盛顿的小丑们, 美国即将被赶超了。

    The USA is about to become an also ran thanks to the buffoons in Washington.

  21. 跨越是落后国家赶超先进国家的必然选择。

    The leap is an inevitable choice that tha backward catches up with and surpasses the andvanced country.

  22. 要赶超世界先进水平,我们还得快马加鞭。

    In order to catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels we'll have to accelerate our speed.

  23. 后发优势理论与赶超发展战略的选择

    Choosing between the Theory of Following Advantage and the Strategy of Advance Development

  24. 赶超型发展战略与高度集权的计划体制

    On the Planning System of the Surpassive Development Strategy and Highly Centralized Power

  25. 我们是联赛的最后一名,所以我们必须拼命赶超。

    We're bottom of the league and we have to get stuck in.

  26. 瞄准一流奋力赶超全面推动海头经济快速崛起

    Focus on the First Class, Going Beyond Desperately, Driving the Rapid Economic Growth in Haitou

  27. 我猜,赶超他人的地产大亨肯定出自那些失败者。

    I suspect that the wannabe property magnates were among the losers.

  28. 公司战略瞄准国际品牌,赶超国内名牌,争创洲际名牌!

    Business strategy aim at international name brand, overrun national name brand, make zhouji name brand !

  29. 没有必要匆忙地穿过这些阶段,没有必要大费周章地赶超。

    There's no need to rush through these stages, no need to hoops.

  30. 认识落后,才能去改变落后。学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。

    Backwardness must be recognized before it can be changed. One must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them.


  1. 问:赶超拼音怎么拼?赶超的读音是什么?赶超翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赶超的读音是gǎnchāo,赶超翻译成英文是 to catch up with and surpass; to emulate; to...




拼音:gǎnchāo 英文:[catch up with and surpass] 释义:追上并超越 示例:赶超世界先进水平