


1. 巷 [xiàng]2. 巷 [hàng]巷 [xiàng]胡同,里弄:小~。陋~。穷~。~陌(街道)。~战(在城市街巷里进行的战斗)。穷街陋~。巷 [hàng]〔~道〕采矿或探矿时挖的坑道。义同(一)。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:xiàng zi








  1. I realized some of them slept in a nearby alley, while others had just stepped out of the shelter for an early-morning smoke.


  2. He sat down miserably , as if I had pushed him, and simultaneously there was the sound of a motor turning into my lane.


  3. But the cry was echoing round the alley, echoing inside his head, there was something about it that sounded almost human.


  4. But I did. I walked along the stairways, found a spot to take my first shot of the day.


  5. The protesters hurled rocks and the police responded by beating all that couldn't escape into one of the connecting alleys.


  6. 'I'll see you again, ' said he over her shoulder as she went on down the back lane.


  7. Back in the alley Dick was still trying to get mobile.


  8. It's a wise father that knows his own child. it's a long lane that has no turning. it's a good horse that never stumbles.


  9. Powney said she had been at home all day and didn't realize anyone had been killed until police converged on the cul de sac about 3 p. m.


  1. 成都宽窄巷子

    Kuanzhaixiang Area in Chengdu.

  2. 顺着巷子行进

    locomote down the alley

  3. 追到巷子深处

    Down the end of an alleyway

  4. 我正沿着巷子小跑。

    Im going for a trot down the lane.

  5. 酒香不怕巷子深

    good wine needs no bush

  6. 酒好不怕巷子深。

    Good wine needs no bush.

  7. 在这条巷子右转。

    Make a right at this lane.

  8. 在下一条巷子右转。

    Make a right at the next lane.

  9. 住在巷子里的老奶奶

    The Dear Old Woman in the Lane

  10. 环绕着巷子行驶一周。

    Take a drive down any street in suburbia.

  11. 不要靠近黑洞洞的巷子。

    Do not approach in a dark alley.

  12. 你可以在小巷子里打

    You could play it in a little ally.

  13. 蹒跚地向巷子深处走去

    reeled down the alley.

  14. 他跟我一起进来巷子的。

    He came in the alley with me.

  15. 我在巷子的尽头等他们。

    I waited for them at the top of the fane.

  16. 洛拉喜欢在巷子里吹气球。

    Lola likes to blow the balloon on the lane.

  17. 我是在巷子里停的车。

    I was parked in the alley.

  18. 她转身沿着巷子走回去了。

    She turned and went back down the lane.

  19. 那道门通往一条小巷子。

    The door admitted to a bystreet.

  20. 我在大厦后面的巷子等你。

    I'll meet you in the alley behind the building here.

  21. 你的狗不能到巷子里来的。

    Your dog mustn't come to the alley.

  22. 我想你选错巷子去看了。

    I guess you just picked the wrong alley to look down.

  23. 小偷躲进巷子里以避开警察。

    The thief evaded the police by dodging into the alley.

  24. 他推着自行车穿过狭窄的巷子。

    He wheeled his bike through the narrow lane.

  25. 倒开汽车直到你开出这条巷子。

    Drive the automobile in reverse until you get out of the alley.

  26. 我们的花园是这条巷子里唯一的花园。

    Ours is the only garden in the lane.

  27. 这巷子一般都没人来,我们只是。

    No one usually comes through this alleyway, so we were.

  28. 这个巷子太窄了, 卡车通不过去。

    The lane is too narrow, so the truck can not get through.

  29. 小胡同, 小巷子呢?臭气熏天, 无人问津。

    The small alley, the small alley It'stink to high heaven, no one is interested.

  30. 巷子里传出一个女人的尖叫声。

    A woman's screams issued from the lane.


  1. 问:巷子拼音怎么拼?巷子的读音是什么?巷子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巷子的读音是xiàngzi,巷子翻译成英文是 Alley; bystreet.



巷子指:(1).小街道;胡同。如:他住在巷子的东头。(2).指狭窄的通道。 徐迟《精神分析》:“他慢慢的两手按着桌子站起来,经过花篮的巷子,走到窗口,瞭望那天空。”