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1. 蜡 [là]蜡 [là]动物、植物或矿物所产生的油质,具有可塑性,易熔化,不溶于水,可溶于二硫化碳和苯:石~。蜂~。~版。~笔。~疗。~染。~人。~纸。~烛。~黄(形容颜色黄得像蜡)。~丸。……
汉语拼音:fēng là
And what I have here marked of wax may be applied to all other things which are external to me [and which are met with outside of me].
我在此对蜂蜡所作的结论可用于其他外在于我(在我之外所遇到)的事物。More expensive candles made from beeswax and soy do not produce potentially harmful amount of toxic chemicals, it was revealed.
据透露,用蜂蜡或大豆做的价格昂贵的蜡不会产生大量有毒化学物质。Vegetable waxes (other than triglycerides), beeswax, other insect waxes and spermaceti, whether or not refined or coloured.
植物蜡(甘油三酯除外)、蜂蜡、其他虫蜡及鲸蜡,不论是否精制或着色。I hate to be all in your beeswax, but I'm only looking at the facts.
我讨厌一直待在你的蜂蜡中,但我只是在查探现实。She swept, and scrubbed, and dusted; and she rubbed up the furniture with beeswax, and polished her little tin spoons.
她清扫、用力擦洗和用布擦;之后她为家具上了蜂蜡,并擦亮她的小锡汤匙。Having tired so many through out the last few years I find that some are way more memorable than others and this one is exactly that.
有这么多的尝试和积累我终于发现,有些东西比其他更令人难忘,而这个(小蜜蜂蜂蜡润唇膏)就是其一。Beeswax A natural wax made by bees in the cell walls of honeycombs, this substance is a natural emulsifier used in cosmetics.
由天然蜡蜂蜡在蜂巢的蜜蜂作出细胞壁,这种物质是一种天然乳化剂在化妆品中使用。A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!
一群蜜蜂把机当作了蜂房,机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来。A colony of bees has turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!