


1. 奔 [bēn]2. 奔 [bèn]奔 [bēn]急走,跑:~跑。~驰。~突(横冲直撞;奔驰)。~流。~腾。~忙。~波(劳苦奔走)。~放(疾驰。喻气势雄伟,不受拘束)。私~(女子私自投奔所爱的人,或跟他一起逃走)。奔 [bèn]直往,趋……


往,去:~京。~会。~任。~约。~宴。投入(某种境地),参加(某种行列):~战。~敌(加入对敌作战)。~难(nàn )。~义。古同“讣”,讣告。……



汉语拼音:bēn fù








  1. 奔丧。赴,讣。

    《后汉书·延笃传》:“以师丧弃官奔赴,五府并辟不就。”《南史·孝义传下·不佞》:“会 魏 剋 江陵 ,而母卒,道路隔絶,久不得奔赴。四载之中,昼夜号泣,居处饮食,常为居丧之礼。”《元典章新集·吏部五·丁忧》:“闻丧奔赴,礼所当然。”

  2. 谓急急忙忙奔向目的地。

    《汉书·丙吉传》“习知边塞发犇命警备事” 唐 颜师古 注:“犇,古‘奔’字也。有命则奔赴之,言应速也。” 况周颐 《蕙风词话续编》卷一:“然毕力奔赴,终彳亍於絶潢断涧閒。” 碧野 《芦沟桥情思》:“祖国一声召唤,我们就纷纷奔赴民族解放战争的各个战场。”



  1. "If it is useful for the country, I am ready to work in any position, " he said.


  2. Fernando Gago could be on his way to Liverpool in the summer transfer window, after being told he has no future at Real Madrid.


  3. when a patient calls , the doctor is ready to rush to help ! the doctor ' s car is fully equipped to handle any emergency.


  4. Shenzhen Metropolis Daily: " the word says well " hurry off to Venice, did not carry a copy, 2 reaction how?


  5. Make your way to Beidaihe with your family, colleagues and friends and battle it out on the water.


  6. John Thornton had been ill in December, and his two friends had had to leave him at White River and go on to Dawson.


  7. He told them of his plans, and sent them out with messages of cheer to his disheartened people.


  8. They qualified as one of the wild card teams so the Saints will have to open defense of their title in Seattle instead of at home.


  9. Fusun, who spends a large chunk of her working life on a plane, says women should be able to go from flight to meeting uncrumpled.


  1. 指引我奔赴伤者。

    Direct me to the injured.

  2. 他们命令他奔赴前线。

    They ordered him to the front.

  3. 小伙子拿起枪奔赴边疆。

    The lad picked up a gun to go to the front.

  4. 奔赴上帝许诺的乐土宝地

    And run to the Promised Land offered by God

  5. 我们的同胞已经奔赴战场!

    Our brethren are already in the field!

  6. 我们的弟兄们已经奔赴战场!

    Our brethren are already in the field!

  7. 我们得弟兄们已经奔赴战场!

    Our brethren are already in the field!

  8. 骑着一匹骏马奔赴沙场

    riding high a strong, and mighty steed

  9. 这些士兵随时准备奔赴沙场。

    The soldiers are ready to go to the battlefield at the drop of a hat.

  10. 他们打定主意立即奔赴前线。

    They were set on leaving for the front right away.

  11. 二战期间,美国的男人们奔赴前线。

    During the Second World War, when America's menfolk were off at the front.

  12. 我把梦想丢下,来奔赴我的召唤。

    I leave behind my dreams and I hasten to your call.

  13. 医疗队奔赴前线时, 天正下着雪。

    It was snowing as the medical team made its way to the front.

  14. 洪灾爆发后战士们奔赴抗洪第一线救险。

    The soldiers went to the flood-stricken areas to control the flood.

  15. 而英联邦各国似乎将要奔赴到灾难之中。

    The Commonwealth ones seem to be heading for disaster.

  16. 而离别就在眼前,2011将要奔赴下一站。

    And parting is here,2011 will rushed to the next stop.

  17. 他们急速调派了更多的部队奔赴前线。

    They rushed more troops to the front.

  18. 敏感的心,渴望奔赴,千里之外,你的胸膛。

    A palpating heart, covers many miles for your fervent breast.

  19. 敏感得心,渴望奔赴,千里之外,你得胸膛。

    A palpating heart, covers many miles for your fervent breast.

  20. 第19轮比赛,队客场奔赴山东挑战山东鲁能队。

    The 19 th round,the team went away Shandong challenge Shandong Luneng team.

  21. 是第二次和第三次奔赴前线,而我是第一次。

    on their second and third deployments before I even had my first.

  22. 他义无返顾地离开家乡奔赴未知的前程。

    He left his hometown without turning back in pursuit of his unknown future.

  23. 然后恍然大悟。你早已离开我奔赴到另一个怀抱。

    Then suddenly enlighted. You had left me to another to embrace.

  24. 此刻,离开俱乐部,奔赴国家队效力,是不是很不合时机?

    Is this a bad time to be leaving the club for the national team?

  25. 两个月后,他们喜结良缘,随后父亲便奔赴战场。

    Two months later, they got married, and then, my father went to war.

  26. 此人比彼人的相距,我将以不移的姿态去奔赴。

    This person than he people apart, I will not move attitude to go to.

  27. 下周三他们将奔赴阿拉伯半岛客场挑战沙特。

    They then travel to play Saudi Arabia in the Saudi capital on Wednesday.

  28. 不要轻率地奔赴险境,做任何决定之前都要认真想想。

    Dont rush headlong into danger think it through carefully before you make any decisions.

  29. 国米将于周六下午再次训练,然后奔赴帕勒莫。

    Inter will train again on Saturday afternoon before leaving for Palermo.

  30. 我们一起床便奔赴审判室, 与法官作了片刻的交谈。

    We get up to the courtroom.The judge talks to us for awhile.


  1. 问:奔赴拼音怎么拼?奔赴的读音是什么?奔赴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奔赴的读音是bēnfù,奔赴翻译成英文是 hurry towards

  2. 问:奔赴前线拼音怎么拼?奔赴前线的读音是什么?奔赴前线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奔赴前线的读音是bēnfù qiánxiàn,奔赴前线翻译成英文是 rush to the front




拼音:bēnfù英文:hurry to
