


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà bǐng






  1. 用面粉烙制的大张的饼。

    老舍 《四世同堂》十五:“她塞给他一张昨天晚上剩下的大饼,又倒了一大碗暖瓶里的开水,勒令教他吃下去。”

  2. 方言。烧饼。

    茅盾 《喜剧》:“他托开他的乌黄的瘦手掌,很郑重地把这四枚铜子呈献给大饼摊上的 山东 大汉。”



  1. Go with flatbread, a bit of cooking oil, sauce, cheese, and toppings, and a (toaster) oven.


  2. landholders are used to doing and can see happening on the ground so it's not such a pie in the sky.


  3. The standard answer would be: this woman married a foreigner who did not like Chinese pancakes.


  4. Since the formation of bulimia dieting to lose weight, once a month, always oval face into a pie face, you can change back.


  5. She was born after the parents to work in Hangzhou, the parents are busy all day selling fried fritter cake business.


  6. But one of our chefs has prepared a meal of local cranberries, Bannock bread and caribou as well as some white fish.


  7. Sure , it was not long , I was beaten into a cake on the black pieces with white .


  8. Miley Cyrus does not belong on a sex playlist. Onion rings are not a romantic dinner.


  9. Best of all was eating a quarter of dabbing from a small shop in a hutong.


  1. 这是张多么美好的大饼。

    This is piece of how good flat bread.

  2. 我还以为那是大饼干呢

    Huh. I thought it was that big cracker.

  3. 我买了馒头五个,大饼一斤。

    I bought five pieces of steamed bread and one jin of baked pancake.

  4. 鲜美大饼面包,并不如甜面包作为西葫芦。

    Tasty bannock bread, not as sweet as zucchini bread.

  5. 我是包在空心大饼里的谜中谜。

    I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pita.

  6. 但不该把它相当份额一片我大饼。

    Share it fairly but dont take a slice of my pie.

  7. 不工作跑这儿来吃锡伯大饼是不是?

    You put aside you work and came here to eat Xibe pancakes?

  8. 不过,也有人认为从事这是一块大饼。

    However, some people think that engaging in such is a piece of pie.

  9. 米饭,面条,饺子,大饼包子等各种饮食合理搭配

    Rice, Noodle, Dumpling, Chinese pancake etc.

  10. 建造金字塔的工人们得到了大饼、啤酒和洋葱。

    Workers who built the great pyramids were paid in flat bread, beer, and onions.

  11. 第三世界的人民想要更大的一份利益大饼。

    The people of the third world want a bigger slice of the cake.

  12. 我们可以把新加坡的整体利益比作一块大饼。

    The overall interests of Singapore can be likened to a big cake.

  13. 要她吃完如此一个大饼是不可能的,对不?

    It is impossible for her to eat up such a big cake, isn't it?

  14. 宿舍全体人员每人每天只啃1块5的半张大饼。

    All the staff quarters per person day eating only a half a sheet cake 5.

  15. 蒙古饭食可以是新鲜羊肉,滚烫的小米粥和芝麻大饼。

    boiled millet, and sesame pancake.

  16. 饼确实是硬的,是我从酒店里带回来的一块大饼。

    Indeed, the cake was hard. A big mamoul that I brought with me from the tavern.

  17. 毛拉把奶油和蜂蜜抹在大饼上,津津有味地吃起来。

    Mao La wipes butter and honey on flat bread, taste with pleasure.

  18. 演艺事业是一块大饼,而事实上你永远无法吃下整块饼。

    There's this big pie in show business, and you physically can't eat the whole pie.

  19. 有的攥着卷儿大饼,一口咬下半截,把脖子撑得又粗又红。

    There were others eating large rolled up griddle cakes, biting off half in one mouthful so that their necks became distended and red.

  20. 我带了这一大篮的饼干到面包店,又烤了一炉大饼干。

    I brought a big basket of biscuits back to the bakery and baked a basket of big biscuits.


  1. 问:大饼拼音怎么拼?大饼的读音是什么?大饼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大饼的读音是dàbǐng,大饼翻译成英文是 a kind of large flatbread; baked pancake with ses...



大饼(dà bǐng),最早是由中国人命名的。这是一种由面粉,淀粉或小麦粉经过中国传统手艺炮制加工制成面饼,再由地方工艺加入独特原料制作而成的面饼。