







汉语拼音:xiū liàn








  1. 指道教的修道炼气炼丹等活动。

    唐 吕岩 《忆江南》词:“劝君修炼保尊年,不久是神仙。”《续资治通鉴·宋太宗雍熙元年》:“正君臣同德、兴化致治之秋,勤行修练,无出於此。” 元 孙仲章 《勘头巾》第四折:“他痴心儿指望结姻缘,全不肯敬天尊养真修炼。” 阿英 《关于北京<燕九竹枝词>》:“至今远近道流,皆于此日聚城西 白云观 ,观即 长春 修炼处也。”

  2. 修养陶冶。

    《资治通鉴·汉明帝永平八年》:“生时所行善恶,皆有报应,故所贵修炼精神,以至为佛。” 清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》:“然亦当隐藏灵跡,修炼心性,不可妄作怪异惑人,以干天谴也。”

  3. 学习锻练。

    《鬼谷子·本经阴符》:“而知之者,内修鍊而知之,谓之圣人。圣人者,以类知之。”《老残游记》第七回:“我这拳法係从 汉中府 里一个古德学来的,若能认真修练,将来可以到得 甘凤池 的位分。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·<看图识字>》:“用尽心神,撑住场面,又那有余力去买参考书,观察事物,修炼本领呢?” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》二七:“我们为要充实我们的生活,所以必须修练写作的技能。”

  4. 特指修行(成仙)。

    清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异一·荆州镜冤》:“妾在地下数百载矣,修炼将成。” 清 徐喈凤 《会仙记》:“今奴修炼将成,乘娘子归寧,了此宿缘,勿相疑也。”



  1. The elderly to essence dry when, with Yin Yang Qiao for law, discipline can be filled over the years of a confrontation.


  2. With that course and a bit of tinkering in my free time, I became an authority on the subject.


  3. It is comforting, slightly, that the regime is still at least a few years away from posing an immediate threat.


  4. Man of practice often says that it is not easy to be mankind. People should work hard at practice in the short dozens of years of life.


  5. From then on he just sat silently all day long, facing the wall, practicing "wall contemplation; " Perhaps he was waiting for someone.


  6. Whoever the other party might be, one should first cultivate himself into a sincere, kindhearted , upright and enterprising person.


  7. A practice millennium python seeing, changes into an elegant young man, spits into the borneol in his mouth.


  8. Single state that everyone can experience, independent of the mind is hard and conscious cultivation is possible.


  9. Monastic retreats, which include meditation, group and solo work, are offered three times a year to all MBA participants at HEC.


  1. 五项修炼模型

    five training modules

  2. 服务人员五项修炼

    Five Practices of Nurses

  3. 赶上我要修炼300年呢!

    You might catch me in300 years!

  4. 冥想其实就是修炼内心。

    Mind transformation, that is the very meaning of meditation.

  5. 这就是修炼内心的妙处。

    So this is the principal of mind training.

  6. 因此,人的心灵可以修炼。

    That is the ground for mind training.

  7. 他要静心修炼,闭关49天。

    He will stay secluded for49 days to cultivate himself.

  8. 他要静心修炼,闭关49天。

    He will stay secluded for 49 days to cultivate himself.

  9. 她一直在去佛堂修炼参禅。

    She's been going to meditation classes at the Buddhist center.

  10. 这里的和尚修炼的是禅宗佛教。

    The monks here practise Seon, or Zen Buddhism.

  11. 练习否认自我作为精神修炼的人。

    Practices self denial as spiritual discipline.

  12. 妻本是峨嵋山苦苦修炼一蛇仙。

    I'm actually a snake spirit from Emei Mountain.

  13. 可见,心神对武术修炼的重要意义。

    Obviously, mind to martial arts practice important meaning.

  14. 晋身高尔夫富绅的20项修炼

    20 Cultivations to Be Gentleman of Golf

  15. 晋身高尔夫富绅得20项修炼

    20 Cultivations to Be Gentleman of Golf

  16. 当然,在修炼内心时,需要有媒介物。

    Of course, during the training, we do that with objects.

  17. 约一半的平民修炼信奉佛教的黄教派。

    About half of the populace practises the Yellow Sect of Buddhism.

  18. 就个人来说,我也需要修炼这种技术。

    Personally, this is a skill I have to hone.

  19. 从五个方面阐明了品德修炼的内容。

    From five aspects this clarifies moral cultivation content.

  20. 大约在公元八世纪,就有隐士在这儿修炼。

    About eight century AD, there recluse here practicing.

  21. 对于瑜伽修炼者,一切都是天赐之福。

    To the Yogi everything is bliss.

  22. 虽然武术始与格斗,但却终于精神修炼。

    Yet'wushu is something that starts with fighting and ends with spirit,'he says.

  23. 在内心修炼方面,他们是真正的奥运冠军。

    They are real Olympic champions of mind training.

  24. 保罗说我们应当把自己修炼得更加虔诚。

    Paul says we are to discipline our selves towards godliness.

  25. 首先,你需要修炼,逐渐获得忍受孤独的品质。

    Firstly, you have to refine, gradually acquire the character of bearing solitude.

  26. 自己经常撒泡尿照照自己,其实也是一种修炼。

    I often piss a puddle to look at my true reflection. In fact, it is a type of conditioning.

  27. 但是,在修炼的严肃性上讲,就要泾渭分明了!

    But, on the solemnness of cultivation, that means to be entirely different!

  28. 她在那里从事了十二年密集的佛教修炼。

    There she engaged in twelve years of intense Buddhist meditation.

  29. 她在那里从事了十二年密集的佛教修炼。

    There she engaged in twelve years of intense Buddhist meditation.

  30. 在中国神话里,太上老君专职修炼仙丹。

    In Chinese Mythology, Laojun was in charge of alchemy.


  1. 问:修炼拼音怎么拼?修炼的读音是什么?修炼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:修炼的读音是xiūliàn,修炼翻译成英文是 try to make pills of immortality and cultivate v...



修炼一般指修心炼身。《高级汉语大词典》解释为“道教的修道、炼气、炼丹等活动”。道教贵生恶死,因而道教不但有修心的方法,还特别强调炼身的方法,强调心身并炼。“修”有整治、改正、修理之意。“炼”原指用加热等方法使物质溶化并趋于纯净或坚韧,道家用来指炼丹等活动,如通过炼内丹使人“养形炼精,积精化气,炼气合神”,“肌肉若一”,“积精全神”而使身体更坚韧、健康。“修炼”两字合用,多见于道家典籍, 如《黄帝阴符经》:“ 知之修炼,谓之圣人。” 另有人用“修练”。“练”字本义为把生丝煮熟,亦指把麻或织品煮得柔而洁白,有加工、精练、练习之意,但通常无“炼”字高温加热使物质变化之意。道家认为通过“炼”可使精神气三种物质高度合一而使人心身高度健康,“精合其神,神合其气,气合其真,不得其真,皆是强名