如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 囊 [náng]2. 囊 [nāng]囊 [náng]口袋:药~。探~取物。~空如洗。~括。〔~生〕藏语,中国西藏农奴主家的奴隶。亦称“朗生”。像口袋的东西:胆~。胶~。~肿。囊 [nāng]〔~膪〕猪的乳部肥而松软的肉。〔~揣〕a.……
1. 括 [kuò]2. 括 [guā]括 [kuò]扎,束:~发(束起头发)。~约肌。包容:包~。概~。总~。囊~。括 [guā]榨取,搜求:搜~(亦作“搜刮”)。……
汉语拼音:náng kuò
汉 扬雄 《羽猎赋》:“野尽山穷,囊括其雌雄。”《北史·王轨传论》:“弥纶三极、囊括百代。” 清 黄遵宪 《感怀》诗:“大哉圣人道,百家尽囊括。” 闻一多 《一个白日梦》:“看,它不但囊括了全部的空间‘顶天立地’,还垄断了整个的时间‘继往开来’!”
A Lloyds spokeswoman said the bank's Irish loans are included in a catch-all category marked 'other. '
莱斯银行发言人说,该行旗下的爱尔兰贷款包括在了“其他”这个囊括了所有的类别中。There is no basic text for the course due to the multidisciplinary nature of the topics covered.
由于主题囊括了多学科内容,因此这门课程没有基本的课本。All of these secondary schools did not embrace Progressive Education practices, however.
但是所有这些附属学校都没有囊括进步主义教育实践。She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began.
大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。It must also be broad enough to include the fact that any one civilisation can be a disputed civilisation with many centres.
同样,文明概念,也应该有足够广泛的内涵,来囊括这样一个事实:既任何一种文明都可能是多中心的,富有争议性的文明。And I've looked globally, I've taken all the countries in the world for the last 40 years, and looked to see what the relationship is.
我是用全球化视角进行观察的,我将全球所有国家都囊括进内,且从40年前开始看起,以来查看这两者之间的关系。A glittering club career which included seven Bundesliga titles and two German Cups was more than matched by his international achievements.
闪耀的俱乐部生涯囊括了7个德甲冠军和2座德国杯,这足以配得上他在国家队的成就。Let us not put all we prize into a football to be kicked, when a bladder will do as well.
让我们不要把我们所在乎的都滚成一个球去踢,当用一个袋子就能囊括这一切。The resources page includes some great material from authors and bloggers on the subject, but little of it comes from within the enterprise.