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1. 铅 [qiān]2. 铅 [yán]铅 [qiān]一种金属元素,可用作耐硫酸腐蚀、防丙种射线、蓄电池等的材料。其合金可作铅字、轴承、电缆包皮等之用:~刀(指钝刀子,喻才能微薄)。~球。指用石墨等制成的书写工具:~笔。~椠(铅粉笔和木……
汉语拼音:qiān qiú
I threw the shot to throw may be far, the training said, the human exited not to calculate!
我扔铅球扔得可远了,教练说了,人出去了不算啊!I can't remember the last time I saw Tracy fully extend and contest every shot put up by his opponent.
我不记得我最后一次见到麦蒂充分扩展和每铅球比赛他的对手了。Point your mouse to where you want the next bubble to go (the arrow at the bottom will indicate that direction), and click to fire the shot.
将鼠标指向的地方,你想在未来的泡沫去(箭头在底部将表明,方向),并单击消防铅球。shot (10 Off). A sitting puck when struck reacts as if it weights a ton. Tweak the shot action.
射击(10关)。一个坐在冰球击中时的反应,犹如一吨重。调整铅球行动。World champion Reese Hoffa relegated fellow American and world leader Adam Nelson to second place in the men's shot put.
世界冠军里瑟。胡法在男子铅球的比赛中将美国和世界领先这亚当。尼尔森挤到了第二位。Extra-powerful shoulders that could give him an edge in throwing the discus and shot can slow him down in the sprints and hurdles.
强健有力的肩膀在掷铁饼和推铅球时令他占有优势,在短跑和跨栏时却令使他落后了。Take your offensive game to the next level with an unprecedented amount of control via the enhanced Shot Stick.
以你的进攻,以同一个前所未有的大量的控制下一级通过加强铅球棒。The ancient stadium AT Olympia, first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago, will stage the shot put competitions.
铅球赛事将在近三个世纪之前启用的奥林匹亚古体育馆举行。But shot put means different to me because it was the first time for me to attend a sports meet as an athlete in my life.