







汉语拼音:téng xiě







  1. 照底稿抄写。

    《宋史·选举志一》:“试卷,内臣收之,付编排官,去其卷首乡贯状,别以字号第之;付封弥官誊写校勘,用御书院印,付考官定等毕,復封弥送覆考官再定等。”《说文·言部》“誊” 清 段玉裁 注:“今人犹谓誊写。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“ 寳玉 又见 寳釵 已誊写出来,因説道:‘了不得!香只剩下一寸了!我纔有了四句。’” 蒋元卿 《校雠学史》第五章九:“ 宋 刻本,率由善书之士,誊写上板。”



  1. I doubt whether anyone had begun to think about the problem of even transcribing, let alone organizing, seven years of conversation.


  2. I sat down to put my arguments in writing, which I copied fair and sent to him.


  3. Then he would scratch his rough calculations on the stone, before transferring the final results on to the pages of the ledger.


  4. As an industry for the manual copying of texts, it was destroyed by the printing press.


  5. One of the best ways to learn English through songs is to listen to the song several times and try to write down the lyrics.


  6. She took a course in shorthand and typewriting , to fit herself for a secretary post.


  7. The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager out fair.


  8. At the central branch of the Milwaukee Public Library, a remarkable collection of transcribers and technicians keeps Braille alive.


  9. DO transfer your answers to the answer sheet only when you are told to do so at the end of the test.


  1. 先起草再誊写。

    Write it in rough and then copy it.

  2. 正式誊写的行为或状态。

    The act of engrossing or the state of being engrossed.

  3. 请把这封信誊写清楚。

    Please make a fair copy of this letter.

  4. 把文字誊写为音标需要专门训练。

    The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training.

  5. 来源由译者提供的一个档案誊写。

    Source Transcribed from a file provided by the translator.

  6. 三行碑文被不同方式誊写和诠释。

    The three lines of the inscription have been transcribed and interpreted in various ways.

  7. 把这篇文章连同我的修改部分誊写出来。

    Make a copy of the article with all my corrections.

  8. 她草草做了些笔记, 然後誊写在练习本上

    She jut down a few note, and later transcribe them into an exercise book

  9. 讲稿是以课堂作业的形式由学生所誊写。

    Scribe notes are latex transcriptions by students as part of class work.

  10. 她草草做了些笔记, 然后誊写在练习本上。

    She jot down a few note, and later transcribe them into an exercise book.

  11. 认真核对答案并准确地誊写到答题纸上。

    DO check your answers and transfer them accurately to the answer sheet.

  12. 提出田野调查笔记、谈内容之誊写以供课堂讨论。

    Submit field notes and transcribed interviews for class discussion.

  13. 提出田野调查笔记,访谈内容之誊写以供课堂讨论。

    Submit field notes and transcribed interviews for class discussion.

  14. 然后在石头上粗略计算, 再将最后结果誊写在账簿上。

    Then he would scratch his rough calculations on the stone, before transferring the final results on to the pages of the ledger.

  15. 打字员在誊写中出了一个笔误,把打成6月31日了。

    The typist made a clerical error and gave the date as the 31 st June.

  16. 誊写员。听写员一个被雇来听写或抄手稿的人

    One who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript.

  17. 秘书把经理那份粗潦得草稿很清楚地誊写出来。

    The secretary copied the rough draft of IT manager out fair.

  18. 秘书把经理那份粗潦的草稿很清楚地誊写出来。

    The secretary copied the rough draft of IT manager out fair.

  19. 秘书把经营那份粗潦的草稿很清楚地誊写出来。

    The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager out fair.

  20. 秘书把经营那份粗潦得草稿很清楚地誊写出来。

    The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager out fair.

  21. 这个压扁的符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。

    The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke.

  22. 这个压扁得符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。

    The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke.

  23. 再制造印刷或手写材料的机器,如誊写版印刷机

    A machine, such as a mimeograph, that reproduces printed or written material.

  24. 她参加了一个誊写打字的学习班,用来适应秘书岗位。

    She took a course in shorthand and typewriting, to fit herself for a secretary post.

  25. 我坐下来, 把我的论据形诸文字, 誊写清楚, 给他寄去。

    I sat down to put my arguments in writing, which I copied fairand sent to him.

  26. 是用誊写钢版或者带钢通过卷曲成型后铆接酿成的钢管。

    Piling steel pipe, also known as drill pipe, is transcribed, or strip steel plate riveted through the coil after forming the pipes lead.

  27. 好了,我希望你立刻将这段对话誊写下来,我们下次再叙。

    Now, I do want you to transcribe this conversation immediately, and then we will talk again.


  1. 问:誊写拼音怎么拼?誊写的读音是什么?誊写翻译成英文是什么?

    答:誊写的读音是téngxiě,誊写翻译成英文是 copy


