




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……







汉语拼音:tài zǐ tài bǎo






  1. 网络
  2. officer who tutors the crown prince;tutor to the crown prince in Imperial China

  1. 创造了盖世太保机器人军队

    Creates the army of robot Gestapos

  2. 盖世太保有理由相信此事吗?

    And the Gestapo has only reason to believe?

  3. 盖世太保很快就会来敲门。

    Soon the gestapo's knocking on the door for real.

  4. 而盖世太保喜欢收集所有的旧的文件。

    And the Gestapo likes to collect all kinds of odd documents.

  5. 我可以收入场券,当然,对盖世太保,可以打折扣。

    I could charge admission, with reduced prices, of course, for the Gestapo.

  6. 德国人有时起疑, 盖世太保甚至找她问话。

    There were times when the Germans became suspicious, and she was even interviewed by the Gestapo.

  7. 按照规定,盖世太保并不掌握军人的生杀大权。

    Technically, the Gestapo had no jurisdiction over men in uniform.

  8. 不幸的是,盖世太保对你的口碑很高,舒尔德。

    It's unfortunate you're rated so highly by the gestapo, schroeder.

  9. 我知道那些令人畏惧的盖世太保并非真的很能干。

    The feared Gestapo, I knew, was really not very efficient.

  10. 这种奇怪的现象至少会引起那个盖世太保军官的注意。

    Such a strange thing could attract the attention of at least the Gestapo officer.

  11. 密告者说盖世太保不满意仅用酷刑来榨取信息。

    The informant said the Gestapo wasn't satisfied with extracting information by torture.

  12. 目前投行给太保的普遍估值是在10元之上。

    At present, for line Taibao to the general valuation is based on 10.

  13. 这次行动被德国秘密警察盖士太保侦破了。

    The operation was infiltrated by the Gestapo, the German secret police.

  14. 他地法国是警方带着年夜量地收集地盖世太保和特务。

    His France was a police state with a vast network of secret police and spies.

  15. 我们被带到了盖世太保总部,我们三人被推进不同的牢房。

    We were taken to Gestapo headquarters, where the three of us were shoved into separate rooms.

  16. 个人住房抵押贷款保险成工行与太保合作融合点

    Personal housing mortgage insurance into line with the integration point for cooperation Pacific Insurance

  17. 你的意思是想让我和盖世太保一样用警棍殴打犹太人。

    You mean you want me to beat up Jews with my truncheon and catch the Gestapo spirit.

  18. 做社风俗中,太保处于突出地位,太保当系古太卜的传讹。

    To do social customs in a prominent position at the CPIC, CPIC when the Department of the ancient Mass Taibu false.

  19. 在此日, 以社主家为聚会所进行活动, 以太保先生为赞神人。

    In this day, to the host family for the gathering of community activities carried out in order to praise God for the people, Mr.

  20. 十二太保丸

    Shiertaibao pills.

  21. 十三太保丸

    Shisan Taibao Pill.

  22. 目前投行给太保得普遍估值是在10元之上。

    At present, for line Taibao to the general valuation is based on 8.

  23. 保和殿比太和殿规模小些。

    Baohe Dian is smaller than the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

  24. 紧凑爱保太的分枝角度显著大于普通型和半矮化型。

    Branch angle of compact type was the biggest and its canopy shape was flatter than the others.

  25. 现在甚至叫我和山保太太多聊上几句,我都提不起劲儿。

    Now I do not even have the energy of conversation with Mrs. Semple.

  26. 唐太宗的太子教育

    A Study on the Crown Prince Education of Tang Dynasty Tai Zong

  27. 太子妃沙皇太子的妻子

    The wife of a czarevitch.

  28. 保罗觉得这种酱太油腻了。

    Paul found the sauce too oily.

  29. 保罗喜欢幻想,不太讲究实际。

    Paul was dreamy and not very practical.

  30. 诏三阿哥玄烨太子少保魏承谟接旨

    Third Elder Brother XuanYue, Young Protector Wei Cheng Mo take the order


