







汉语拼音:dàn yǐ






  1. 仅此而已。谓不复深究或就此了事。

    《汉书·淮阳献王刘钦传》:“纵不伏诛,必蒙迁削贬黜之罪,未有但已者也。” 宋 陈亮 《又乙巳春书》之一:“理之所在,岂宜如此但已,愿更一言也。”《明史·何乔新传》:“岁大饥,故事,振贷迄秋止, 乔新 曰:‘止於秋,谓秋成可仰也,今秋可但已乎?’振至明年麦熟乃止。”



  1. Then one of them ran and cut him down with a sword, and he tumbled on the grass, half strangled , and unable to speak for the time.


  2. Check the name and either change it to one that does not conflict , or delete the pre- existing file or project if it is no longer needed .


  3. Recent studies have established that this explanation is incorrect, but have left the phenomenon unexplained.


  4. I turned to look, but it was gone. I cannot put my finger on it now. The child is grown, the dream is gone.


  5. Among the stiff stacks of unburied corpses and the ghostlike, disbelieving living, he had been able only to think how lucky he was.


  6. Yet Mr Sarkozy took a bet that there was a silent majority prepared to accept change, however much they disliked it.


  7. The vision was a beautiful plant in a pot and the plant was no longer growing; it needed to be transplanted.


  8. Li Heping said he had not been notified personally but had been told he was disbarred.


  9. Definitions also bring paradox: Western civilization began in what is now Iraq, but it would be hard to make a case now for Iraq as Western.


  1. 他做错了事,但已悔悟。

    He has done wrong but repented.

  2. 他才16岁,但已吸毒成瘾。

    He was only 16 and he was already hooked on drugs.

  3. 加西亚为此受到轻伤但已康复。

    Garcia was treated for minor injuries and released.

  4. 记录未入账但已获取的收入

    Recording unrecorded revenue earned

  5. 记录未入账但已发生的费用

    Recording unrecorded expense incurred

  6. 时间看似很短, 但已足够漫长了。

    It was long enough.

  7. 他仍在住院,但已脱离了危险。

    He's still in hospital but out of danger.

  8. 但已晚了,只能在一边看戏。

    But late only on the side of the altar.

  9. 一定要挑选硬实但已成熟的水果。

    Always choose firm, but ripe fruit.

  10. 进程有要执行得任务, 但已停止。

    The process has work to perform but has been stopped.

  11. 进程有要执行的任务,但已停止。

    The process has work to perform but has been stopped.

  12. 昨晚我想进电影院,但已满座了。

    I tried to get in the cinema last night but it was full.

  13. 天还未下雪, 但已叶落草枯。

    There was no snow, but the leaves were gone from the trees and the grass was dead.

  14. 我的书尚未发行, 但已印待装订。

    My book is not out yet, but it is in sheets.

  15. 我得书尚未发行,但已印待装订。

    My book is not out yet, but it is in sheets.

  16. 供应尽管仍处于高位,但已开始下降。

    Supplies, while still high, have started to dwindle.

  17. 她才18岁,但已成了老练的作曲家。

    Shes only 18 but shes already a practised composer.

  18. 虽然互相见面, 但已失去紧密的联系。

    They do not lose sight of each other, but there is no longer a close connection.

  19. 古罗马城墙尚可见到,但已不完整。

    Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity.

  20. 古罗马城墙尚可见, 但已残缺不全。

    The old Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity.

  21. 她愁容满面, 但已不再因气愤而抽搐。

    Her face was troubled, but no longer convulsed with anger.

  22. 仍属于量词范畴、但已不是定数量词。

    Some of DMW still belong to measure word but not DMW any more.

  23. 街上并不拥挤, 但已看不清她了。

    The street was not crowded, but already he could not distinguish her.

  24. 他并不认识他们,但已久仰他们的大名。

    He did not know them personally, but he was familiar with their reputation.

  25. 这样的女人, 尽管还存在, 但已近乎绝迹。

    Such women, while they do exist, are nearly extinct.

  26. 士兵仍然握着枪, 但已弹尽无助。

    The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition.

  27. 他们虽然只见了一面,但已是一见如故了。

    Even after meeting only once, they felt a kinship.

  28. 虽然速度比较慢, 但已发出复苏的信号。

    Even though more slowly, but has issued a recovery signal.

  29. 虽然速度比较慢,但已发出复苏得信号。

    Even though more slowly, but has issued a recovery signal.

  30. 虽然病人还是会疼,但已减轻许多了。

    That will cause the patient to suffer, but just a little and much less than before.