







汉语拼音:chá diǎn






  1. 茶水和点心。

    《续孽海花》第三一回:“ 梁超如 、 麦化农 等,约集些同志,在 陶然亭 备了茶点,商量变法自强的法子。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》二:“每日晨餐一次,午晚大菜两次,下午五时许还有茶点一次。” 巴金 《家》二九:“茶会开始的时候,他也跟别人一样地吃着茶点。”



  1. diana , as she passed in and out , in the course of preparing tea , brought me a little cake , baked on the top of the oven.


  2. Things might be rough for a while, but don't give up. (sigh) Well, I'd better get going. Thanks for the tea and goodies.


  3. When she had known me for a year she invited me to tea.


  4. It was not till 'nammet'-time, about three o'clock, that Tess raised her eyes and gave a momentary glance round.


  5. Here are the refreshments you want. If you want something else, please feel free to let me know.


  6. The gaoler's daughter saw that the topic was doing him as much good as the tea, as indeed it was, and encouraged him to go on.


  7. At teatime they compared notes, and all agreed that it had been a delightful, though unusually long day.


  8. when the tea - table was done with , they all moved to one of the windows , and looked out into the heavy twilight.


  9. faber entered the house , hung his hat on the hall - stand , washed his hands and went in to tea.


  1. 招待客人吃茶点

    preside at tea

  2. 他们被飨以茶点。

    They were regaled with tea and cakes.

  3. 会后备茶点供应。

    Refreshment will be served after the event.

  4. 再烤的茶点饼。

    toasted teacakes

  5. 那是茶点时间了。

    It's tea time now.

  6. 会后有茶点供应。

    Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

  7. 会上没有招待茶点。

    No refreshments were offered at the party.

  8. 你们需要什么茶点吗?

    Do you need any refreshments?

  9. 你们需要什么茶点吗?

    Do you need any refreshments?

  10. 于是他们来到茶点室。

    So they went to a refreshment room.

  11. 我们受到茶点的招待。

    We were entertained with refreshments.

  12. 您认为茶点小吃如何?

    What do you feel about A light repast?

  13. 门票包括茶点的费用。

    Tickets include the price of refreshments.

  14. 他们以茶点招待客人。

    They entertained guests with refreshments.

  15. 它离茶点太近了。

    It's too close to the refreshments.

  16. 他请我们去吃茶点。

    He invited us to for tea.

  17. 我们四点钟吃茶点。

    We have tea at four o'clock.

  18. 我们午后三点吃茶点。

    We tea at three.

  19. 我想吃一顿好茶点。

    I should like to have a good tea.

  20. 最后并有精美茶点招待。

    At a late hour dainty refreshments were served.

  21. 我们得收取少量茶点费。

    We have to make a small charge for refreshments.

  22. 太大了不适合做茶点。

    Too large for tea cakes.

  23. 他们边吃茶点边讨论问题。

    They discussed the question over tea and cakes.

  24. 用茶点时, 他们吃了鱼。

    They had fish for tea.

  25. 免费自助早餐及下午茶点。

    Complimentary breakfast and afternoon tea.

  26. 我们在五点钟吃茶点。

    We had tea and cakes at 5 o'clock.

  27. 认为茶点费物无所值

    Said snack fees were not value for money

  28. 我们该摆桌进茶点了。

    Its time we laid the cloth for tea.

  29. 女王将同海伦共享茶点

    Helen is the Queen Tea

  30. 茶点过後,迪理上场投球。

    Dilley went on after tea.


  1. 问:茶点拼音怎么拼?茶点的读音是什么?茶点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶点的读音是chádiǎn,茶点翻译成英文是 refreshments

  2. 问:茶点室拼音怎么拼?茶点室的读音是什么?茶点室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶点室的读音是chá diǎn shì,茶点室翻译成英文是 refreshment room

  3. 问:茶点整备室拼音怎么拼?茶点整备室的读音是什么?茶点整备室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶点整备室的读音是chá diǎn zhěng bèi shì,茶点整备室翻译成英文是 still room

  4. 问:茶点足毒蛾拼音怎么拼?茶点足毒蛾的读音是什么?茶点足毒蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:茶点足毒蛾的读音是chádiǎnzúdú'é,茶点足毒蛾翻译成英文是 Redoa phaeocraspeda