


喜欢,爱好:~学。~酒。~好(hào )。~欲。~痂之癖(形容人的乖僻嗜好。亦称“嗜痂成癖”)。……





汉语拼音:shì shā







  1. 喜好杀戮。

    宋 郭彖 《睽车志》卷二:“武翼大夫 焦仲 ,居 四明 ,性嗜杀。日以弹射臂鹰走狗为乐,所杀不可胜纪。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·吴制府》:“有童子窃葱数茎,为肆人告发,公即请王命诛之,人皆以为过当。其嗜杀也若此。”



  1. Yet, like those other thuggish rulers, Saddam won not just fawningly insincere adulation but a surprising degree of support from his people.


  2. Hey, crazy lady, I believe in God too. I just don't think he's the bloodthirsty asshole, you make him out to be.


  3. The judge described him as a Sparton dog and sentenced him to life imprisonment yesterday.


  4. The general is a real butcher.


  5. Even as Westerners came to fear bloodthirsty and barbaric Muslims, Muslims deplored degenerate and imperialist Christians.


  6. Why isn't there ever a bloodthirsty sociopath with dictatorial powers and no regard for legal niceties around when you need one?


  7. The suspect is a Spartan dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.


  8. The religion of the Aztec was a bloodthirsty one.


  9. Bloodthirsty men hate the honest man, but the upright show concern for his life.


  1. 嗜杀成性的部队

    amuck troops.

  2. 嗜杀成性的海盗

    a bloodthirsty pirate

  3. 嗜杀的嗜好流血的

    Eager to shed blood.

  4. 求生本能/ 嗜杀本性

    survival/ killer instinct

  5. 鲨鱼有嗜杀的本性。

    Sharks have the killer instinct.

  6. 鲨鱼有嗜杀得本性。

    Sharks have the killer instinct.

  7. 嗜杀成性的法西斯匪徒

    bloodthirsty fascists

  8. 那将军是嗜杀成性得人。

    The general is a real butcher.

  9. 那将军是嗜杀成性的人。

    The general is a real butcher.

  10. 杀人不眨眼的凶手,嗜杀的部族,喋血的勇士。

    a bloodthirsty killer, tribe, warrior

  11. 残忍的行为,血腥的谋杀,嗜杀成性的暴君。

    a bloody deed, murder, tyrant

  12. 昨天法官斥责他嗜杀成性,判他终身监禁。

    The judge described him as a Sparton dog and sentenced him to life imprisonment yesterday.

  13. 那个嗜杀成性的凶手犯下了骇人听闻的罪行。

    The killer committed monstrous acts.

  14. 那个嗜杀成性得凶手犯下了骇人听闻得罪行。

    The killer committed monstrous acts.

  15. 是个极有控制欲,嗜杀成性的狂热分子

    is a very controlling, very homicidal fanatic.

  16. 她反对所有嗜杀的娱乐消遣, 特别是猎狐。

    She is against all blood sports, especially foxhunting.

  17. 阿兹台克人的宗教信仰是一种嗜杀的宗教。

    The religion of the Aztec was a bloodthirsty one.

  18. 为嗜杀酵母原生质体融合育种提供了依据。

    It provides scientific basis for the breeding of protoplast fusion of killer yeast.

  19. 那嫌疑犯嗜杀成性,但他对待自己的小儿子却异常温柔。

    The suspect is a Sparton dog but he is surprisingly gentle to his little son.

  20. 他最后说,严惩这样一个嗜杀成性的人对社会是有益的。

    It would be beneficial to society to punish such a cruel being, he concluded.

  21. 她们同样女扮男装,战斗时之残酷嗜杀,更是无有出其右者。

    They both disguised themselves as men, and in times of action no one else was as ruthless and bloodthirsty as these two women.

  22. 嗜杀是穷凶极恶者之特徵。

    A thirst for blood is the characteristic of satanized man.

  23. 虽然雌狼蛛嗜杀成性, 但抚养子女却体贴入微。

    AlthoughShishachengxing female wolf spider, but the child has an enhanced level.

  24. 哈基穆拉。马哈苏德应是28岁, 素有嗜杀之恶名。

    Hakimullah Mehsud, thought to be 28, is known as a triggerhappy thug.

  25. 你是不是像嗜血法医那样专杀坏人?

    Do you only kill bad guys, like Dexter does

  26. 几种杀虫剂对嗜虫书虱的触杀作用

    Contact toxicity of several insecticides against the adults of Liposcelis entomophila

  27. 目的观察拜虫杀对中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊的毒杀效果。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effectiveness of Responsar against Anopheles sinensis and Anopheles anthropophagus.


  1. 问:嗜杀拼音怎么拼?嗜杀的读音是什么?嗜杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嗜杀的读音是,嗜杀翻译成英文是 bloodthirstiness

  2. 问:嗜杀狂拼音怎么拼?嗜杀狂的读音是什么?嗜杀狂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嗜杀狂的读音是shì shā kuáng,嗜杀狂翻译成英文是 phonomania

  3. 问:嗜杀的拼音怎么拼?嗜杀的的读音是什么?嗜杀的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嗜杀的的读音是,嗜杀的翻译成英文是 bloodthirsty

  4. 问:嗜杀成性的人拼音怎么拼?嗜杀成性的人的读音是什么?嗜杀成性的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嗜杀成性的人的读音是,嗜杀成性的人翻译成英文是 killer