


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……





汉语拼音:mén fá






  1. 亦作“ 门伐 ”。指门第阀阅。

    《后汉书·宦者传论》:“声荣无暉於门阀,肌肤莫传於来体。” 宋 苏轼 《下财启》:“顾门阀之虽微,恃臭味之不远。” 黄人 《<清文汇>序》:“枢府銓司,以门伐资格,黜陟百尔。” 胡适 《<水浒>续集两种序》:“ 柴进 做了丞相, 燕青 便做了副丞相; 燕青 是奴仆出身;故首相不能不让给门阀光荣的 柴进 。”

  2. 宅第。

    清 黄轩祖 《游梁琐记·裕州刀匪》:“比至,则门阀巍峨,声势煊赫。” 清 陆长春 《香饮楼宾谈·峨嵋盗》:“繚垣高耸,门阀岿然。”



  1. Aristocratic politics, as a unique historical phenomenon, is the result of factors of three levels.


  2. Conservative strategy to adjust strategy means that price fluctuation has a threshold effect on resource allocation inefficiency.


  3. In monks power elite, powerful family system stern feudal society, and discriminated against by birth civilians.


  4. Our in-shop repair capabilities include the repair of virtually all types and sizes of gate, globe, check & ball valves.


  5. Thissystem is designed for direct replacement of traditional throttle valves, and requires no linkage between valve and actuator.


  6. in olden times, influential families enjoyed special privileges.


  7. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power.


  8. the power output mechanism outputs the power for the door valve to rotate;


  9. Industrial valves - Gate valves of thermoplastics materials


  1. 节气门阀体

    Throttle body.

  2. 门阀的虚耀,权势的夸荣。

    The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power.

  3. 东晋门阀政治中的桓氏父子

    The Fathers and Sons of the Huan Family in the Politics of Power and Influence in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

  4. 论门阀世族社会地位的演变

    On the Evolvement of the Social Status of the Family of Power

  5. 排气门阀座成形模结构分析

    The Structure Analysis on the Forming Die of Valve Seat Insert

  6. 门阀士族的衰落与衰亡原因

    Of causes of the decline and fall of the family of power and influence

  7. 旧社会,门阀世家经常会享受到一些特权。

    In olden times, influential families enjoyed special privileges.

  8. 旧社会,门阀世家经常会享受到一些特权。

    In olden times, influential families enjoyed special privileges.

  9. 其二, 阐释门阀制度对家史撰述的影响。

    Secondly, this part explains the influence of the ancestry system on the compilation of lineage history.

  10. 主汽门阀壳是大型汽轮机的关键零件。

    Main valve housing is a key part of giant turbines.

  11. 汉晋南朝之豪强地主世家大族与门阀制度

    The despotic landowning families and patriarch system in the Han, Jin and South dynasties

  12. 唐代门阀士族文化追求的转变及影响

    The Change of the Powerful Family Knowledge Pursuing with the Influence on Its Decline

  13. 门阀士族是地主阶级中的一个特权阶层。

    The powerful family hereditary scholar class is in a landlord class's privileged stratum.

  14. 用门阀或用一种活动方式与门类似的装置控制。

    Control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate.

  15. 魏晋南北朝是门阀地主占主导地位的历史时期。

    This period is a historical period when the family of power and influence and the landlords dominated.

  16. 门阀士族拥有特权并与庶族保持着严格界限。

    The powerful family hereditary scholar class has the privilege and is maintaining with the commoners the strict boundary.

  17. 湘潭电厂1号机主汽门阀壳裂纹补焊处理

    Fixing of the Main Inlet Control Valve Shell of The Unit 1 in Xiangtan Power Plant

  18. 晋宋之际门阀士族由竞进到退让的历程

    The Course of Gentry Clans from Contending to Yielding between Jin and Song Dynasties

  19. 主阀门阀体应该采用耐腐蚀的300系列不锈钢制造。

    The main valve body shall be manufactured from 300 series stainless steel to provide corrosion resistance.

  20. 南朝国婚士族种种表现反映了门阀士族的相对衰落。

    The various expressions of this kind of marriage spoke of the decline of family power and its influence.

  21. 两晋时期,门阀士族的奢侈腐败是这个时代的显著特征。

    In the Twice Jin dynasties, the aristocrats'extravagance and corruption was the remarkable character.

  22. 他那古老的门阀世家,历史悠久,名望却比山岳还要高得多。

    His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable.

  23. 只有在连接完全成功粘固后,才能够重新安装阀门阀体。

    Reinstall the valve body and union nuts only after the joint has fully cured.

  24. 这些装置由可连接标准阀门阀杆得联结器和加长杆组成。

    These sets consist of a coupling which attaches to standard valve stem and an extension rod.

  25. 这些装置由可连接标准阀门阀杆的联结器和加长杆组成。

    These sets consist of a coupling which attaches to standard valve stem and an extension rod.

  26. 九品中正制的考课作用对于士族门阀和庶族寒人是不同的。

    The Nine Grades Appraisal System functioned quite differently from the aristocrats to the ordinary people.


  1. 问:门阀拼音怎么拼?门阀的读音是什么?门阀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:门阀的读音是ménfá,门阀翻译成英文是 A family of power and influence; a family th...


