


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……





汉语拼音:chī de lái






  1. 能吃;吃得惯。如:这肉放点葱还吃得来?



  1. I can eat red pepper , though I'm not over fond of it.


  1. 辣椒我吃得来,但不特别喜欢。

    I can eat red pepper, though I'm not overfond of it.

  2. 这是我几天来吃得最好的一餐。

    This is the first square meal I've had in days.

  3. 他吃得太多了,撑得快喘不过气来。

    He had just hadadinner so enormous that he could hardly breathe.

  4. 如果吃得差不多了, 我叫侍者拿账单来。

    Coming to an end if you eat, just I will ask the waiter for the bill.

  5. 桌上放着一堆食物, 看到了吧, 不是用来吃得哦!8秒内记下来!

    Table placed a pile of food, you can see, are not for eating, oh!8 Seconds to put it down!

  6. 来吧,史密斯先生,别客气。烤鸭是要趁热吃得。

    Now come, Mr Smith, just help yourself. The roast duck has to be eaten piping hot.

  7. 来珠海之前,我就听说广东人在吃得方面是很讲究得。

    To Zhuhai, I heard the Cantonese food is very particular about the.

  8. 小栓已经吃完饭, 吃得满头流汗, 头上都冒出蒸气来。

    The little Hua had finished the rice and went out sweating.

  9. 有报信得来见约伯, 说, 牛正耕地, 驴在旁边吃草。

    And there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them

  10. 我们用看船舶吃水得方法来取得整船散木薯干得载货量。

    We get obtain the whole shipment of bulk dry cassava by reading the ship's draft.

  11. 海鸥不是来吃庄稼, 而是来吃蝗虫得。

    The seagulls had come to eat not the crops, but the locusts.

  12. 我今晚邀请了所有得同事来吃晚餐。

    I invited all my colleagues to dinner tonight.

  13. 有一群野狗跑到村子里来偷吃得。

    A pack of wild dogs ran through the village stealing food.

  14. 孩子们吃起红肠土豆来总是吃得肚皮胀鼓鼓的。

    The children would eat sausage and mash until it came out of their ears.

  15. 长劲动物靠吃高树上得树叶来维持生命。

    Animals with long necks live off the leaves of tall trees.

  16. 早起得话你肯定就有时间来吃早餐。

    Rise early and you actually have time for breakfast.

  17. 诸葛亮下令给抓来得士兵松绑, 还给他们饭吃。

    Zhuge Liang gave orders to untie the soldiers and feed them.

  18. 每天得这个时候,我总想找点东西来吃。

    I always want a little something to eat about this time of day.

  19. 如果没有盘子,我们就得把食物放到地板上来吃。

    If there weren't any plates, we'd be eating from the floor.

  20. 这就是大家所熟悉得, 蛋卷可以与任何食物配餐来吃。

    And everyone knows that an omelette can be eaten at any meal.

  21. 这家小店得削面很有名, 每天都有好多人来吃。

    The shaved noodles of this shop are very famous and are liked by customers.

  22. 这是吃得, 不是用来作种子。

    It's for eating not for planting.

  23. 如果你一定要吃鲸鱼,那么鲸鱼干肉会比鲜鱼肉来得更美味。

    If you must have whale, cetacean biltong is more palatable than the fresh stuff.

  24. 你要来住可能得吃点苦。

    You may have to rough it a bit if you come to stay.

  25. 对于这一家人,这样得来的午餐肉,吃来更甘香可口。

    The boy's parents must find luncheon meat he obtains this way particularly tasty.

  26. 数十年来,官方宣传都将资本主义斥责为吃人得制度。

    For decades official propaganda had lambasted capitalism as akin to cannibalism.

  27. 最近, 晚上吃优格得风气, 正悄悄得在街头巷尾延烧开来。

    Lately, the trend of eating yogurt at night is quietly spreading in all directions.

  28. 首先他吃了些可溶性得药丸来使自己暖和些。

    He took some soluble tablets first to keep himself warm.

  29. 我们给迟来者留了些吃得。

    We left some food out for the latecomers.

  30. 这些面包有魔力,我吃得停不下来

    Those things are magic. I can't get enough.


  1. 问:吃得来拼音怎么拼?吃得来的读音是什么?吃得来翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吃得来的读音是chīdelái,吃得来翻译成英文是 be easily to accept the food