







汉语拼音:sōu luó







  1. 访求罗致;搜集。

    唐 范传正 《唐左拾遗翰林学士李白新墓碑》:“ 代宗 之初,搜罗俊逸,拜公左拾遗。” 宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷三:“本朝承 五季 之后,无復字画可称,至 太宗皇帝 始搜罗法书。” 明 唐顺之 《答俞教谕书》:“僕於甲科人才固未尝专有眷眷搜罗之心。” 朱光潜 《艺文杂谈·谈书牍》:“ 赖古堂 《尺牍新钞》搜罗较富。”

  2. 亦作“ 搜逻 ”。谓巡回搜索。

    宋 欧阳修 《南獠》诗:“搜罗一月餘,不战师自罢。” 宋 司马光 《和王介甫烘虱》:“我归彼出疲奔命,备北惊南厌搜逻。”《红楼梦》第一○二回:“这样的大排场,我打量拿着妖怪给我们瞧瞧到底是些甚么东西,那里知道是这样搜罗!” 郭沫若 《反正前后》第二篇:“由于自卫团搜逻得很厉害,没有出城的变兵都躲藏了起来。”

  3. 蒐羅:搜罗;搜集。

    元 宫天挺 《范张鸡黍》第一折:“总年数三百二十七万,称尊号一百八十餘君,总不如 唐 虞 氏把七政蒐罗成历象。” 明 吴承恩 《二郎搜山图歌》:“星飞电掣各奉命,蒐罗要使山林空。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·嘱鹞》:“开卷益偏多,古和今,任蒐罗,清磨岁月惟书可。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷三:“余曾有续刻《皇清经解》之议,因博访通人,蒐罗众籍。”



  1. We have our own minds, looking into the latest information network Winds containers, but not to his left found a small storage box.


  2. He collected waste paper to be a technique of living, and he liked such an opportunity of living.


  3. Every available soldier in the Berlin area was to be thrown into the attack, including the Luftwaffe ground troops.


  4. Tech-savvy traders have been scraping data out of new reports, press releases and corporate Web sites for years.


  5. Capital projects are being cut by every operator and, after years of desperately searching for labour, lay-offs have begun.


  6. She oversees the photography and print collection at the Library of Congress and has trawled the archives there for her book selection.


  7. My acquaintances moved among the fallen knights, collecting rings, wallets, pocket watches, ladies' favors.


  8. One contributing factor may be a decline in the number of predators, which include sea turtles and certain species of fish.


  9. The process used to produce these antibiotics includes fermentation, extraction and purification.


  1. 为大学搜罗中学的运动员

    to proselyte high school athletes for a college

  2. 她到各商店搜罗便宜货。

    She trawled the shops for bargains.

  3. 他们正在伦敦搜罗一个代理人。

    They are trawling London for an agent.

  4. 他们到处搜罗一些古董来装饰新居。

    They scouted around for some antiques to furnish their new apartment.

  5. 谁不想做个搜罗便宜货的人?

    Who would not like to be a bargain hunter

  6. 谁不想做个搜罗便宜货得人 呢

    Who would not like to be a bargain hunter.

  7. 熊仔从全国各地搜罗而来 被买卖

    And the bear cubs were being harvested from across the country and being sold and traded.

  8. 论文中应该搜罗哪些质料以撑持我得论点?

    What information should I include in paper to support my argument?

  9. 论文中应该搜罗哪些质料以撑持我的论点?

    What information should I include in paper to support my argument ?

  10. 他答应在几天内搜罗几个年轻的演员来。

    Hs promised to rustle up some young actors in a few days.

  11. 史蒂夫一心想要搜罗关于她的一切丑闻。

    Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her.

  12. 我们醉于追寻,用空洞的眼神搜罗同样的新奇。

    We are drunk on the pursuit, with hollow eyes collecting the same novel.

  13. 这个领导人从哪里搜罗到这群讨厌的士兵?

    Where did the leader grub up that nasty bunch of soldier?

  14. 希特勒为死守柏林搜罗的兵力总共为100万人。

    Hitler to defend Berlin, collecting total strength of 100 million people.

  15. 在全国范围内广为搜罗,结果物色到了30名演员。

    As a result of a nationwide trawl thirty actors were enlisted.

  16. 法官说原告为搜罗罪证而进行调查, 要他停止。

    The judge said the prosecutor was on a fishing expedition and stopped him.

  17. 他搜罗坛坛罐罐和收起的牛奶,并包揽了厨房。

    He scoured the pots and pans and put away the milk and swept the kitchen.

  18. 在大,中学校和机关,工厂里,到处都在搜罗兵员。

    Universities and high schools, offices and factories, were combed for recruits.

  19. 别的疑息前导收端借搜罗工程专家可能统计专家。

    Other sources of information include engineering expert or experts in statistics.

  20. 搜罗漂白骨相,我们却发现光隐着的躯肉。

    Searching out the bleached bones of the image we found instead flesh unexpressed by light.

  21. 搜罗漂白骨相,我们却发现光隐着得躯肉。

    Searching out the bleached bones of the image we found instead flesh unexpressed by light.

  22. 我们花了整个周末到处搜罗一些古董来装饰新居。

    We spent all weekend scouring around for same antiques to use in furnishing our new apartment.

  23. 他们一直在搜罗,她说。派很多人在村子里寻找患者。

    They have plenty of people looking for the sick in the villages.

  24. 是一个搜罗便宜货的人发现了那把价值连城的小提琴。

    It is a bargain hunter who discovered the priceless violin.

  25. 他书房里满是浪迹天涯时,搜罗来的世界各地纪念品。

    His library displayed miscellanea of mementos from different parts of the world, a lifetime of traveling.

  26. 验收搜罗收到正式仿单,声名已经知足了合同条目的要求。

    The acceptance includes receipt of a formal statement that the terms of the contract have been met.

  27. 奥运官员费力地搜罗上百首歌曲, 找出一首来代表北京。

    Olympic officials have the hard task of collecting hundreds of songs to find the one that represents Beijing.

  28. 进程已去常常斲丧那些抗死素搜罗收酵, 提与战洗净。

    The process used to produce these antibiotics includes fermentation, extraction and purification.


  1. 问:搜罗拼音怎么拼?搜罗的读音是什么?搜罗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:搜罗的读音是sōuluó,搜罗翻译成英文是 recruit



【词目】 搜罗

【拼音】sōu luó

【英译】 [hunt]
