







汉语拼音:jì fàng








  1. 暂时存放。

    《水浒传》第二二回:“众人登场了当,尸首把棺木盛了,寄放寺院里,将一干人带到县里。”《儿女英雄传》第八回:“那排插后面还寄放着一个説煞説不清的 安公子 ,还得合他费无限的唇舌。” 洪深 《香稻米》第三幕:“这三只鸡不是我的,是 陈金福 托我拿来寄放在你们这里的。”

  2. 犹寄托。

    郭沫若 《虎符》第一幕:“有时候我们妇女的希望,差不多就完全寄放在自己的儿女们身上。”



  1. I don't know. I've had customers leaving keys here for years. Sometimes they pick them up in a few days. Sometimes it takes a few weeks.


  2. Is it possible to leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon?


  3. The delightfully named banana slug will bite off its own penis and leave it in the female to prevent any other slug depositing its DNA.


  4. G: I'd like to leave this with you.


  5. Yes, I left my jacket with you this morning but I've lost the tag for it.


  6. I 'll be out this afternoon. Please leave the baggage with the front desk clerk .


  7. However, this bus has no specialised facility or space for luggage.


  8. park the car in the yard; park the children with the in-laws; park your bag in this locker.


  9. Obtain a receipt for your passport and any valuables you leave in the hotel safe.


  1. 你们要寄放外套吗?

    Do you want to check your coats?

  2. 我想把行李暂时寄放一下。

    I want to check my luggage.

  3. 我想把一些贵重物品寄放保管。

    I'd like to deposit my valuables somewhere for safekeeping.

  4. 较大的手提行李请寄放保管柜。

    Please use storage lockers for large belongings.

  5. 请问我的行李可以先寄放在这里吗

    Asked my baggage may first entrust in here

  6. 我不想要这个孩子。可以打掉或寄放领养吗?

    I don't want this child. Can I abort it or put it up for adoption?

  7. 我能在你的车库里 寄放些零零碎碎的东西吗?

    Say, can I store some odds and ends in your garage?

  8. 把自行车放在委托商店里寄卖

    put a bicycle on sale in a secondhand shop

  9. 她将夹克和雨伞放在寄物柜里。

    She puts her jacket and umbrella in a locker.

  10. 我把信放进信封里, 然后把它寄了出去。

    I put the letter in the envelope and sent it.

  11. 她放肆无礼, 竟要她的老板替她寄信。

    She has the cheek of the devil, asking her boss to post her letter for her.

  12. 把所有东西都放在这个盒子里,然后寄给我。

    Put everything in a box and send it to my address.

  13. 你说你已把信寄走了, 可是信还在桌上放着。

    You said you had posted the letter, when it is still on the table.

  14. 瓶子故意这样放的目的是恢复寄件人上的符咒。

    What the bottles were intended to do was bounce back spells on the sender.

  15. 所以想到要把这些冲动这些感觉都放进一个盒子里, 寄出去。

    So, I thought of putting this inclination of mine into a box and post it out.

  16. 行李寄放处

    check room.

  17. 行李寄放在机场

    Storing Luggage at the Airport

  18. 串行平分移位寄放器

    series half shift register

  19. 我的行李寄放在哪里?

    Where can I check my luggage?

  20. 我得行李寄放在哪里?

    Where can I check my luggage?

  21. 我的行李寄放在哪里?

    Where can I check my luggage?

  22. 请你把包寄放在寄包处。

    You may leave it at the checkroom.

  23. 我把雨伞寄放在了衣帽间。

    I deposited my umbrella in the cloakroom.

  24. 我把雨伞寄放在了衣帽间。

    I deposited my umbrella in the cloakroom.

  25. 他把书寄放在哥哥家了。

    He left his books in his brother's keeping.

  26. 我把小孩寄放在邻居家里。

    I parked my baby at the neighbor's house.

  27. 他把箱子寄放在左边的行李房。

    He deposited the case in the left luggage office.

  28. 请把手提箱寄放在服务台好吗?

    Could you leave your suitcase at the bell captain's desk?

  29. 嗯, 首先, 您有多少行李要寄放?

    Well, first, how many pieces of luggage have you got ?

  30. 你把照相机寄放在办事员处了吗

    Have you checked your camera with the clerk


  1. 问:寄放拼音怎么拼?寄放的读音是什么?寄放翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄放的读音是jìfàng,寄放翻译成英文是 leave



基本解释 [leave with;leave in the care of] 寄存 把箱子寄放在朋友家 详细解释 1. 暂时存放。 《水浒传》第二二回:“众人登场了当,尸首把棺木盛了,寄放寺院里,将一干人带到县里。”《儿女英雄传》第八回:“那排插后面还寄放着一个说煞说不清的 安公子 ,还得合他费无限的唇舌。” 洪深 《香稻米》第三幕:“这三只鸡不是我的,是 陈金福 托我拿来寄放在你们这里的。” 2. 犹寄托。 郭沫若 《虎符》第一幕:“有时候我们妇女的希望,差不多就完全寄放在自己的儿女们身上。”