







汉语拼音:cún dàng







  1. 把已经处理完毕的公文或稿件资料等存入档案,以备查考。



  1. And this management on document is all operations about the creation, modifying, classifying and restoring on documentation.


  2. This enables common bundles to be factored out of individual enterprise application archives and managed centrally in a bundle repository.


  3. Even in the worst case, when a change record starts off as vague or high-level, it is at least being tracked and documented.


  4. We all gathered in the garden to hear about the project archive the author's papers, and then something completely unexpected happened.


  5. The US Geological Survey is now genotyping from archive samples, creating a genetic ID of every bear captured over the past 20 years.


  6. He said incident reports were filed but ignored by brass. "It was like the incident had never happened, " he stated.


  7. Although she acknowledges that some class-action cases should not have been filed, she says it is far from easy to get a class action going.


  8. With its cool climate, abundant geothermal energy and secure remoteness, Iceland appears to be a prime location for data archives.


  9. Just a few weeks ago, somebody actually created an archive of the Pirate Bay as a torrent file.


  1. 存档表空间

    archive tablespace.

  2. 把文件存档

    place a document on file.

  3. 存档与传输

    archiving and communication.

  4. 双重存档制度

    dual filing.

  5. 外壳存档文件

    shell archive

  6. 电子存档系统

    Electronic Filing System

  7. 编目存档系统

    Catalogue and archive system

  8. 启动及时存档。

    Enable the RealTime Save function.

  9. 我把文书存档。

    I file the papers.

  10. 存档和检索文件

    tar file

  11. 存档文件已损坏。

    Archive file damaged.

  12. 把这些文件存档。

    Place the documents on file.

  13. 你复印一套存档。

    Make a set of copies for your files.

  14. 遥感卫星数据存档

    Remote sensing data archive

  15. 编辑会议记录存档。

    Call Alex, report meeting details.

  16. 存档文件名已经存在。

    Archive file name already exists.

  17. 静态图象存档系统

    still image filing system

  18. 这些笔记都已存档。

    These notes were on file.

  19. 请把这些信件存档。

    Please file those letters.

  20. 此卡应存档备查。

    This card should be kept on file for reference.

  21. 试卷于1995年12月存档。

    The papers were filed away in December 1995.

  22. 存档并清除审计报表

    Archive and Purge Audit Report

  23. 发行人电子存档系统

    issuer electronic filing system

  24. 工作底稿的永久存档

    Permanent filing of working paper

  25. 成功创建多卷存档。

    The multivolume archive was created successfully.

  26. 没有存档。没有限制。没有登记。

    There's no archive, there are no barriers, there's no registration.

  27. 图像存档和传输系统

    picture anchiving and communication system

  28. 图像存档与通讯系统

    Picture archiving and communication system

  29. 医学图像存档与传输

    medical picture archiving and communication

  30. 更新了名单存档文件。

    New option file with updated appearances.


  1. 问:存档拼音怎么拼?存档的读音是什么?存档翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档的读音是cún//dàng,存档翻译成英文是 file

  2. 问:存档制度拼音怎么拼?存档制度的读音是什么?存档制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档制度的读音是cún dàng zhì dù,存档制度翻译成英文是 filing system

  3. 问:存档周期拼音怎么拼?存档周期的读音是什么?存档周期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档周期的读音是cún dàng zhōu qī,存档周期翻译成英文是 grandfather cycle

  4. 问:存档备用拼音怎么拼?存档备用的读音是什么?存档备用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档备用的读音是cún dàng bèi yòng,存档备用翻译成英文是 deposited for record

  5. 问:存档文件拼音怎么拼?存档文件的读音是什么?存档文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档文件的读音是cún dàng wén jiàn,存档文件翻译成英文是 archived file

  6. 问:存档格式拼音怎么拼?存档格式的读音是什么?存档格式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档格式的读音是cún dàng gé shì,存档格式翻译成英文是 archive format

  7. 问:存档服务器拼音怎么拼?存档服务器的读音是什么?存档服务器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:存档服务器的读音是cún dàng fú wù qì,存档服务器翻译成英文是 archive server