







汉语拼音:mào yán






  1. 亦作“ 帽檐 ”。帽子前面或四周突出部分。

    唐 李商隐 《饮席代官妓赠两从事》诗:“新人桥上著春衫,旧主江边侧帽簷。” 宋 潘希白 《大有·九日》词:“秋已无多,早是败荷衰柳。强整帽檐欹侧,曾经向天涯搔首。” 金 元好问 《杏花》诗:“帽簷分去家家喜,酒面飞来片片春。”

  2. 见“ 帽簷 ”。



  1. Jude hastened on, and soon had the pleasure of observing a man in a black coat and a black slouched felt hat no considerable distance ahead.


  2. I wish I could have met the lady in the plaid skirt, who looks to have tucked a flower or two behind the bow of her straw hat.


  3. A hat with a wide brim can help shade your eyes and protect your face from the sun.


  4. He was entering the elevator to his apartment building, when he saw a guy with a hat was standing in there, hiding his face.


  5. He tilted the white American gob's hat, which he wore with the rim turned down all around, over his eyes.


  6. At the Yule Ball of 1994, she wore dress robes of red tartan and arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat.


  7. "Eddie Bondo, " is what he'd said, touching his hat brim, though it took her a moment to work this out.


  8. hat shape, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material, neither blocked to shape nor made with brims, unlined, untrimmed.


  9. hat shape, obtained by sewing strips of any material into spirals, neither blocked to shape nor with made brims, unlined, untrimmed.


  1. 软软的帽檐

    A floppy hat brim.

  2. 帽檐式洞门

    gate liking the brim of a hat.

  3. 这个帽檐非常尖。

    The visor was acutely peaked.

  4. 这个帽檐非常尖。

    The visor was acutely peaked.

  5. 织有帽檐的帽子

    crocheted visor cap

  6. 他将帽檐向下拉了拉。

    He pulled his hat down slightly.

  7. 那网球裁判戴着遮光帽檐。

    The tennis umpire wore an eye shade.

  8. 帽檐可调风暴罩保持元素。

    Adjustable storm hood with brim keeps the elements out.

  9. 宽阔的帽檐遮住了他的脸。

    The wide hat's brim hid his face.

  10. 插一支天竺葵在帽檐, 快乐吧!

    Stick a geranium in your hat and be happy!

  11. 一个倒退的样子的帽檐下的对比。

    Contrast under the brim for a throwback look.

  12. 他把帽檐儿往下一抹。

    He pulled the brim of his hat down.

  13. 他把帽檐儿往下一抹。

    He pulled the brim of his hat down.

  14. 他的大帽檐的影子映在他的脸上。

    The wide brim of his hat shadowed his face.

  15. 雨水从他的棒球帽帽檐上滴落。

    Rain dripped from the brim of his baseball cap.

  16. 常礼帽圆顶, 窄的弯曲帽檐的硬毡帽

    A stiff felt hat with a round crown and a narrow, curved brim.

  17. 毡帽兜,仅用帽模制成帽形或帽檐

    Felt hood simply blocked to shape or with made brims

  18. 厚软帽有帽檐和帽耳,可以抵御寒冷。

    Thick soft cap with a peak and ear flaps, which give protection against the cold.

  19. 帽檐较小或没有帽檐的款式会凸出你的这些特征。

    The hat brim is smaller or has not the style of hat brim will bulge your characteristic.

  20. 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

    Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim.

  21. 他斜戴着一顶白色美国水手帽,帽檐向下翻着,遮着眼睛。

    He tilted the white American gob's hat, which he wore with the rim turned down all around, over his eyes.

  22. 扁农夫帽得帽檐下得双眼就像生活在煤堆里得人一样。

    Eyes like live coals peer out from under the brim of a battered farmer's hat.

  23. 扁农夫帽的帽檐下的双眼就像生活在煤堆里的人一样。

    Eyes like live coals peer out from under the brim of a battered farmer's hat.


  1. 问:帽檐拼音怎么拼?帽檐的读音是什么?帽檐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:帽檐的读音是màoyán,帽檐翻译成英文是 brim of a hat


