







汉语拼音:zǎo wǎn










  1. 早晨和晚上。

    唐 杜甫 《江雨有怀郑典设》诗:“春雨闇闇塞峡中,早晚来自 楚王 宫。” 郭知达 集注:“谓旦为朝云,暮为行雨也。”

  2. 先与后;迟早。


  3. 过早或过迟;应早或应迟。

    《韩非子·难二》:“举事慎阴阳之和,种树节四时之适,无早晚之失,寒温之灾。”《南史·程灵洗传》:“﹝ 程灵洗 ﹞性好播植,躬勤耕稼,至於水陆所宜,刈穫早晚,虽老农不能及也。”

  4. 或早或迟。

    《老残游记》第十七回:“今儿不让我在这儿,早晚要逼我回去,明天就远走高飞了。” 老舍 《四世同堂》四四:“你看着 小崔 ,凡是给 日本 人作事、狐假虎威的人,早晚都得遭报!”

  5. 时时;天天。

    唐 韩翃 《送山阴姚丞携妓之任》诗:“他日如寻 始寧墅 ,题诗早晚寄西人。” 宋 舒亶 《鹊桥仙·吕使君饯会》词:“两堤芳草一江云,早晚是西楼望处。” 元 无名氏 《隔江斗智》第二折:“母亲!您孩儿有些不成器,早晚要你照顾咱。” 成荫 《打得好》:“ 玉锁娘 ,可把 老王 交给你啦,早晚可得操心些。”

  6. 何日;几时。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·风操》:“尝有甲设讌席,请乙为宾;而旦於公庭见乙之子,问之曰:‘尊侯早晚顾宅?’” 唐 李商隐 《重有感》诗:“昼号夜哭兼幽显,早晚星关雪涕收。” 宋 苏轼 《次韵曾子开从驾》之二:“道傍儻有山中旧,问我收身早晚回。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第一折:“书封雁足此时修,情繫人心早晚休?” 清 顾炎武 《桃叶歌》:“旧日 秦淮 水清浅,此曲之兴自早晚?”

  7. 何得;何曾。

    唐 拾得 《诗》之三二:“箇箇入地狱,早晚出头时!” 宋 柳永 《剔银灯》词:“如斯佳致,早晚是读书天气?”

  8. 时候。

    元 高文秀 《黑旋风》第三折:“我随身带着这蒙汗药,我如今搅在这饭里,他吃了呵!明日这早晚,他还不醒哩!”《儒林外史》第十七回:“这早晚我若死了,我不能看见他在跟前送终。” 老舍 《四世同堂》一:“这早晚的年轻夫妻都是那个样儿!”

  9. 泛指近日的某个时候。

    元 无名氏 《气英布》第二折:“贤弟,你的封王只待早晚间灭了 项羽 ,便是囊中之物。”《水浒传》第八二回:“朝廷差 宿太尉 亲賫丹詔……前来招安,早晚到也!”



  1. "It was really just a question of time, " said Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Beijing University.


  2. Although I had known this would come sooner or later. If it were not today, it could be any other day tomorrow.


  3. However, this was a great encouragement to me, and I foresaw that in time, it wou'd please God to supply me with bread.


  4. If you go on trying to get out of paying taxes , you'll sooner or later get into trouble .


  5. Crying is all right in its own way . But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.


  6. It was also just a matter of time before someone started combining the data from these disparate systems to create something entirely new.


  7. After washing the face, apply a little amount of this cream. Rub evenly and massage slightly all over the face.


  8. N. Korea is going to have to emerge from the dark ages sooner or later.


  9. There have been no disasters among the consortia so far, but sooner or later something is likely to go wrong.


  1. 他早晚得去。

    He'll have to go there sooner or later.

  2. 他早晚要栽跟头。

    One of these days he will come a cropper.

  3. 早晚各服一丸

    take one pill in the morning and one in the evening

  4. 该发生的,早晚会发生

    It only delays the inevitable.

  5. 反正人早晚都要死

    when people are just gonna die anyway?

  6. 早晚您会需要保险。

    Sooner or later you need insurance.

  7. 我早晚想法报复他!

    Ill find a way of getting back at him!

  8. 器官共享网络早晚能

    U. N. O. S. Will find him his organs.

  9. 你儿子早晚得变坏

    Your son is the devil's spawn.

  10. 早晚两期侵入岩体

    early and later intrusive rocks

  11. 还要早晚使用眼霜

    Apply some eye revitalizing essence

  12. 开快车早晚会触犯法规。

    Speedsters can expect to fall afoul of the law sometimes.

  13. 我们早晚都会有一死。

    We are all bound by the inevitability of death.

  14. 你早晚都会对我开口。

    You're gonna have to talk to me sooner or later.

  15. 肚子疼不分季节,不分早晚。

    Collywobbles divide season, divide time.

  16. 你早晚得把我毁了!

    You will be the ruination of me!

  17. 他们分手是早晚的事。

    It's just a matter of time before they break up for good.

  18. 他们分手是早晚的事。

    It's just a matter of time before they break up for good.

  19. 你早晚得把我假了!

    Youll be the ruination of me!

  20. 每日2次,早晚服用,每次服用5克。

    Grind in all for pink, add candy to mix close.

  21. 甘心做绵羊,早晚喂豺狼。

    The sheep who talks peace with a wolf soon be mutton.

  22. 早晚她会吃鱼吃腻的。

    Sooner or later she may tire of eating fish.

  23. 早晚我们要收拾这个坏蛋。

    We'll settle scores with the scoundrel one of these days.

  24. 对, 不过他们早晚得饿死。

    Yes, and they're starving.

  25. 我早晚要完成那项任务。

    I will finish the work sooner or later.

  26. 这一切早晚他都得面对。

    Sooner or later he knew it would come to this.

  27. 所以是早晚都可以使用的。

    Apply AM and PM before your moisturizer.

  28. 有人说,那是早晚的事。

    It is about time, some would say.

  29. 他相信死刑早晚会被废除。

    He believes that death penalty will be repealed sooner or later.

  30. 唉,早晚你得和她分开。

    Well, sooner or later, you'll have to part with her.


  1. 问:早晚拼音怎么拼?早晚的读音是什么?早晚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早晚的读音是zǎowǎn,早晚翻译成英文是 morning and evening; sooner or later

  2. 问:早晚期基因拼音怎么拼?早晚期基因的读音是什么?早晚期基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早晚期基因的读音是zǎo wǎn qī jī yīn,早晚期基因翻译成英文是 early vs late gene

  3. 问:早晚期转录基因拼音怎么拼?早晚期转录基因的读音是什么?早晚期转录基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:早晚期转录基因的读音是zǎo wǎn qī zhuǎn lù jī yīn,早晚期转录基因翻译成英文是 early and late transcription gene


