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《史记·留侯世家》:“ 秦皇帝 东游, 良 与客狙击 秦皇帝 博浪沙 中,误中副车。”《新唐书·李观传》:“是年, 观 入朝,前一日就道,虏至期出精骑狙击,不及,去。”《清史稿·太祖纪》:“﹝ 龙敦 ﹞遣人中夜狙击,侍卫 帕海 死焉。” 邹韬奋 《敬悼不受伪命的刘湛恩先生》:“﹝ 刘湛恩 ﹞突被暴徒三人开枪狙击。”
Karen was assigned an elaborately scoped sniper rifle, her marksmanship scores being the best of any of them.
分给凯伦的是一支瞄准精确的狙击步枪,这支队伍里数她的枪法最准。If conventional marketing could be compared to a shotgun approach, one company official said, Rolls-Royce's was more like a sniper rifle.
一位公司管理人员指出,如果把常规的营销方式比喻为杀伤面较大的机关枪,那么,劳斯莱斯的营销更像是狙击步枪。he's upset that they killed the sniper without getting any information out of him.
他很不爽林肯一伙杀了狙击手而没有问到有用的信息。With complete disregard for his own life, Corpsman Grant ran over to me, even though the sniper was still trying to pick off other targets.
尽管狙击手仍在试图瞄准其他目标,但格兰特完全不理会自己的生命,飞快地朝我跑过来。The latest deaths include a six-year-old girl, hit by a sniper on Wednesday on the roof of her parents' apartment, he said.
他还说,最近死于冲突的人里面还有一名6岁的小女孩,星期三的时候她被她父母所住公寓楼顶上的一名狙击手击中。He added that there was a renewed focus on stemming the flow of fighters across the border from Pakistan.
他补充说,英军将重新集中兵力狙击在巴基斯坦边境附近流窜的恐怖分子。He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a police sharpshooter.
他说,劫持人质者在打伤一名警方神枪手后被一名狙击兵射中脑门而击毙。For hours they were lying still and observing, always searching for a sign that could reveal the enemy's position.
于是这些狙击手们埋伏了几个小时,搜索一切可以找出敌军阵地的迹象。From the roof tops, a sniper calls in to his commander, "Number eight, affirmative. I've got him in sight. "