


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……





汉语拼音:lí duì







离队 [lí duì]
  1. 脱离队伍。




  1. Artest's excuse from the team is indefinite so the Kings do not know when to expect him back.


  2. The kind of play I produce will decide whether I remain at United or follow in the footsteps of other players who have left the team.


  3. "I wasn't the one to leave. It was Juve who kicked me out, " he declared in a Press conference.


  4. Liverpool wing wizard target Shaun Wright-Phillips has been given permission to leave Manchester City.


  5. So far there has been no talk of a new deal, and a summer exit looks on the cards.


  6. "He'd just gone off into the bush, " said the colonel. "We call it going walkabout. "


  7. However, it is understood that Wenger would not allow Bendtner to move in January unless he is presented with an offer he could not refuse.


  8. Capdevila is very close to Spanish team mate Pepe Reina and Liverpool could yet be a destination if he becomes available on a free transfer.


  9. Ryan Giggs insists Manchester United should have no regrets over the departure of Carlos Tevez.


  1. 她因受伤而离队。

    She's been dropped from the team because of injury.

  2. 有个足球运动员离队了。

    One of the footballers left the team.

  3. 听着, 我要让你们离队。

    Listen up, I'm gonna fall you out.

  4. 那个士兵未请假离队三个星期。

    The soldier absented himself without leave for three weeks.

  5. 当时我那样离队真的很不对。

    It was wrong the way I quit on the team back then.

  6. 对, 但即使结婚她也不会离队。

    Yeah, but even if she got married, she'd never leave us.

  7. 请离队的各位外国玩家相信我们。

    Please the leave foreign players believe us.

  8. 与此同时, 以色列后卫也可以离队了。

    At the same time, Israeli defender Tal Ben Haim could leave.

  9. 哪怕是合同到期后, 他们也不能自由离队。

    They were not free to leave their club even after their contracts expired.

  10. 如需临时离队, 请和工作人员或志愿者联系。

    If you need to leave the queue temporarily, please contact the nearest staff or volunteer.

  11. 她突然离队立刻招来俱乐部主席的愤怒指责。

    Her sudden withdrawal from the team drew an immediate and angry rebuke from the club's chairman.

  12. 我知道, 我在意大利做的不够好, 但我不会离队的。

    I know that I should have done better since coming to Italy, but I am not leaving.

  13. 利沃诺的前锋迪亚曼尼可能会在一月份离队。

    Livorno forward Alessandro Diamanti could be on the move in January.

  14. 如今他们离队史上第一枚奥运金牌已经不远了。

    Now they are after a first Olympic medal.

  15. 吉格斯说曼联对于特维斯离队没有什么遗憾的。

    Ryan Giggs insists Manchester United should have no regrets over the departure of Carlos Tevez.

  16. 他的离队使整个队伍乱套了,你知道他是队里的主力

    He quit the team. It really blew everything apart. You know he is the lead player

  17. 到本报告所述期间结束时,经核实共有130名儿童离队。

    As of the end of the reporting period,130 children were verified to have been released.

  18. 唯一不开心的时刻,是赛事组织方的三位成员离队回家。

    The only bad moment came when three of the organisation crew left to go back home.

  19. 我真应该在舒梅切尔离队之后就马上签他, 我确实犯了错误。

    I should have signed van der Sar after Schmeichel. I made a mistake.


  1. 问:离队拼音怎么拼?离队的读音是什么?离队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离队的读音是líduì,离队翻译成英文是 to leave one's army unit; to leave one's milit...

  2. 问:离队津贴拼音怎么拼?离队津贴的读音是什么?离队津贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离队津贴的读音是lí duì jīn tiē,离队津贴翻译成英文是 Severance Allowance

  3. 问:离队人员分队拼音怎么拼?离队人员分队的读音是什么?离队人员分队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离队人员分队的读音是lí duì rén yuán fēn duì,离队人员分队翻译成英文是 Casual Detachment

  4. 问:离队等待命令拼音怎么拼?离队等待命令的读音是什么?离队等待命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:离队等待命令的读音是lí duì děng dài mìng lìng,离队等待命令翻译成英文是 Leave Awaiting Orders



离队 líduì (一) [drop out of the ranks;leave one's post] 离开部队或队伍;离岗 欢送老兵离队 (二) 少先队员年满14岁后离开少先队,也称之为离队。 中国少年先锋队第五次全国代表大会2005年6月3日通过的《中国少年先锋队章程》规定:“超过14周岁的队员应该离队。”