







汉语拼音:xià děng








  1. 据《周礼》,天子有事会诸侯,则在郊外筑坛以发布政事。坛之阶有三层,分为上中下三等。由地而上,其第一层为下等,乃位次之低者。


  2. 等级低的;地位卑下的。

    《儒林外史》第十五回:“你如今回去,奉事父母,总以文章举业为主……不要説算命、拆字是下等,就是教馆、作幕,都不是个了局。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一回:“那上等的,自有那一班王孙公子去问津;那下等的,也有那些逐臭之夫垂着涎要尝鼎一臠。” 老舍 《二马》第三段二:“﹝ 马老先生 ﹞英文长进了不少,可是把文法忘了好些,因为许多下等 英国 人说话是不管文法的。”

  3. 指低级庸俗,不高雅。

    燕谷老人 《续孽海花》第四三回:“北班的下等习气,实在是要不得。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·由中国女人的脚推定中国人之非中庸又由此推定孔夫子有胃病》:“为什么要考究这样下等事呢,现在不说他也罢。”

  4. 降等。




  1. She feels they all regard her as inferior: the one not good enough, or loved enough, to be his wife.


  2. The local swimming pool was an agreeable place, with a high entrance fee imposed to keep out the lower orders.


  3. You have to put up with it, I suppose, because you set a good example to the lower classes.


  4. Hillary said that on his expedition there was no way you would leave a man under a rock to die.


  5. The boy went on his way and Durbeyfield lay waiting in the evening sun.


  6. ARIS TOTLE Although an inferior race. . . the Persians control at least four-fifths of the known world.


  7. Before the war between the states, the position of the blacks was slaves, they were the inferior people.


  8. It's not easy to hold a concert, how many people sit under the stage wait to see you make wrong!


  9. The Shin family of the State of Lu was the inferior aristocrat's representative in the Spring and Autumn Period.


  1. 下等阶层们

    The lower orders.

  2. 等下等下,什么

    Hold up. Hold on. What?

  3. 问下等痛悔有什麽效验?

    What is the effect of imperfect contrition.

  4. 那个下等人,看看他的衣服!

    That lowlife! Look at the way he dresses!

  5. 你们的下等动物是我们的祖先。

    You vermin are our ancestors.

  6. 法律不适用于下等人,野蛮人。

    The law does not apply to sub human, primitive beings.

  7. 他不与这里的下等人交往。

    He doesn't mix with the rabble here.

  8. 对这种下等人必须严加约束。

    The rabble must be kept in a short leash.

  9. 你或许应该明白你是下下等的。

    You'd think you'd understand that you're the lowest of the low.

  10. 主啊,怜悯我们这些下等人吧。

    Lord, take pity on us in our degradation.

  11. 把粪用绳子丢掉得下等得民族!

    The low race which removes feces with a rope!

  12. 狗躺下等着给它按摩肚皮。

    The dog lay down on its back for a belly rub.

  13. 狗躺下等着给它按摩肚皮。

    The dog lay down on its back for a belly rub.

  14. 这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。

    These people occupy an inferior position in local society.

  15. 处于上等阶级和下等阶级之间的社会阶级

    the social class between the lower and upper classes

  16. 那么,那就是做为下等人的诅咒。

    Well, that's the curse of being inferior.

  17. 我昨天看见他在下等餐厅吃午餐。

    I saw him eat lunch at the greasy spoon yesterday.

  18. 如月经病选内分泌神经衰弱选皮质下等。

    For instance, Pt. Endocrine is selected for irregular menstruation Pt. Brain for neuroasthenia.

  19. 问为妥当修和,下等痛悔也够了麽?

    Is imperfect contrition sufficient for a good Confession.

  20. 我们最好躲在树篱下等雨停吧。

    We had better get under the lee of this hedge until the rain ceases.

  21. 在纳粹德国时期,犹太人被当做下等人。

    In Nazi Deutschland, Jews were terminated like rats.

  22. 你以前在这下等酒吧里吃过东西吗?

    Have you ever eaten at this little dive before?

  23. 有一长排的计程车在有柱的拱廊下等。

    There was a long line of taxis waiting under the pillared arcade.

  24. 有一长排得计程车在有柱得拱廊下等。

    There was a long line of taxis waiting under the pillared arcade.

  25. 附属地,下等地在或进入附属或较差的状况或位置

    In or into a subordinate or inferior condition or position.

  26. 这种信仰是下等人幼稚的自私意识中产生的。

    The belief in it issues from the puerile egos of inferior men.

  27. 下等阶层人类生活中一种堕落的, 邋遢的阶层或状态

    A degraded and squalid class or state of human existence.

  28. 提出强干扰条件下等距线阵得波束形成方法。

    Beamforming in strong jamming based on isometric line array is proposed.

  29. 提出强干扰条件下等距线阵的波束形成方法。

    Beamforming in strong jamming based on isometric line array is proposed.

  30. 下等种姓较少传统特权,有时有更多的义务。

    Those in the lower caste had fewer traditional privileges and sometimes more obligations.


  1. 问:下等拼音怎么拼?下等的读音是什么?下等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下等的读音是xiàděng,下等翻译成英文是 of low grade; inferior

  2. 问:下等的拼音怎么拼?下等的的读音是什么?下等的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下等的的读音是xià děng de,下等的翻译成英文是 Inferior

  3. 问:下等社会之人拼音怎么拼?下等社会之人的读音是什么?下等社会之人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下等社会之人的读音是,下等社会之人翻译成英文是 canaille

  4. 问:下等阶层土地保有拼音怎么拼?下等阶层土地保有的读音是什么?下等阶层土地保有翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下等阶层土地保有的读音是xià děng jiē céng tǔ dì bǎo yǒu,下等阶层土地保有翻译成英文是 base tenure


