







汉语拼音:dā dā







  1. 象声词。

    管桦 《第一课》:“东边的机关枪,还在哒哒地响。” 白原 《青春的经历》:“过了一会,在一个公路的斜坡上,走下来三个建筑水库的工人,长统的雨靴踏着地上淌着的雨水,哒哒地响。”



  1. The horse's hoof rattling away is only a beautiful mistake that I have rattled away, even, I am the transient guest, I have never been here.


  2. The dark clothing attracts the heat and will leave you hot and steamy.


  3. The highlighted muzzle flash and the distinct sound from his SAW instantly marked Staff Sgt. Miller as an easily identifiable target.


  4. Mother clucked her tongue and held the back of her hand to Hattie's forehead.


  5. Ducky Daddle, the sky is falling. We're going to tell the king.


  6. Unlike the star of a rowdy cable news roundtable, defer and listen to your guest.


  7. While she is doing her homework, her feet on the bench in front of her and her calculator clicking out answers to her geometry problems.


  8. The vanity looks at the knowledge, said: "Your whole body wet clip clop clip clop, my ship is such attractive, I feared you smear my ship. "


  9. A clip- clop of a horse a horse from far and near, horseback sat a handsome youth.


  1. 再也听不见马蹄哒哒,再也听不见车轮辚辚!

    No more tramping hoofs, no more ratting wheels!

  2. 嘀哒, 嘀哒。

    Hickory, dickory, dock.

  3. 想人会得相思病哒?

    Does meeting considering a person get lovesickness Da ?

  4. 锁咔哒一声锁上了。

    The lock took with a click.

  5. 门咔哒一声关上了。

    The door clicked shut.

  6. 它在咔哒作响。

    It clicks.

  7. 门闩咔哒一声扣上了。

    The bolt snapped into its place.

  8. 前门咔哒一声关上了。

    The front door closed with a click.

  9. 别把刀叉碰得咔哒响。

    Don't clatter your knives and forks.

  10. 接吻声,仿狼嚎,吧哒嘴唇。

    Kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.

  11. 万向节咯哒声

    cardan click.

  12. 他啪哒一声关上箱盖。

    He snapped down the lid of the box.

  13. 他啪哒一声关上箱子盖。

    He snapped down the lid of the box.

  14. 马来酸咪达唑,马来酸咪哒唑仑,速眠安

    Midazolam Maleate

  15. 肥皂啪哒一声落入浴缸里。

    The soap fell plop into the bath.

  16. 爱情哒灼热赛过千万团地火。

    Love warms more than a thousand fires.

  17. 在草坪上时有出现这样的哒,

    Heads turned in surprise as the cane fell with a clatter to the marble floor.

  18. 医生嗨, 失误, 我可是道歉了哒嘎!

    Therapist Hey, that was a typo and I apologized for it!

  19. 生命的时钟在嘀哒作响。

    That clock is ticking for you.

  20. 生命得时钟在嘀哒作响。

    That clock is ticking for you.

  21. 中士将鞋跟咔哒一并, 走了出去。

    The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out.

  22. 我能听见走廊上啪哒啪哒的脚步声。

    I could hear the pitapat of feet in the corridor.

  23. 你答应给人家吃世界闻名的坚果哒

    I was promised your worldfamous nuts.

  24. 岂非你怕一群深爱着你哒薄情儿?

    Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply?

  25. 做出接吻声音,仿狼嚎,和吧哒嘴唇。

    Making kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.

  26. 那士兵两脚咔哒一碰行了一个礼。

    The soldier clicked his heels and saluted.

  27. 偶保证偶给伱哒真实, 完整, 以偶所知哒信息。

    I certify that the information I have given you is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

  28. 雨点啪哒地打在水洼里。

    The rain plopped into the puddles.

  29. 他不自觉地使鞋后跟发出咔哒咔哒的响声。

    He clicked his heels unconsciously.

  30. 王正坐席的时候,我的哪哒香膏发出香味。

    While the king is seated at his table, my spices send out their perfume.



注音 dā dā ㄉㄚ ㄉㄚ 哒哒(哒哒) 象声词。 管桦 《第一课》:“东边的机关枪,还在哒哒地响。” 白原 《青春的经历》:“过了一会,在一个公路的斜坡上,走下来三个建筑水库的工人,长统的雨靴踏着地上淌着的雨水,哒哒地响。”