


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……





汉语拼音:běn xī






本息 [běn xī]
  1. 本金和利息。  【造句】这笔定存结算后,本息合起来是十万八千五百元。



  1. When it comes to seeking outsized returns, "stripping" has been a lucrative venture so far this year.


  2. Take a deep breath; here's how it would work. As Greek bonds mature over the next three years, the country would repay holders.


  3. A term of a mortgage which allows the creditor to demand payment in full of principal and interest due upon the sale of the property.


  4. The borrowers may use cash or deposits with the Bank of China for debt service.


  5. if the load and interest cannot be paid , risk of financial will be formed or even bankruptcy will happen.


  6. A top rating means there is thought to be almost no risk of the borrower failing to pay interest and principal.


  7. This paper intends to conduct an analysis of the principal and interest repayment reliability and risk of common enterprise bonds.


  8. after paying off the principal and interest that month , can repay ahead of schedule part or full loan.


  9. It's human nature to want to believe that in the wake of a major disaster, we can all do our bit to help just by giving generously.


  1. 等本息还款

    the repayment of the same capital and interest.

  2. 等额本息还贷法

    Constant payment mortgage

  3. 等额本息法

    equality corpus and interest.

  4. 等额本息还款法

    average capital plus interest method

  5. 我每个月要付得本息是多少?

    What are my monthly principal and interest payments ?

  6. 我每个月要付的本息是多少?

    What are my monthly principal and interest payments ?

  7. 备付外债本息的财政信托帐户

    Fiscal trust accounts for payments of principaland interest of external bonded debts

  8. 它不仅涉及到借款和付还本息。

    It does not involve just borrowing money and repaying the principal with interest.

  9. 股权融资涉及到借款和付还本息。

    Equity financing involves just borrowing money and repaying the principal with interest.

  10. 等额本息还款法和等额本金还款法比较分析。

    Average capital plus interest method VS. Average capital method.

  11. 存款金额由储户自定,分期支取本息。

    The deposit amount is set by the depositor and the accrued interests are paid by installment.

  12. 经贷款人同意,借款人可提前归还贷款本息。

    With the consent of the lender, the borrowers may repay the principal and interest of the loans ahead of schedule.

  13. 即是您每月还款的本息都是相等的。

    It is you every months namely the principal and interest of reimbursement is equal.

  14. 若出现上述情况,投资本息可能遭受损失。

    In the event of the above circumstances, the investment principals and interests are likely to sustain losses.

  15. 透析个人住房抵押贷款等额本息还款法

    A Penetrating Analysis of Amortization Housing Mortgage Loan with Equivalent Amount of Principal and Interest

  16. 复利利息按一年本息转入下年利息的方式运作。

    Compounding works by paying interest on interest.

  17. 王弼崇本息末思想的哲学意蕴及文化价值

    The Philosophic Connotations and Cultural Values of Wang Bi's Concept of Exalting Essentials and Disparaging Superficials

  18. 当前房贷还款方式主要有等额本金和等额本息两种。

    The current mortgage repayment methods are equal principal and principal and interest equal two.

  19. 允许债权人在物业出售后要求本息全部付清的条款。

    A term of a mortgage which allows the creditor to demand payment in full of principal and interest due upon the sale of the property.

  20. 在还清当月的本息后,可提前偿还部分或全部贷款。

    After paying off the principal and interest that month, can repay ahead of schedule part or full loan.


  1. 问:本息拼音怎么拼?本息的读音是什么?本息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本息的读音是běnxī,本息翻译成英文是 principal and interest