


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……



1. 便 [biàn]2. 便 [pián]便 [biàn]顺利,没有困难或阻碍:~当。~利。~道。~民。简单的,礼节上非正式的:~宴。~衣。~函(形式比较简便的信件)。简~。~宜。随~(适当地,看事实需要而自行处理事情)。便利的时候:~中……



汉语拼音:tōng biàn







  1. 交通便利;交往方便。

    《南史·蔡廓传》:“ 顗 在 襄 沔 ,地胜兵强,去 江 陵 咫尺,水陆通便。” 宋 岳飞 《申省条画行事件札子》:“伏望详酌,将上件两县依旧隶属本州,所贵军民通便。”《元典章·吏部五·捕盗官给由例》:“选官究治,庶使道路通便。”

  2. 使大便通畅。

    钱锺书 《围城》三:“ 慎明 从外套和裤子袋里掏出一大堆瓶儿盒儿……通便、发汗、止痛的药片、药丸、药膏全有。”



  1. Laxative products should not be used for a period longer than one week unless directed by a doctor.

  2. I haven't had bowel movement for a week.

  3. ConclusionThe results indicate that Luohanshen has a positive effect on purgation in constipated mice but has no effect in normal mice.

  4. It is hollow next eat 12 dry jujubes . This kind eats a law to be able to prevent trichomadesis, red jujube still can raise Yan Tong.

  5. Assuming that defecation flow, and drink coffee. A cup or two cups of coffee for catharsis.

  6. when every morning to drink a glass of water to promote peristalsis. If the stool dry conditions, can be appropriate to take laxative drugs.

  7. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on thesame night.

  8. lemon contains more citric acid, can promote the secretion of gastric juice, and promote intestinal crawling, which will help constipation.

  9. Conclusion Both crude and processed semen cassia have the effects of protecting liver, lubricating bowel and promoting defecation.


  1. 通便器械包

    defecation set

  2. 通便灵胶囊

    Tongbianling Capsule

  3. 复方通便膏

    compound purgative cream.

  4. 通便袋泡茶

    laxative tea bags

  5. 润肠通便汤

    Runchang Tongbian Tang

  6. 蓖麻油能通便。

    Castor oil moves the bowels.

  7. 我不按时通便。

    I have a irregular bowel movement.

  8. 通便排泄。用于肠道

    To evacuate.Used of the bowels.

  9. 残渣通便效果稳定。

    The purgative effect of residues was steady.

  10. 通便方的通便机理研究

    A Study on the Cathartic Mechanism of Tongbian Fang

  11. 梅干有通便作用。

    Prunes can have a purgative effect.

  12. 清热泻火, 利尿通便。

    To remove heat, quench fire, relieve dysuria and to relax bowels.

  13. 清热泻火,利尿通便。

    To remove heat, quench fire, relieve dysuria and to relax bowels.

  14. 润肠通便的食物有哪些?

    What does the food with embellish aperient bowel have ?

  15. 若此时妄旅峨下通便。

    If this time absurd travel e under bowel movement.

  16. 能止血祛瘀,润肠通便。

    Be able to stop bleeding Quyu, Runchang catharsis.

  17. 卧室中撒尿和通便的容器。

    A receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom.

  18. 以监控他们的通便程度。

    To monitor their defecation level.

  19. 为清热通便, 应多吃蔬菜。

    In order to clear away heat and keep your Bowels open, you should have more vegetaBles.

  20. 温肾益精, 润肠通便。

    To warm the kidney and nourish essence of life, to relax bowels.

  21. 温肾益精,润肠通便。

    To warm the kidney and nourish essence of life, to relax bowels.

  22. 这些药可以起到通便的作用。

    The medicine can be used as a laxative.

  23. 这些药可以起到通便的作用。

    The medicine can be used as a laxative.

  24. 从芦荟的叶子中提取的通便药。

    a purgative made from the leaves of aloe.

  25. 润肠通便得食物有哪些?

    What does the food with embellish aperient bowel have ?

  26. 同时,它还有温和通便的作用。

    At the same time, it also moderate the role of catharsis.

  27. 大蒜素抗溃疡及通便作用研究

    Effects of alltride on gastric ulcer and promoting bowl movement

  28. 通便袋泡茶的致突变性

    Mutagenicity of Laxative Tea Bags

  29. 改善肠胃道功能, 润肠通便。

    Can improve functions of the gastric and intestinal tracts and relieve constipation.

  30. 我已一个礼拜无法通便了。

    I haven't had bowel movement for a week.


  1. 问:通便拼音怎么拼?通便的读音是什么?通便翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通便的读音是tōngbiàn,通便翻译成英文是 To help relieve nature smoothly.

  2. 问:通便的拼音怎么拼?通便的的读音是什么?通便的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通便的的读音是,通便的翻译成英文是 purgative

  3. 问:通便药拼音怎么拼?通便药的读音是什么?通便药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:通便药的读音是,通便药翻译成英文是 cathartic